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Author Topic: Microsoft wants to buy my CD32 ! What do You Guys Think?  (Read 5457 times)


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Offline leirbag28Topic starter

Microsoft wants to buy my CD32 ! What do You Guys Think?
« on: September 30, 2006, 12:51:25 PM »

Some guy who works for Microsoft is interested in my CD32 and Amiga gear.

I am quite curious as to why? He says he was always interested in the Amiga...........but I wonder if its to examine it to see if they can make suggestions for the next X-Box?

I believe Microsoft has been doing this kind of thing for a while.

I dont know if I should sell it to him. I am the last guy who would want to deal with Microsoft in this way. Surely they can buy one on eBay. So maybe this guy is genuine and wants it for himself because he has seen the light of how crappy Microsoft is. :-D

CD32 is actually the best Amiga ever made by Commodore!...

Offline leirbag28Topic starter

Re: Microsoft wants to buy my CD32 ! What do You Guys Think?
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2006, 01:05:35 PM »

THis might be called.......... Sleeping With The Enemy  :-)

I want to sell my CD32 or actually I NEED to....as well as my Clean 1084s D1 which he also wants.

But not sure if to him...........the CD32 needs a PSU which he said he will find.
CD32 is actually the best Amiga ever made by Commodore!...

Offline leirbag28Topic starter

Re: Microsoft wants to buy my CD32 ! What do You Guys Think?
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2006, 01:44:28 PM »

thats a great idea! :-)


The 'quality' dark grey exterior is one thing that they would be wise to copy NOT!

hehehe...........I dont think the grey was as bad as the shape!  looked like it was trying hard to be like a Sega Genesis. That was degrading itself. plus it was really flimsy and crappy...........I have seen some strange versions of CD32's that were shiny and plasticy and real crappy looking!  they even had cheap joypads to go with them......I wonder  who has one like these units.  They are easily identifiable.



What I meant by "but I wonder if its to examine it to see if they can make suggestions for the next X-Box?" is that they can see what good points they can steel from the CD32's design and history....................such as the SX32 for example!

...they may want to leave the possibility of turning the Next Gen X-Box into a full computer like the CD32...................................... Sad sad sad..................Wake up Amiga Inc!

CD32 is actually the best Amiga ever made by Commodore!...

Offline leirbag28Topic starter

Re: Microsoft wants to buy my CD32 ! What do You Guys Think?
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2006, 01:48:35 PM »

 Happy Saturday! :-P
CD32 is actually the best Amiga ever made by Commodore!...

Offline leirbag28Topic starter

Re: Microsoft wants to buy my CD32 ! What do You Guys Think?
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2006, 06:51:03 PM »



are u lunatic ?

do you believe in ufos ?

do you believe in ghosts and zombis?

I see that your answer for all that questions is yes

leirbag28, you are a psyco...go to the psychiatric
cause you have the syndrome of the Amiga' idiot user
and don't post anymore stupid post like this crap
or better don't post anymore here...we don't need retarded

No, I believe in God...........so I don't believe in UFO's or Zombies.

Therefore by your standards.since my answer to your questions are NO..........this means I am not an idiot as you suggest :-)


I dont think Flashlab was refering to you, but to the Magnificant Laser :-)
CD32 is actually the best Amiga ever made by Commodore!...

Offline leirbag28Topic starter

Re: Microsoft wants to buy my CD32 ! What do You Guys Think?
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2006, 07:11:06 PM »

He is buying it for $125, though I may reduce the price for him if he buys my 1084s which he also wants.


He seemed to know nothng about the Amiga..........and even wanted to buy my SX32 pro for $500 !

Not knowing what an SX32 Pro is, and wanting to pay $500 causes me great suspicion! as in: His company may be paying him to do research on consoles?

Either that, or he has alot of Money to throw away.............................because as I have seen here..............Alot of "Amigans" here even criticised the price of my SX32! so Hardly any Amigans here were willing to pay $500 for it!

I sold the SX32 the same day I posted it! Imagine if I eBayed it!

He said he has been wanting an Amiga lately.
CD32 is actually the best Amiga ever made by Commodore!...