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Author Topic: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.  (Read 14053 times)


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Offline CBH

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« on: November 24, 2019, 01:35:53 PM »
So, Hyperion lose by default.


Offline CBH

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2019, 10:29:57 PM »
It's a victory by default, they literally didn't contest it when they were supposed to. Ben's an ambulance chaser, he knew it would happen.

Now he could technically run into the courtroom five minutes before closing time and go "I'm here! I'm awake! What was the question again?" but what impression would that make on a judge?

Offline CBH

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2019, 02:40:19 AM »
Which is the point I originally implied, if he had any intent to contest it he'd have done it by now. It's now so late if he did he'd just look like a dumbass.

Offline CBH

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2019, 06:22:00 PM »
I don't see any reason to believe what Cloanto says. I think it much more likely that their current policy of just milking the platform for nostalgia money would continue, rather than advancing the state of the OS.

I for one would certainly not continue developing AmigaOS if Cloanto was involved.

That's funny. First you say that you think Cloanto would probably just milk IP rather than advance the OS, then you say you wouldn't advance the OS for Cloanto.

Almost a self fulfilling prophecy, if it wasn't for your nobody status.

Offline CBH

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2019, 02:31:49 PM »
Nobody status? What is this kind of argument?
Do you know what he does and what he did in the past?

I don't really understand these kind of extremist view on things. It is okay that you love Cloanto products, go buy them, and cheer for them, and let the rest do whatever they like and think differently. How can you call another human being like that because he chose to have an opposing view?

Minuous has been a long contributor to the Amiga community in general, supporting different OSes and architectures.

And not only that, he is the person who took the daunting task of porting back ReAction from PPC to 68k, and fixed a lot of bugs down the road, and optimized it in such a way that now works on a 68000 processor. And he started doing this alone, later we all jumped in to help him in the way each of us could.

If it was not for him, AmigaOS 3.2 would not have ReAction included.

He is a truly talented developer. We are fortunate to have him working on AmigaOS.

The extremist view is to see myself call someone who's swinging his willy around a nobody, and then assume I must be some big cloanto fan. You've got "Us vs Them" tribal mentality, which is ridiculous in software development. The only time "us vs them" is useful is class politics.

I can call him a nobody very easily because it's an accurate and fair response to what he said. He said if Cloanto gets in control of OS3 development he'll take his ball and go home, when his ball is not very important.

Let's be honest, his ball sucks. It's reaction, a package of boopsi classes who's inclusion does little more than use disk space. What uses it outside of the 3.9 prefs, uh... Aweb? Can't think of anything else.

Offline CBH

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2019, 05:19:35 PM »
Why should I work for free to help make profits for a company I dislike? That would not make sense.

Cloanto pays it's developers. Why do you work to make profits for a company that doesn't?

It seems very strange to me - I understand wanting to contribute to a volunteer software project, a free software project, for free, but this is not one. Hyperion is a business not a charity, AmigaOS is a product it sells to make a profit. Your hard work makes someone else money, and you get nothing of it.

I wouldn't like a company that does that to me as a worker, and as an employer I recognize that people's work deserves compensation, they are not slaves or mugs to be taken advantage of. But Hyperion has never been a business with any commitment to ethics.

You call someone "nobody" because he has an opposing view to yours and takes a personal stand for it. You are willing to humillate this person. That displays some kind of unique devotion. You called it fanatism, not me.

Not at all. In fact, I have a different opinion than both Minuous and you. But I can certainly respect the choice you both made without any effort.

That is where I see a problem. You should not justify that.

Well, he can certainly choose the path he wishes, and you can also think of it the way you want.

No, I call him a nobody because he made a noise that is bigger than he can justify with his status.  In England we call that kind of person Ronnie Pickering.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2019, 05:23:56 PM by CBH »

Offline CBH

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2019, 09:29:56 PM »
I'm not particularly concerned about being a nobody myself, on account of I don't walk around threatening to withdraw the world's smallest contribution to anything in the entire history of human endeavour.

My advice from a nobody to another nobody is simple: if you want to threaten to take your ball home, make sure people actually want to play with it in the first place. We can all already download classact for free, for the one program that needs it.

« Last Edit: December 01, 2019, 09:33:26 PM by CBH »

Offline CBH

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2019, 03:51:58 AM »
How you label yourself or conduct in life is your own choice, an that should not be enforced upon others.

You treated a person in a bad way, and if that was not enough you justify it and repeat it all over again.

I've never found anything shameful or immoral about telling the truth of what I think, I speak with conviction. If you don't like that it's your problem not mine.


Please don't mischaracterize what I said; there is a difference between continuing to make further contributions and withdrawing existing contributions, and I never said anything about the latter.

Even better then, you don't threaten to take your ball home, you say we can keep playing with it, but threaten not to bring hypothetical future balls. Thank you for the clarification.

As the saying goes, a bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush.

Offline CBH

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2019, 03:00:32 PM »
You should not treat other people as "nobody" because they do not share your opinion.

You don't know what the word opinion means. An opinion is a subjective belief.

"if cloanto win I will stop contributing to OS 3 development" is not an opinion. It is a statement, specifically of future intent, and it also fits into a subcategory of statements of intent called threats.

So I haven't called him a nobody because of any opinions he has.

I have called him a nobody because 1) he is a nobody 2) he makes threats that would only be meaningful if he wasn't a nobody.

It is a reminder, don't act like you are important when you are not.

I'm also a nobody, so I don't behave like him. I never threaten to take my ball home because I know I don't have one anyway. He should learn from this.

Offline CBH

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2019, 02:56:45 AM »
How ridiculous.

Indeed you are.

Presumably you are not planning to do any free work for Microsoft, does that mean you are threatening them? If I volunteered at some charity for a while and then stopped would I be threatening them? I am not anyone's slave.

Nice try. Currently you're doing free work on AmigaOS, your threat is to cease if it's legal owner gains control of it's development.

And yes, a person can threaten to withdraw from something if they don't get their way, that's what you did. (Once I did work at a charity shop, ran the whole place with only one other person each day, threatened to leave if the manager didn't get building repaired. He got it repaired.)

You're already quite comfortable with the life of a slave, allowing master hermans to keep all the income your hard work creates. Meanwhile, your feared Cloanto would pay you for it.

Are you a house elf from harry potter or something?
« Last Edit: December 03, 2019, 02:59:40 AM by CBH »

Offline CBH

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2019, 12:09:04 PM »
I suppose it's a kind of charity - Ben spent the money he nicked from trevor dick that time and since he doesn't know how to earn an honest income the new OS3 devs are working without pay so that the poor man doesn't starve.

Offline CBH

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2019, 01:48:32 PM »
I'll code a mui app in his honour.

Offline CBH

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2019, 08:06:42 PM »
This is taking forever, but I suppose courts have more important stuff to deal with. Like murders, or parking fines.