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Author Topic: What are your top AmigaOS annoyances that you'd like to see addressed?  (Read 22251 times)


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Offline Matt_H

Re: What are your top AmigaOS annoyances that you'd like to see addressed?
« Reply #14 from previous page: July 05, 2022, 06:16:52 AM »

By far it's the stupid 'Drawer Clean Up', 'Snapshot All' and 'Show All Files' rubbish! Just make it so that drawers are always tidy and all files are always visible and when you close the window it automatically saves it's layout etc. All this archaic rubbish needs overhauling! TurboPrint is an absolute dream still but Workbench is showing its age IMHO.

Gotta disagree, slightly. :)

Manual snapshotting is something I absolutely *love* about the Amiga. Similar to the Save/Use/Cancel philosophy - I know that if I'm messing around with something, none of the changes will be permanent unless I explicitly make it so. Hiding clutter in a drawer by only displaying files with icons is another valuable feature for me. On Windows/Mac, I can't stand it when I make a change to a window for a particular one-time scenario and then need to undo it by hand the next time.

MorphOS is sort of doing something like you describe. There's a view mode that will ignore icon positioning info and automatically place things in a grid. What I don't like about it is that it also scales the icons up or down to fit the grid, which can make them look weird. And it's a system-wide toggle buried pretty deep somewhere.

That being said, if auto-tidy or auto-snapshot could be set on a system-wide *or* per drawer basis I think I'd be interested. There are certain drawers where I could envision using it, but would still want the regular behavior elsewhere.

Per earlier posts in this thread, I believe permanent Show All Files can be mostly done now by copying an icon with that setting to ENVARC:sys/def_drawer.info. All new drawers should then have Show All Files enabled as default.

Offline Matt_H

How about a "Task Manager" like windows so when a task hangs up and freezes you can check tasks to see what is hanging up and end the task.
Would be wonderful, of course, but being able to kill crashed tasks cleanly (without bringing down the whole system) would require major architectural changes to the OS.

Offline Matt_H

... why did C= not bundle the CDTV/CD32 animating CD player with a CD equipped A4000 or A1200 with CD1200? Crazy?!  :-\

I believe this was planned, but the bankruptcy got in the way.