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Author Topic: Why not AmigaOS4 for x86 Platforms?  (Read 18179 times)


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Offline leirbag28

Re: Why not AmigaOS4 for x86 Platforms?
« Reply #14 from previous page: January 23, 2005, 04:09:21 AM »
 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
CD32 is actually the best Amiga ever made by Commodore!...

Offline leirbag28

Re: Why not AmigaOS4 for x86 Platforms?
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2005, 10:34:23 PM »

"Firewire and decent software... infact WindowsXP comes with basic Movie making/edting software... Which I can use when I connect my mates camcorder via the firewire to my PC..."

 The same Firewire and Decent software Would work Ten times better on a New G4 A1........you seem pretty happy with your PC...............then you dont really need anything from the Amiga world.
Personally I am not satisfied and have never been with a PC...it is always dissapointing. Especially when I find my Classic 68030 Amiga Outperforming it in many ways............real real sad!  I just imagine a Modern Amiga at comparable level with a PC............it would destroy it.

Anyway, PC's are about manking money..........so you get constantly ripped off.............this is also happening in the Amiga world but 10 fold..................I dont believe in that............a New Amiga should be your All In One do it All with Super high grade chips (yet still replacable incase they die)

We are so willing to pay much more for our Amigas because of the pleasure we get from running it on Amiga......because it amazes us that despite how old it was...............it still can do many modern things...........and do it nicely in an AmigaOS way.

AmigaOS (in a modern incarnation) really is the better OS amongst Windows and MacOS.......no one can ever tell me otherwise.

CD32 is actually the best Amiga ever made by Commodore!...

Offline leirbag28

Re: Why not AmigaOS4 for x86 Platforms?
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2005, 05:08:57 PM »

"Yeah, yeah, we all like AmigaOS, that's why we're here... but don't fool yourself. It's a hobby OS, fun... not better, just more fun. And strangly comforting."

AmigaOS just a hobby OS?  maybe............infact compared to Todays modern OS's it Totally sucks!
.........................But I am not talking about Amigas and its OS in the curent state it is.....but rather what it could be and should be if it were modernized correctly...........AmigaOS has a small footprint.............that alone will allow applications to run much faster than an equally competitive Windows or Mac machine..............this is what I am talking about.......................having the same specs and all 3 machines...yet Amiga always coming out on Top as it did back in the days of 386's and 486's..even Pentiums I and II's...............my 68030 outperformed them Real bad in many ways!

CD32 is actually the best Amiga ever made by Commodore!...