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Author Topic: FreePascal for m68k-Amiga with LCL  (Read 18249 times)


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Offline lionstorm

Re: FreePascal for m68k-Amiga with LCL
« on: May 17, 2020, 07:58:19 PM »
I quickly tested it under OS4 X-5000 and at first it did not work because the tooltype is wrong (project instead of tool) and then got a total freeze ! the 68k is working fine though.
I guess it is the same bug that prevent MUImapparium to work on X-5000 hardware. Is it something to do with the non aligned memory which was removed from the kernel of X-5000 version of OS4 ?

Offline lionstorm

Re: FreePascal for m68k-Amiga with LCL
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2020, 07:21:39 PM »
Since the long standing bug preventing the execution of FreePascal-based software on X-5000 has been found and fixed, do you plan to update your programs ?