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Author Topic: So how is MorphOS?  (Read 9988 times)


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Offline Kronos

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Re: So how is MorphOS?
« on: January 09, 2010, 05:13:20 AM »
Well it's free to try (if you got the HW that is).
It's fast enough to run UAE at full speed without having to tune down emulation-details.
It has the best and most compatible webbrowser of all Amigaoid OSes.
It has Ambient, the most advanced Workbench(replacement) of all Amigaoid OSes.
It has Poseidon the definite benchmark for all things USB in Amiga-land.
3D-support is also unrivaled.
68k WarpOS and PowerUP emus (for older systemfriendly apps) is a winner in speed compability and stability.
MUI4 is every Amigas-Devs wet dream (o.k. I might be a bit over the top with that one ;) ).
Printing is done via TurboPrint, unrivaled in quality if you got a supported printer (something that understands either PCL or PostScript should do the trick).

Plenty more, but it's 6 o'clock right here.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2010, 05:16:48 AM by Kronos »
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Re: So how is MorphOS?
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2010, 05:46:51 AM »
Hmm, lets see:

Support for G4 PowerMacs and eMac announced for MorphOS2.5.
Videos uploaded showing an expermental branch working on Powerbook.
The guys listed in MorphOS->about allmost constantly online in #morphos

See no reason why it shouldn't still being developed ;)
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Offline Kronos

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Re: So how is MorphOS?
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2010, 07:18:01 AM »
Word processor: The old 68k-apps should work (FinalWriter,Wordworth, ??), some even reported running webbased apps in OWB.

Webbrowser : OWB, what else ?

Chat: Everything but IRC is ........ nah I didn't say that ;)

MP3: AminetRadio is the obvious choice atm

E-UAE is quite o.k.

ArtEffect, ImageFX, fxPaint and more do run, some even semi-native (read they contain PPC-code).
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Re: So how is MorphOS?
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2010, 08:01:25 AM »
Offcourse they can't really run natively, their 68k afterall ;)

But in reality they will run in MorphOS's own 68k-EMU several times faster than UAE, and when the call OS-function these functions are PPC too.

As an example, back in 2002 when I got my Peg1 (and MorphOS1.0) I had some trouble with native version of YAM. So I just installed an 68k-version and stayed with it. Dragged it over to the Peg2 and later to the MacMini, and I see no reason to replace it with a PPC-version. Not because these would be buggy compared to the 68k-builds, just because I see no point in changing a working system. Speedwise it would probraly make such a small difference that it's hardly noticed.
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