Does anyone have any testresults for chipmem-access for an Apollo1260 with say
As the B1260 isnt directly lightyears away from the card which is the fastest I have seen in this aspect - the B1230IV, I got interested in how big the difference really is.
These are the results for a B1260:
BusSpeedTest 0.19 (mlelstv) Buffer: 262144 Bytes, Alignment: 32768
memtype addr op cycle calib bandwidth
chip $00018000 readw 887.6 ns normal 2.3 * 10^6 byte/s
chip $00018000 readl 888.1 ns normal 4.5 * 10^6 byte/s
chip $00018000 readm 888.1 ns normal 4.5 * 10^6 byte/s
chip $00018000 writew 692.2 ns normal 2.9 * 10^6 byte/s
chip $00018000 writel 692.0 ns normal 5.8 * 10^6 byte/s
chip $00018000 writem 692.4 ns normal 5.8 * 10^6 byte/s
And these are the results for a B1230IV:
BusSpeedTest 0.19 (mlelstv) Buffer: 262144 Bytes, Alignment: 32768
memtype addr op cycle calib bandwidth
chip $00018000 readw 890.1 ns normal 2.2 * 10^6 byte/s
chip $00018000 readl 890.3 ns normal 4.5 * 10^6 byte/s
chip $00018000 readm 630.5 ns normal 6.3 * 10^6 byte/s
chip $00018000 writew 570.8 ns normal 3.5 * 10^6 byte/s
chip $00018000 writel 570.8 ns normal 7.0 * 10^6 byte/s
chip $00018000 writem 570.8 ns normal 7.0 * 10^6 byte/s