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Author Topic: Amiga.com.pl announcement  (Read 8674 times)


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Re: Amiga.com.pl announcement
« on: March 18, 2002, 09:09:04 AM »
I can see this from two perspectives.  First, I commend the Polish site for their sheer willpower.  From all I've read, .NET is about as evil a plan as Micro$oft has ever hatched, and people of good conscience should work to isolate, choke, and kill it by any means necessary.  If the Vorlons ever come to Earth to destroy Micro$oft plus anything and anybody influenced by them, Amiga, Inc. may be no more, but the site staff will likely survive.  I used to think that I hated M$ more than just about anybody I know, but now I see people who are even more hard-core. :-)  If nothing else, this announcement is a way of keeping the .NET beast in the spotlight.

On the other hand, we don't really know Amiga, Inc. have anything more than a "take-the-money-and-run" attitude.  Amiga, Inc. are a business, and from what I've gathered, a business that sorely needs more investment.  I also would have preferred Amiga telling them to "go to hell"...I've been wanting to tell some M$ employees that myself for years!  Wouldn't it be nearly as satisfying, though, if M$'s investment is used for software development that ultimately bites them back...ie. PocketPC losing market share on cell phones, PDA's, etc. to AmigaDE...or (heaven forbid) AmigaOS taking a chunk out of Windows desktop sales?  The point of AmigaDE is that is does run anywhere, and to me this agreement only indicates that it will run on .NET a little earlier than the others.  Until we see some proof of exclusionary licensing, proprietary DE apps, Windows code in OS4.x, etc., I'm willing to give Amiga the benefit of the doubt.  If this press release is as bad as the Polish site thinks, I will eventually side with them, but I don't think it's prudent jumping to conclusions.
