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Author Topic: Open Office on Amiga  (Read 2993 times)


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Offline TheJackal

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Re: Open Office on Amiga
« on: December 12, 2003, 03:49:56 PM »
I've often thought of tinkering and producing such apps. The way I see it the following steps should be done to produce "office" type apps.

1) Build a common framework, so that tool bars, documents, copy paste, etc are all in that framework. (ala document view architecture)*.

2) Build each app from this, for a spread sheet, perhaps one guy works on making it display the data in the cells, another the math engine stuff, and another for the input/validation.

Like I said I might fiddle with such things as a hobby, since I am a C/C++ programmer (games industry), and would find programming "serious" apps a change.

However some requirements.

1) I get an AmigaOne, (I can afford this, so Yay!)
2) AOS 4.0
3) A good compiler
4) Some sort of IDE/tools to simplify the build process. (a bit of work fine, but I don't want to spend hours trying to set up a compiler/fiddling with make files/command line options)
5) Some way of defining gui items. MSDev has a WYSIWYG editor, but typing the things in by hand won't be to bad so long as its not eye bleedingly painful.
6) Librarys to actually do the main bread and butter GUI stuff. I dont fancy coding my own draw a dialog in a convoluted way.

Basically I want to spend time doing "fun stuff", not loosing my sanity trying to get a dialog box appear as it should.

*Would be best to use C++ to implement the Object Orientated Architecture.
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