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Author Topic: Kickstarter launched to celebrate the Amiga 30th Anniversary in California  (Read 6358 times)


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Offline Oldsmobile_Mike

Re: Kickstarter launched to celebrate the Amiga 30th Anniversary in California
« Reply #14 from previous page: July 25, 2015, 08:48:29 AM »
Me and @LoadWB hitting the bars in San Jose.  :) :
Amiga 500: 2MB Chip|16MB Fast|30MHz 68030+68882|3.9|Indivision ECS|GVP A500HD+|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|Cocolino|SCSI DVD-RAM
Amiga 2000: 2MB Chip|136MB Fast|50MHz 68060|3.9|Indivision ECS + GVP Spectrum|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|AD516|X-Surf 100|RapidRoad|Cocolino|SCSI CD-RW
 Amiga videos and other misc. stuff at https://www.youtube.com/CompTechMike/videos

Offline Oldsmobile_Mike

Me and @LoadWB hitting the bars in San Jose:
Amiga 500: 2MB Chip|16MB Fast|30MHz 68030+68882|3.9|Indivision ECS|GVP A500HD+|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|Cocolino|SCSI DVD-RAM
Amiga 2000: 2MB Chip|136MB Fast|50MHz 68060|3.9|Indivision ECS + GVP Spectrum|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|AD516|X-Surf 100|RapidRoad|Cocolino|SCSI CD-RW
 Amiga videos and other misc. stuff at https://www.youtube.com/CompTechMike/videos

Offline Oldsmobile_Mike

Me and @LoadWB hitting the bars in San Jose.  :) :
Amiga 500: 2MB Chip|16MB Fast|30MHz 68030+68882|3.9|Indivision ECS|GVP A500HD+|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|Cocolino|SCSI DVD-RAM
Amiga 2000: 2MB Chip|136MB Fast|50MHz 68060|3.9|Indivision ECS + GVP Spectrum|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|AD516|X-Surf 100|RapidRoad|Cocolino|SCSI CD-RW
 Amiga videos and other misc. stuff at https://www.youtube.com/CompTechMike/videos

Offline Oldsmobile_Mike

Me and @LoadWB hitting the bars in San Jose:
Amiga 500: 2MB Chip|16MB Fast|30MHz 68030+68882|3.9|Indivision ECS|GVP A500HD+|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|Cocolino|SCSI DVD-RAM
Amiga 2000: 2MB Chip|136MB Fast|50MHz 68060|3.9|Indivision ECS + GVP Spectrum|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|AD516|X-Surf 100|RapidRoad|Cocolino|SCSI CD-RW
 Amiga videos and other misc. stuff at https://www.youtube.com/CompTechMike/videos

Offline Oldsmobile_Mike

Man, only here a couple days and I'm already getting into trouble.  Scolded for smoking (outside, on a patio, where all the non-smoking signs were posted on a single wall behind me), and flipped off by a trolley operator for taking a picture.  ;)

Oh well, at least I got to explore this, this morning:

Amiga 500: 2MB Chip|16MB Fast|30MHz 68030+68882|3.9|Indivision ECS|GVP A500HD+|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|Cocolino|SCSI DVD-RAM
Amiga 2000: 2MB Chip|136MB Fast|50MHz 68060|3.9|Indivision ECS + GVP Spectrum|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|AD516|X-Surf 100|RapidRoad|Cocolino|SCSI CD-RW
 Amiga videos and other misc. stuff at https://www.youtube.com/CompTechMike/videos

Offline Oldsmobile_Mike

Here y'all go.  "a few" photos from today.  Batch upload, mostly unsorted, speakers/presenters, hardware pr0n, etc.  RJ Mical and Dave Needle should have their own comedy tour, those guys are hilarious!  I hope one of the guys who recorded video shares it here.  :)

Amiga 500: 2MB Chip|16MB Fast|30MHz 68030+68882|3.9|Indivision ECS|GVP A500HD+|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|Cocolino|SCSI DVD-RAM
Amiga 2000: 2MB Chip|136MB Fast|50MHz 68060|3.9|Indivision ECS + GVP Spectrum|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|AD516|X-Surf 100|RapidRoad|Cocolino|SCSI CD-RW
 Amiga videos and other misc. stuff at https://www.youtube.com/CompTechMike/videos

Offline Oldsmobile_Mike

Had a great time at the 2nd day of Amiga30 today.  So many great moments, but if I had to try to pick one favorite, it would probably be talking with a guy playing Defender of the Crown on CD32 and realizing it was Jim Sachs.  I was kind of starstruck when I realized who it was, I think I said something along the lines of "So you must be really good at this game".  Haha.  :p

Another favorite moment would probably be watching @LoadWB buying up about 400 show t-shirts.  ;)

Afterward made it out to hike in some of those beautiful rolling hills that anyone who's driving around here has seen.  Pics don't do them justice, but I'll throw one on to make folks who didn't come out here jealous.  :)

And here's a link to today's pics:  https://www.flickr.com/photos/oldsmobile_mike/sets/72157656341352156
And a short video of Joe Torre reading his "Ode to Boing" poem:  https://youtu.be/NvtIKLgMT1w

@eliyahu - feel free to copy these links to your "master post", also.  :)
Amiga 500: 2MB Chip|16MB Fast|30MHz 68030+68882|3.9|Indivision ECS|GVP A500HD+|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|Cocolino|SCSI DVD-RAM
Amiga 2000: 2MB Chip|136MB Fast|50MHz 68060|3.9|Indivision ECS + GVP Spectrum|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|AD516|X-Surf 100|RapidRoad|Cocolino|SCSI CD-RW
 Amiga videos and other misc. stuff at https://www.youtube.com/CompTechMike/videos