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Author Topic: Layers.library V45 on the aminet  (Read 66879 times)


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Offline LiveForIt

Re: Layers.library V45 on the aminet
« on: September 10, 2014, 04:47:06 PM »
Quote from: psxphill;772698
never be more than a crowd funded hobby.

Founded? Not if was we quit our day jobs (supporting M$ products) and just work on just Amiga projects, the donates most developers get in the amiga community can sponsor a Spotify account, but does not put food on the table.

What the developers do is more out of love/insanity for the OS and computers and not to make a living.

If some one was actually willing to found software development to get video editing programs, and other essentials to AmigaOS then there is future, but as there are no one with deep pockets, things is going to move slow.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2014, 05:01:19 PM by LiveForIt »

Offline LiveForIt

Re: Layers.library V45 on the aminet
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2014, 04:56:57 PM »
Quote from: Thomas Richter;772707
No, about ten years ago. Just my reaction if I hear the words "Amiga" and "Future" in the same sentence.

Even 10 years ago Amiga was pretty poor shape, 20 years ago they should have done things different, 14 year ago they wasted too match time with OS3.5 and OS3.9, they should moved to PowerPC sooner. 10 years ago Appel moved to Intel, and PowerPC desktop market shrunk. While PowerPC is not dead its not what it used to be.

Offline LiveForIt

Re: Layers.library V45 on the aminet
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2014, 07:21:05 PM »
Quote from: OlafS3;772724
Even 14 years ago PPC was predictable a dead-end. They should have moved to the dark side (=X86) then.

Predictable ? Well some did not agree with this predictions.

PowerPC back in 1998 was doing about the same in the benchmarks as the Intel chips.


MacOS9 / IMac G3 perty muth saved appel from bankrupcy.


Power Mac G5 came out in 2003, and was the one thing that made Appel look to Intel, if I remember correct it was late, this way Appel went with to Intel.

Offline LiveForIt

Re: Layers.library V45 on the aminet
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2014, 09:48:37 PM »
Quote from: Thomas Richter;772734
because it leaves an unmaintainable junk of garbadge.

Well thats a good thing in my book, because then just maybe people decides to upgrade to AmigaOS4.x, what better way to get people to upgrade because software does not work on AmigaOS3.x because wrong versions and patches that makes system unstable.

maybe its a conspiration :laughing:


On the other hand if who is going maintain it if the source code is not obtainable?

I see a catch 22 here. :-)
« Last Edit: September 10, 2014, 09:55:39 PM by LiveForIt »

Offline LiveForIt

Re: Layers.library V45 on the aminet
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2014, 05:16:00 PM »
Quote from: modrobert;772918
I agree with takemehomegrandma in this case regarding the "first implementation", quote from this forum thread.

It smells lot of morphos fan boy views.

"Hyperions OS4" its not called that and its direct descendent of AmigaOS4. "most immature", well thats depletable MorphOS does not support the latest Graphics cards, AmigaOS4.1 do, and also AmigaOS4.x has memory protection that does work to find bugs and debug applications and it work. MorphOS allows more misbehaving programs to run. Is that a feature or is it a failure well if you ask me its a failure.

Personalty I see no point in improving AmigaOS3.x, every thing worth improving is already fixed is  already improved in AmigaOS4.1, more important its not random hacks, there is offical set of libraries, if you code to support this libraries your programs will run in future as well, they wont stop because some hobbyist decides they wont to do some thing different.

If there was some thing that should be fixed in AmigaOS3.x I think bring it up level that enable some large file system and hard drives to work, with out having to worry about corrupting your data, be the one thing that I think is a "Must" fix issue, every thing else is not mandatory.

Anyway this debate is pretty mutch irrelevant.

I agree with some comments about AmigaOS4.1 being close source is hinderance in some ways, there are things I like to add or improve, I don't care if did not get dime for it, because if did add this features it be useful to me latter on, when I write my programs or games.

But anyway in most/every case I do not need to modify the OS, to add new features, there are otherways, I can for example create my own set of libraries that complements the originals features, this way don't need to change the OS in any unexpected way, so no programs are going to stop working. This is what MUI is, they did not try to hack Gadtools, they created there own GUI system in system fremdly way, and now MUI has become a offical parts of MorphOS and AmigaOS4.1, well in the case of AmigaOS4.1 you need a key to unlock some its less importent features..

Picasso96 is also extension to graphic.library.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2014, 05:34:02 PM by LiveForIt »

Offline LiveForIt

Re: Layers.library V45 on the aminet
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2014, 05:26:17 PM »
Quote from: Thorham;772920
No, I'm talking about AOS, not the hardware. The hardware is great, just the OS isn't.  

so way don't you install Linux 68k, or NetBSD 68K, or are this also bad or are this also not great?

In any case what ever you do your going to have to deal with limited hardware specifications, so there is trade off between having some thing that can do every thing and some thing that has to be light weight.

Anyway I'm curious what do you think is the most important part of OS that AmigaOS do not have? I ask this question because I know you like to take over the hardware.

Offline LiveForIt

Re: Layers.library V45 on the aminet
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2014, 06:04:21 PM »
Quote from: psxphill;772935
It's possible to do something light weight that can do everything, you just have to design it properly to start with.  

In software, the more stuff you add the more the CPU has to do, there is limit what it can do. Well yes a good program will take less CPU cycles becouse it do the lest amount of work to active its goals, but still has to do the work.

AmigaOS and Linux/NetBSD sit at opposite ends of the table, there is middle ground.

in any case its lot of work, and if you wont to have application need to be ported from another OS, and so you need to port the support libs, and so on.

Anyhow its lot of work, most people don't have the time.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2014, 10:30:08 PM by LiveForIt »

Offline LiveForIt

Re: Layers.library V45 on the aminet
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2014, 02:09:01 PM »
Quote from: Cosmos;772972
for these buffers on the stack now...

So by increasing the stack footprint, you have cut down on memory allocations.

Theoretically any program that use this function can run out of stack, because many programs have small $STACK cookie, and default stack for shell commands and wb icons on Amiga is low to begin with.