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Author Topic: New to MorphOS, where do I start?  (Read 5693 times)


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Offline Matt_H

Re: New to MorphOS, where do I start?
« on: May 14, 2010, 10:23:58 PM »
MorphOS and OS4 on the Classics aren't really "next step / newer is better" upgrades in the way that 2.x to 3.x was. They're more of a clean break for running new software on old hardware, with some backwards compatibility (MorphOS is better in this regard).

Have a look at Aminet to see if there's any platform-specific software you're interested in running :)

Offline Matt_H

Re: New to MorphOS, where do I start?
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2010, 06:41:44 PM »
Quote from: AmigaFun;558595
Hi Matt_H. The software I want to run is mainly the CUCD's and AFCD's that came with the mags when they were about. I want to run and try the PPC only stuff that people made.
I have found a place that has a copy of OS4 and ordered it up anyway, I mean, I am going to have to start from fresh anyway to get the PPC side of things running, I think...

I could do a dual boot actually...thats an option is'nt it?

3.1 or 3.9 is  probably best for playing with coverdisc software. MorphOS is a close second, as it supports software written for both the PowerUp and WarpOS kernels out of the box. OS4 does not support PowerUp PPC programs, and its WarpOS wrapper is far from 100% compatible.

You will *definitely* want to dual boot.

Offline Matt_H

Re: New to MorphOS, where do I start?
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2010, 10:36:51 PM »
Quote from: AmigaFun;558714
@Akiko...If it does not support the Mediator, then it kind of puts a halt to the idea of installing it.

Is there a guid anywhere that details how to set up a dual boot for OS4, OS3.9, and maybe MorphOS?

It's pretty simple. You just need 3 bootable partitions (probably best to give 3.9 the highest priority), then select the one you want from the Early Startup Menu. You also need to force a bootdevice in OS4's Kicklayout and MorphOS's startup-sequence. Otherwise, they'll try to boot from your high-priority/3.9 partition, which will cause all sorts of problems, and then probably crash.

If you don't want to mess with forcing a boot device, you'll need to change the boot priorities in HDToolbox every time you want to use a different system. Rather annoying, but serviceable.