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Author Topic: A member & friend's father (William Frick) just passed away  (Read 2843 times)


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Offline marcfrick2112

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Re: A members father (William Frick) just passed away
« on: June 29, 2010, 03:15:29 AM »
To everyone, Many, Many, thanks for the kind words... thanks to those who have donated.  I was not even aware that Save2600 had done this....

Having this posted on this forum is apropos, since my dad was also an Amiga fan (fanatic?) He owned 2 A1200's, one stock.... and one with an '030 / 10MB RAM (in my sig. , 'cause we owned everything together) Funny, my dad would complain about paying $3.00 for a loaf of bread, yet had no complaints about paying $600 for a used A4000, or $1000 for an A4000T... (still not working, :(  ) He used to restore old photos, make tape/CD/DVD labels and covers with his....

When I was younger, he used to complain about me spending so much time on that 'damn computer' So, I fixed him up good... I bought him an A600, and '030/32MB. Then, I could tell him to get off his damn computer ... :)

A few years ago, when my dad's eyesight was failing, he wanted to help by labeling a few floppies I left by his Amiga's. He found a disk containing 'SnoopDOS', but cause of his eyesight labeled it,  'Snooples'

Again, thanks for the kind wishes.... As Save2600 said to me, A.org is more that 'just' a forum, it's a group of friends.
Marc Frick
A1200T / \'060, 256MB, CD-R, OS3.9
A4000 w/ WarpEngine / 82MB , OS3.1
A4000 16MB, OS 3.9
A1200 , \'030 / 10MB
A1200 (stock)

CD32 :)

...And a very sick 4000T