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Author Topic: Amiga creations show and tell  (Read 1149 times)


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Offline Oldsmobile_Mike

Re: Amiga creations show and tell
« on: January 16, 2014, 03:50:30 PM »
Ha, great stuff! I agree, the Amiga was the one machine that really inspired creativity. For me it was with the shareware program "3D Master", by Martian F. Staley, if I recall his name correctly. I was broke as a joke, but 3DM was one of the few programs that I managed to scrimp and save together the $35 shareware registration fee to use the full features. I remember spending hours designing things with that program, then leaving my pitiful A500 on overnight... 23 hours to render one 320x400 HAM image, LOL. Shame it was never updated for AGA, as I really liked that program. Even submitted some of my artwork to magazines and cover disk contests, 16-year-old-me was so proud! ;)
Will try to dig up a few pics soon, think most of my disks with that stuff on it are still good... need to archive them asap!
Amiga 500: 2MB Chip|16MB Fast|30MHz 68030+68882|3.9|Indivision ECS|GVP A500HD+|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|Cocolino|SCSI DVD-RAM
Amiga 2000: 2MB Chip|136MB Fast|50MHz 68060|3.9|Indivision ECS + GVP Spectrum|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|AD516|X-Surf 100|RapidRoad|Cocolino|SCSI CD-RW
 Amiga videos and other misc. stuff at https://www.youtube.com/CompTechMike/videos