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Author Topic: Way forward to use the internet for all Amiga flavours?  (Read 5204 times)


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Offline OldAmiganTopic starter

Way forward to use the internet for all Amiga flavours?
« on: December 02, 2019, 05:42:57 PM »
Ok, daft ideas time!

As we all know, there's very little we can do to fully view the internet with the browsers we have on any of the  flavours of our OS.

Would it be possible (and I'm by no means any sort of programmer so I don't know how feasible this is) to have separate modules which could take, separately, CSS content, JavaScript, etc, and feed them out to a requesting browser as plain html?

The browser would call for a web page which would be directed through a module which would inspect the page and decide what the content was

Each module could output to a catch area which could believed up by another called module so if there was, say, CSS plus JavaScript, the web page is obtained, containing both.

Next, the CSS module is asked for its output, which is sent to the catch area as html plus anything else not translated (the JavaScript)

This content is then requested by the JavaScript module, which then processes it's part and returns the output again to the catch area as plain html.

This output is then returned to the requesting browser

Offline OldAmiganTopic starter

Re: Way forward to use the internet for all Amiga flavours?
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2019, 05:52:55 PM »
The (any) browser output would be directed via a webserver.

It's output would be intercepted and fed to our translator instead of the originating browser

Perhaps Arexx could be used to redirect?

Offline OldAmiganTopic starter

Re: Way forward to use the internet for all Amiga flavours?
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2019, 03:43:28 PM »
@ SamuraiCrow.   Thanks, die know that. Could it be turned to this use, though?

@ Matt_H  It would be good to find out and see if we could use it.

@ Kevlarian Be nice to be able to do both


Offline OldAmiganTopic starter

Re: Way forward to use the internet for all Amiga flavours?
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2019, 09:24:29 PM »
@ Kolla   

I'm afraid I just barely remember people talking about BBS'es. I have no idea what else was available on the internet/worldwideweb back then, apart from email.

I've heard of usenet but I don't know what it was.

However, most content these days requires (for the average mortal) a web browser. Even our Amiga forums need a web browser, with https in the main.

I'm just wondering if we can have a program which can help our browsers give us what we want, without rewriting the browsers  - 'cos that isn't happening