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Author Topic: The Workbench 3.1 natural successor?  (Read 7819 times)


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Offline marcfrick2112

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Re: The Workbench 3.1 natural successor?
« on: February 23, 2010, 07:05:40 AM »
OK, my .10 cents... (since I want to respond to several points in this thread... :) )

Personally, I only upgraded to 3.5 because of the 'large hard drive support' ... OK, I had a pretty nice 3.1 setup with NSD, seemed like HD's > 4GB worked fine, then suddenly they didn't.... :(
   I like 3.9 w/ BB1&2, though I agree with Save 2600... I wouldn't want 3.5+ on anything less than an '040....

If you basically like 3.1, check out various software upgrades, etc.... I had 3.1 on my 1200T for Many years, still have it on my 4000/WE '040 .... Otherwise, there is an OS3.9 FAQ out there...

Upgrading to OS3.9 wasn't too hard for me... I had a pretty nice 3.1 system, installed 3.5 over that, twice. (first time was a major PITA), then 3.9... I don't get many 'missing libs' or similar probs....and actually, I still have many files from my OS1.3 days..... (R.I.P. A500 :( )

And yeah, a number of OS 3.9 progs. happily work under 3.1.... like IoTools... Yay!

Hmm, I have to ask a question... When you click an icon in 3.9 it is set as the current dir. , I thought this was in OS3.5+ , or was it also in OS3.1 ??

I also Wish for an Amiga 'package manager' or something..... I don't have a lot of probs. installing software, but when I do, they are a major Pain.....
Marc Frick
A1200T / \'060, 256MB, CD-R, OS3.9
A4000 w/ WarpEngine / 82MB , OS3.1
A4000 16MB, OS 3.9
A1200 , \'030 / 10MB
A1200 (stock)

CD32 :)

...And a very sick 4000T