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Author Topic: Dissapointed with Hyperion - Quake II  (Read 5338 times)


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Re: Dissapointed with Hyperion - Quake II
« on: July 20, 2003, 03:21:26 PM »
It has become very common here on Amiga org for posters to trash amiga related companies.

Some of these companies advertise on this site and I fear that they will withdraw their advertising because they might assume that it can't be the right target audience judging by the hostile posts and needless attacks.

Things that should be discussed privately with the companies involved such as technical support are being brought onto public forums with humiliating title threads.

It can't be a good thing for A.org as this is a community site that needs every contribution it can get to stay in a good position.

There should be fair and equal moderation and when things get out of hand like cursing and personal attacks start the moderators should be more active in removing posts.

I am saying this for the benefit of this site and I can honestly say I do not have any other wish than to see the amiga community act in a mature and civilised way.

If we step back and look at ourselves from a distance it is not a very pretty picture.

Thank you for understanding my concerns.



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Re: Dissapointed with Hyperion - Quake II
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2003, 09:29:38 AM »

redrumloa wrote:

.... There are no personal attacks, just someone's opinion. There is no outright trolling. If i was to delete this thread people would scream censorship. Please keep in mind we don't delete negative coments about bbrv or Genesi unless they contain personal attacks.

Its not just this thread that I am talking about the tone in general on amiga.org that has changed. I mean the swear word filter hardly ever got used before but I now see it adding asterisks left right and centre.

I know that the moderators generally do a great job and it is not an easy job and I know that you treat Genesi the same way i.e only personal attacks are removed from threads.

I have no reason to 'hate' any company. I have been dissapointed with some but not to the extent that I make it my mission in life to continuosly attack them.

My concern would equally apply to Genesi if people were needlessly attacking them on this forum to the extent that they decided to withdraw their advertising it would only harm this site no one else.

And anyway the original poster has made his position clear he did not mean this to be an attack its just that certain individuals had to "Jump In" because they saw this as a good chance to sling some mud at Hyperion.

I guess it can't be avoided.   :crazy: