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Author Topic: What is the least successful OS ever sold?  (Read 5885 times)


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Re: What is the least successful OS ever sold?
« on: June 02, 2011, 07:37:45 PM »
I guess some of the less succesfull 8 bit machines would fall in this category. The OS-market was fully open back then, with every machine having its own OS. Dozens of different computers, most of them were never heard of again, others became icons of the computer industry.

I think the Enterprise would nicely fit in this category. A (very) powerful 8 bit computer combined with a major commercial failure it is a pretty rare find nowadays.

I still remember seeing one of them in a local computer shop back in the days, it being a rare duck even then. Would love to have one of them now, though.
Life sucks. Then you die. Then they throw mud in your face. Then you get eaten by worms. Be happy it happens in that order... My Amiga 1200