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Author Topic: Help transferring floppy disks from Amiga to PC via cable  (Read 1870 times)


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Offline Matt_H

Re: Help transferring floppy disks from Amiga to PC via cable
« on: November 30, 2020, 01:21:12 PM »
@ Obi-Wan

Is the Sony TV a U.K. model? If so, it might have a SCART port and therefore be 15KHz-capable. You can get a SCART cable from Amigakit and other dealers, and probably eBay, too. It *might* also be 15KHz-capable on the VGA port, in which case the RGB to VGA adapter in giZmo’s post will work. Otherwise, a composite cable should work fine, as TribbleSmasher mentioned.

Offline Matt_H

Re: Help transferring floppy disks from Amiga to PC via cable
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2020, 02:55:31 AM »
Since I'm in North America I don't have any direct experience with SCART. For me it's just this mythical, high-quality video connector available on almost everything in Europe (boy, I wish we had it here). So I'm not sure about component vs. RGB SCART, but my guess would be that your TV will work with your Amiga. At any rate, I think this is what you'd need. Amigakit sells it in other lengths, too.

As for floppy cleaning disks, I think eBay is your best bet. Probably much easier to find from a random seller than a retailer.

Offline Matt_H

Re: Help transferring floppy disks from Amiga to PC via cable
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2020, 02:14:33 PM »
Another common floppy drive problem is for the disk detection sensor to get dirty. What will happen is that the drive constantly or randomly thinks a disk has just been inserted and will try to read it as such. Obviously this makes disk operations unstable. It’s a very easy fix, fortunately, compared to realignment.

Just inside the drive on the left-hand side you’ll see a little black post. It's supposed to move freely up and down when a disk presses on it. Clean it with some isopropyl alcohol via a q-tip/cotton bud until its movement is fluid again and you should be back up and running.

You might need to take the 1200’s case off to get clear access to the post. If you’re feeling braver, you can also take the top case of the floppy drive off for very easy access and other cleaning opportunities short of realigning the drive.

Also, you’ll get a much better video signal from direct SCART as opposed to SCART-to-composite, but if all you need is any sort of display then you’re all set. :)