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Author Topic: Gold 2.7 release for the Vampire accelerators  (Read 49471 times)


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Offline Djole

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Re: Gold 2.7 release for the Vampire accelerators
« on: March 21, 2018, 07:46:03 PM »
Every day we can see more and more happy Vampire users while the frustration (for the reason below) of the two unhappy pro FPU users keeps growing.

Just to clear up the reason of the frustration for the ones not informed, the "team" publicly made fun of Kolla for his silly "demands" and "suggestions" and now he is on a crusade to hurt them back.... but they still dont seem to care about him :) I guess he will just try harder...
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Offline Djole

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Re: Gold 2.7 release for the Vampire accelerators
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2018, 11:44:29 AM »
Quote from: Gulliver;837690
That last two sentences are probably the most important parts to have in mind.
If you sell something and take advantage of other people's work the law will not be benign or light regarding your doings. If you are doing it without any commercial intent, you will probably get a cease or desist first and can get away stopping those activities without any hard consequences.

On the other hand, some Team members saying that they couldnt contact any of the parties that have rights regarding 3.9 is a blatant lie: Thomas Richter, as an example, is easily available, and recently got back the rights of his contributions to AmigaOS 3.9 (BenchTrash, IOTools, VinCed, etc), so he is one that can be asked for those particular rights. Has anyone of the Team asked him? If he wanted he can probably sue them with a degree of success. So I wouldnt be trying to seek his anger, as it would be a very dumb move. Furthermore, remember AmigaOS 3.9 still has many 3.1 components so both Hyperion and Cloanto could probably sue them too if they wanted.

AmigaOS 3.9 is a mess regarding rights, because there are many entities involved that have different rights, many can be contacted, and many not. Distributing it for commercial purposes, is putting yourself in bad spot because any of those entities can potentially sue you, and they are so many.

So if i buy a HP laptop and install illegal Windows on it, Microsoft can sue HP ? Nothing comes preinstalled on a Vampire board, so your story just doesnt hold water. Its up to the user to install the OS or distribution if you like of his choice....
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Offline Djole

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Re: Gold 2.7 release for the Vampire accelerators
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2018, 06:47:58 PM »
Quote from: kolla;837726
Sounds like you have not bought electronic items in a very long time, or maybe you have dubious sources? Have you not noticed the pile of papers that come with just about anything you buy? Look at them, there is typically at least one sheet solely about safety and regulation conformity, and links to the support sites of the manufacturer where you can read in detail about exactly what conformity regulations the product is supposed to adhere to.

But my original question here, which somehow got lost... what entity has the responsibility for the CE compliance? Is it Majsta personally? Is it "the team"? What about V600 boards made by Kipper? With other hardware, there is rarely any doubt about who is the seller and who is the manufacturer, but in this case, with various "team" constellations and "volunteers" here and there doing the manufacturing, there is plenty to be doubtful about.

As for what I have bought myself - yes, I have returned products because they, after a little testing, turned out to not adhere to the regulations the product was marked with. Most times, the reseller were only happy to remove and recall the products, but in a handful cases I reported to Forbrukerombudet (The Consumer Ombudsman), who then did the follow-up and every now and then kept me informed.

Most of the Amiga hw is at hobby or just above level... We should be happy there is anything available at all. You cant expect Majsta to compete with any big manufacturer and have the resources for all the regulations, he has done more that any other single person could do to deliver a quality product. All the "rules" and regulations are making the mankind retards we are today.

"Only" a handful of reports, you should step up your game :)
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Offline Djole

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Re: Gold 2.7 release for the Vampire accelerators
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2018, 08:55:47 AM »
Good to be back on topic....

Here are some early MapROM tests:

A1200 030
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A600 Vampire v2
