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Author Topic: Is OS4.1 worthy of the Amiga name?  (Read 12732 times)


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Offline cv643d

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Re: Is OS4.1 worthy of the Amiga name?
« on: December 03, 2009, 11:42:45 AM »
You forget a big point...

If AmigaOS is going to be what is known as Amiga I want more than just an up to date OS on 1000 dollar sub 1 GHz hardware.

I want a roadmap, a vision and above all a sign of passion that the commitment we make to the system is going to be worth it in the end. After all, Amiga is supposed to be the best system out there, if OsX can do it, so can Workbench. I believe, why can not a company believe to and not be scared of showing their big balls.

So IMHO anyone can produce a kind of "next-gen" Amiga that looks like the real thing.

But the real Amiga is the system which can take us into the future as a serious alternative to PC and Mac. IMHO that is currently not AmigaOS4.1, it is just a hobby OS, something for us who have invested 20 years into Amiga to amuse ourself with.
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