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Author Topic: Amiga 2000 PSU failing?  (Read 1140 times)


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Offline Oldsmobile_Mike

Re: Amiga 2000 PSU failing?
« on: December 15, 2013, 08:57:05 PM »
Ah, I didn't realize from your previous thread you were talking about an A2000, not an A500.  You can raise the Derringer to fit things underneath it, but then you're going to run into space restrictions with the bottom of the drive sled.

So first, I'd start by ditching the Derringer and replacing it with a "normal" A2000-style accelerator.  Since the ones that fit in the processor socket are more rare, you'll probably to get enough $ from selling the Derringer to buy a normal accelerator, and have some left over.  ;)

Keeping the Derringer just for the extra ROM socket is pretty pointless, if you use WHDLoad to load your old games you won't need to keep a 1.3 ROM around and you'll have plenty of room for Indivision ECS, Megachip, etc.

Attached are some pics of how those components fit in an A2000.  Hope these help!  :)
Amiga 500: 2MB Chip|16MB Fast|30MHz 68030+68882|3.9|Indivision ECS|GVP A500HD+|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|Cocolino|SCSI DVD-RAM
Amiga 2000: 2MB Chip|136MB Fast|50MHz 68060|3.9|Indivision ECS + GVP Spectrum|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|AD516|X-Surf 100|RapidRoad|Cocolino|SCSI CD-RW
 Amiga videos and other misc. stuff at https://www.youtube.com/CompTechMike/videos

Offline Oldsmobile_Mike

Re: Amiga 2000 PSU failing?
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2013, 08:58:31 PM »
Also if you suspect your PSU is failing, get yourself one of these:

Amiga 500: 2MB Chip|16MB Fast|30MHz 68030+68882|3.9|Indivision ECS|GVP A500HD+|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|Cocolino|SCSI DVD-RAM
Amiga 2000: 2MB Chip|136MB Fast|50MHz 68060|3.9|Indivision ECS + GVP Spectrum|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|AD516|X-Surf 100|RapidRoad|Cocolino|SCSI CD-RW
 Amiga videos and other misc. stuff at https://www.youtube.com/CompTechMike/videos

Offline Oldsmobile_Mike

Re: Amiga 2000 PSU failing?
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2013, 05:33:43 AM »
Quote from: AmigaPixel;754486
Oh boy!! That is going to be a real interesting challenge too see if it works or not. Anyone want to buy a Derringer 030, Ha!J ust kidding, at least for now.

@AmigaPixel -

I wanted to send you one more picture that illustrates what I don't think I explained very clearly before.  Between the top of the Indivision, and the Top of the Megachip, and the bottom of the drive sled, there's only about 1/4 of an inch of clearance.  Unless you somehow modify your drive sled... even if you do manage to cram those upgrades in there with the Derringer, and *don't* short it out on the bottom of the drive sled, everything's going to be so crammed in there that you'd have almost zero airflow.

I'm not saying don't do it, heck, Amiga is all about trying new, crazy, hardware hacks.  I love 'em.  But I think you risk damaging something by trying to cram the Derringer into so narrow a space.

See attached pic.

Either way, good luck!!!  :D
Amiga 500: 2MB Chip|16MB Fast|30MHz 68030+68882|3.9|Indivision ECS|GVP A500HD+|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|Cocolino|SCSI DVD-RAM
Amiga 2000: 2MB Chip|136MB Fast|50MHz 68060|3.9|Indivision ECS + GVP Spectrum|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|AD516|X-Surf 100|RapidRoad|Cocolino|SCSI CD-RW
 Amiga videos and other misc. stuff at https://www.youtube.com/CompTechMike/videos

Offline Oldsmobile_Mike

Re: Amiga 2000 PSU failing?
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2013, 11:05:25 PM »
Quote from: carvedeye;754821
That is one clean amiga you have there. I can tell you take good care of her :)

Thanks! :D  :pint:
Amiga 500: 2MB Chip|16MB Fast|30MHz 68030+68882|3.9|Indivision ECS|GVP A500HD+|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|Cocolino|SCSI DVD-RAM
Amiga 2000: 2MB Chip|136MB Fast|50MHz 68060|3.9|Indivision ECS + GVP Spectrum|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|AD516|X-Surf 100|RapidRoad|Cocolino|SCSI CD-RW
 Amiga videos and other misc. stuff at https://www.youtube.com/CompTechMike/videos