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Author Topic: WTB: Amiga 1200/other in the US.  (Read 2361 times)


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Offline Oldsmobile_Mike

Re: WTB: Amiga 1200/other in the US.
« on: January 08, 2015, 07:51:00 PM »
Most Amibay users are in Europe.  While that's not necessarily a bad thing, just something to be aware of when considering power supplies, shipping, and if you care about whether the machine is PAL or NTSC by default, etc.  And yes, read those forum rules, they can be a bit of sticklers for them over there!  ;)
Amiga 500: 2MB Chip|16MB Fast|30MHz 68030+68882|3.9|Indivision ECS|GVP A500HD+|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|Cocolino|SCSI DVD-RAM
Amiga 2000: 2MB Chip|136MB Fast|50MHz 68060|3.9|Indivision ECS + GVP Spectrum|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|AD516|X-Surf 100|RapidRoad|Cocolino|SCSI CD-RW
 Amiga videos and other misc. stuff at https://www.youtube.com/CompTechMike/videos

Offline Oldsmobile_Mike

Re: WTB: Amiga 1200/other in the US.
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2015, 11:40:04 PM »
Captain Ron... Captain Dan... it's only a matter of time before this guy makes an appearance!  ;)

Amiga 500: 2MB Chip|16MB Fast|30MHz 68030+68882|3.9|Indivision ECS|GVP A500HD+|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|Cocolino|SCSI DVD-RAM
Amiga 2000: 2MB Chip|136MB Fast|50MHz 68060|3.9|Indivision ECS + GVP Spectrum|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|AD516|X-Surf 100|RapidRoad|Cocolino|SCSI CD-RW
 Amiga videos and other misc. stuff at https://www.youtube.com/CompTechMike/videos

Offline Oldsmobile_Mike

Re: WTB: Amiga 1200/other in the US.
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2015, 12:52:31 AM »
I just realized my picture of Captain Ahab looks surprisingly like Abraham Lincoln. ;)

Hopefully all these bumps to the thread help the OP find an A1200 quickly! :D  I don't see a single one listed on ebay currently anywhere in the US, although there is this wacky system down in Australia that shows up when I search:

Amiga 500: 2MB Chip|16MB Fast|30MHz 68030+68882|3.9|Indivision ECS|GVP A500HD+|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|Cocolino|SCSI DVD-RAM
Amiga 2000: 2MB Chip|136MB Fast|50MHz 68060|3.9|Indivision ECS + GVP Spectrum|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|AD516|X-Surf 100|RapidRoad|Cocolino|SCSI CD-RW
 Amiga videos and other misc. stuff at https://www.youtube.com/CompTechMike/videos

Offline Oldsmobile_Mike

Re: WTB: Amiga 1200/other in the US.
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2015, 07:30:56 PM »
Quote from: danbeaver;781306
Mind you, I pick $200 out of thin air.

Man, we are all in the wrong line of work!  Your company hiring, @danbeaver?  ;)
Amiga 500: 2MB Chip|16MB Fast|30MHz 68030+68882|3.9|Indivision ECS|GVP A500HD+|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|Cocolino|SCSI DVD-RAM
Amiga 2000: 2MB Chip|136MB Fast|50MHz 68060|3.9|Indivision ECS + GVP Spectrum|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|AD516|X-Surf 100|RapidRoad|Cocolino|SCSI CD-RW
 Amiga videos and other misc. stuff at https://www.youtube.com/CompTechMike/videos

Offline Oldsmobile_Mike

Re: WTB: Amiga 1200/other in the US.
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2015, 06:31:09 AM »
Quote from: amiga76;781369

Dang, they sure don't go for cheap these days!  :(

IMHO the A1200 is great if you just want something for playing games, as there's a lot of AGA-only content out there.  Also the faster chipset is nice just for tinkering around with Workbench (since you can pretty much forget about getting a graphics card for one unless you plan on taking out a second home mortgage).  But if you just want something to feed your Amiga fix, there's plenty of A2000's out there starting at less than half that, as well as A500's, I even saw an A600 and a CDTV on ebay going for less than that, a few minutes ago.

Personally I love my A2000's.  Easy to expand and tinker on, I fire up my main one almost every day just to "get my fix".  Still, if you've got the cash and don't mind scouring the net a bit, an A1200 with replaced caps, a CF adapter, one of the ACA accelerators, and an Indivision AGA (with the Kipper2K HDMI adapter if you're into that sort of thing) will give you a nice, compact, fairly "modern" and "bulletproof" system to play around with.

Good luck!  :)
Amiga 500: 2MB Chip|16MB Fast|30MHz 68030+68882|3.9|Indivision ECS|GVP A500HD+|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|Cocolino|SCSI DVD-RAM
Amiga 2000: 2MB Chip|136MB Fast|50MHz 68060|3.9|Indivision ECS + GVP Spectrum|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|AD516|X-Surf 100|RapidRoad|Cocolino|SCSI CD-RW
 Amiga videos and other misc. stuff at https://www.youtube.com/CompTechMike/videos

Offline Oldsmobile_Mike

Re: WTB: Amiga 1200/other in the US.
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2015, 02:10:38 AM »
IMHO that A4000 from @danbeaver sounds like a mighty tasty deal!  You should jump on that if you haven't already.  Hell, I might be interested if I didn't already have way more projects than I have time.  :(  I'll probably look for one in a year or two, at which point they'll have doubled in price again, lol.  ;)
Amiga 500: 2MB Chip|16MB Fast|30MHz 68030+68882|3.9|Indivision ECS|GVP A500HD+|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|Cocolino|SCSI DVD-RAM
Amiga 2000: 2MB Chip|136MB Fast|50MHz 68060|3.9|Indivision ECS + GVP Spectrum|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|AD516|X-Surf 100|RapidRoad|Cocolino|SCSI CD-RW
 Amiga videos and other misc. stuff at https://www.youtube.com/CompTechMike/videos

Offline Oldsmobile_Mike

Re: WTB: Amiga 1200/other in the US.
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2015, 08:48:12 AM »
Quote from: danbeaver;781456
Sadly for me, I saw one of the Dell's ST2420 monitors on icBay for $70 plus $20 shipping and bought it with a $19 sound bar in between scribbling the posts above.  At 1920 X 1080 and syncing to 15kHz they really produce a nice picture in a small form factor.

Ha, so no sale on the A4K?  I'll probably be hitting you up in a couple years, lol.  ;)

On the monitor front, I always preferred 4:3 for my Amigas.  Got one of these on it's way to me now, for testing  :)

Amiga 500: 2MB Chip|16MB Fast|30MHz 68030+68882|3.9|Indivision ECS|GVP A500HD+|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|Cocolino|SCSI DVD-RAM
Amiga 2000: 2MB Chip|136MB Fast|50MHz 68060|3.9|Indivision ECS + GVP Spectrum|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|AD516|X-Surf 100|RapidRoad|Cocolino|SCSI CD-RW
 Amiga videos and other misc. stuff at https://www.youtube.com/CompTechMike/videos

Offline Oldsmobile_Mike

Re: WTB: Amiga 1200/other in the US.
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2015, 05:04:15 PM »
Quote from: amiga76;781722
Would you say those reports are not quite "unconfirmed" then?

Google search it.   It's all over the forums.  NTSC requires 6A or higher.

There's A500's all over ebay, only downside is you probably won't be able to tell from the auction what version motherboard they have.  Probably better to get one on the forums, here, or on Amibay, where you can ask questions like that.
Amiga 500: 2MB Chip|16MB Fast|30MHz 68030+68882|3.9|Indivision ECS|GVP A500HD+|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|Cocolino|SCSI DVD-RAM
Amiga 2000: 2MB Chip|136MB Fast|50MHz 68060|3.9|Indivision ECS + GVP Spectrum|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|AD516|X-Surf 100|RapidRoad|Cocolino|SCSI CD-RW
 Amiga videos and other misc. stuff at https://www.youtube.com/CompTechMike/videos

Offline Oldsmobile_Mike

Re: WTB: Amiga 1200/other in the US.
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2015, 06:27:14 PM »
Quote from: Lionheart;781726
Actually, the ACA500 works in a revision 5 PAL A500.   Therefore, it should be possible to use in a rev 5 NTSC if you switch it to PAL and change Agnus to a 8371 or 8372A and disconnecting pin 41.

Yeah, because that's not a pain in the ass, or anything.  ;)  Oh well, to each their own.  ACA 500 sucks anyway, lol.  ;)
Amiga 500: 2MB Chip|16MB Fast|30MHz 68030+68882|3.9|Indivision ECS|GVP A500HD+|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|Cocolino|SCSI DVD-RAM
Amiga 2000: 2MB Chip|136MB Fast|50MHz 68060|3.9|Indivision ECS + GVP Spectrum|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|AD516|X-Surf 100|RapidRoad|Cocolino|SCSI CD-RW
 Amiga videos and other misc. stuff at https://www.youtube.com/CompTechMike/videos

Offline Oldsmobile_Mike

Re: WTB: Amiga 1200/other in the US.
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2015, 07:40:56 PM »
Quote from: sm3;781729
I don't know if it sucks, for the price, it's not a bad upgrade. Better than messing with one of those old hard drives in my opinion. I use mine to burn real floppies from ADFs and also use it as boot environment for my Workbench 1.3. I'm going to spring for an ACA1233 soon to plug-in to the ACA500. I think that will work better for WHDLoad and then I can also plug it into my A1200 ;)

I don't use ADF's, floppies, or 1.3.  So I'm probably not the target market.  Also I think it's ugly and under-powered, and should have been internal.  I'm also just old and cranky and haven't had enough coffee yet today, lol.  ;)
Amiga 500: 2MB Chip|16MB Fast|30MHz 68030+68882|3.9|Indivision ECS|GVP A500HD+|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|Cocolino|SCSI DVD-RAM
Amiga 2000: 2MB Chip|136MB Fast|50MHz 68060|3.9|Indivision ECS + GVP Spectrum|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|AD516|X-Surf 100|RapidRoad|Cocolino|SCSI CD-RW
 Amiga videos and other misc. stuff at https://www.youtube.com/CompTechMike/videos