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Author Topic: Is there any real use for 128MB on classic Amiga?  (Read 10279 times)


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Re: Is there any real use for 128MB on classic Amiga?
« Reply #29 from previous page: November 29, 2012, 02:18:13 PM »
Quote from: Britelite;716836

The 060 option doesn't speed up anything, as it really doesn't emulate a 060.

But "The 040 option doesn't speed up anything, as it really doesn't emulate a 040.", right?


I've mounted a directory in Windows as a harddrive (instead of using a hardfile), so that might actually speed up loading times.

AHA!  u cheated! :)

I appreciate ur test results and everything but as the NTFS dirs option has multiple bugs that corrupt the game, it does not count.

Unless Toni fixed the bugs in the intervening years (4?).  It has been quite some years since I documented the bugs so it is possible.  Yes it acted like more than one bug iirc.

All I can say is that until I can certify that all NTFS dir bugs have been fixed, timing tests have to be done from some kind of hardfile.  FFS, SFS, PFS3, or some other more exotic one.  Hardfiles are supposed to be pretty fast.  I would be very interested to see your times from a hardfile, to see how much difference it makes, if any.

I am wondering how PFS3 compares to SFS compares to FFS 4k compares to FFS 16k.

I wanted to release Total Chaos on an FFS 4K hardfile way back before PFS3 was released for free.  But I was in horrible pain and could do absolutely nothing but watch the world go by all these years.

I have now recovered just a little bit to the point that I can write a few forum msgs here and there, but I hafta be real careful not to over do it.

Anyway I figured a FFS 4K or 16K with a bunch of Addbuffers would really whoopass. :cool:  But now PFS3 is out and that throws a monkey wrench into my plans for world domination :kitty:


I can share my WinUAE configuration-file, if you want to try it yourself.

Maybe later after I have my new 3.1Ghz quad-core WinUAE machine set up.  I bought it for the purpose of performing as close to a 50Mhz real Amiga (or better) as possible.  I would love for it to solidly go at 100Mhz speed but I have never seen it do that.   I have a few ideas for making WinUAE go faster.  We shall see.
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Offline ChaosLord

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Re: Is there any real use for 128MB on classic Amiga?
« Reply #30 on: November 29, 2012, 02:47:00 PM »
Quote from: Britelite;716747

Took 3:10min

My machine is an old Pentium4, ~3GHz and single core. Old regular (not SSD) 160GB SATA harddrive which hasn't been defragmented in ages. 5 year old WinXP installation and WinUAE 2.4.1

Based on the time to unpack all the audio files your 3000Mhz pc runs at the speed of a 100Mhz 060.  Or you could say it runs at about the speed of a 50Mhz 060 which has been connected to 50Mhz SRAM.

This is either good or bad depending on how you look at it.

I was really hoping for more speed than that.

I need 400Mhz 060 power to do the things I want in a game.

I really want to add in .mp3 playback for the WinUAE edition.  But if all ppl can get is 100Mhz 060 speed.... playing a .mp3 will place a huge strain on the game.  (remember the game has a zillion other things it has to do besides the music).

I also want to add .xm and .s3m  16-32 channel mod support.  But once again these can really drink CPU power.

We have actually supported 64 channel med mods for many many years but never really used them as too many ppl are playing the game on sloooooooooow 030s which just can't deal with 64 channel mods and an entire game with heavy animation at the same time.

P.s. what is your frameskip set to?
Wanna try a wonderfull strategy game with lots of handdrawn anims,
Magic Spells and Monsters, Incredible playability and lastability,
English speech, etc. Total Chaos AGA