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Author Topic: New AmiKit X with AmigaOS 3.1.4 support!  (Read 16285 times)


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Offline OldAmigan

Re: New AmiKit X with AmigaOS 3.1.4 support!
« on: October 23, 2018, 12:30:41 PM »
The full sentence is:

This license allows you to install or operate the AmigaOS only on a computer system that had a version of AmigaOS installed on it at the time you acquired such computer system, which was especially prepared for running AmigaOS through the use of a dedicated (flash)rom or similar mechanism or for which a legitimate version of AmigaOS was or is available.

The last part (which may or may not be an addition), allows the purchaser to install 3.1.4 on a wedgie. Also, Amiga Forever comes with licensed ROM's and licensed Amiga operating systems. Where's the problem?

Are problems not just being seen where they don't exist here?