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Author Topic: Fixing the problems with the forums and trolls  (Read 14491 times)


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Offline Methuselas

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Re: Fixing the problems with the forums and trolls
« on: January 26, 2004, 11:11:37 PM »
Hey Wayne, couldn't you have the posts expire in the DMZ, like the polls? I mean, yeah, they ARE fun to read, but if they get to big, I'm sure they cause server problems.

After all, the DMZ is just that, the DMZ. There's nothing really there that is of a viable argument to store for an extended period of time. Originally, I had thought that you could just have them expire, after not being read for some time, but after someone figure's out the limit, it wouldn't take much for them to 'bump' it and make it's time reset.

Then again, I know next to NOTHING about the server software you're using. You could also make the DMZ a place for individuals that have exceeded a number of posts. That wouldn't stop the quagmire of post count raising, but it may help.

I'd rather not lose it all together, however. Some of my best laughs have come from that forum. :-?
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Re: Fixing the problems with the forums and trolls
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2004, 11:40:43 PM »
1) refining the rules?

I always thought the rules were quite fine, but I may be wrong.

2) Getting stricter? (good idea or bad?)

It depends on how it goes. I can tell you that *I*, personally, would go through withdrawals if I got banned from A.org for a week or so. I don't see how that could backfire either, 'cos the more out of line or rowdy  they get about it, the more they're banned.

3) Re-hashing the forums into a new schema to include more forums for personal discussion?

I LIKE this idea. Call it the 'Gibberish Section' or something that's exclusively for the humor and guffaw of the Amiga.org members. THAT would cut down on the DMZ posting and those that could care less about those particular threads, wouldn't need or bother to go.

I will admit that I have been WAY out there on my posts at times (thank GOD no one's fragged me for some of them. :-D) , but what Amiga user out there ISN'T way out there??!?? Maybe the Mods should lock threads more often or just outright give warning, 'Hey...it's getting a bit out of hand.' and kick 'em for a time, if they don't listen. I mean, if  I said something that was out of line (which I assume I have not) and got kicked for a time for it, I'd have no one to blame, but myself.
\'Using no way as way. Having no limitation as limitation.\' - Bruce Lee

\'No, sorry. I don\'t get my tits out. They\'re not actually real, you know? Just two halves of a grapefruit...\' - Miki Berenyi

\'Evil will always triumph because good is dumb.\' - Dark Helmet :roflmao:

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Re: Fixing the problems with the forums and trolls
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2004, 12:11:05 AM »
Where's the wisdom in slagging people off in this of all threads?

I couldn't agree more, Mate. ;-)
\'Using no way as way. Having no limitation as limitation.\' - Bruce Lee

\'No, sorry. I don\'t get my tits out. They\'re not actually real, you know? Just two halves of a grapefruit...\' - Miki Berenyi

\'Evil will always triumph because good is dumb.\' - Dark Helmet :roflmao:

\'And for future reference, it might be polite to ask someone if you can  quote them in your signature, rather than just citing them to make a  sales pitch.\' - Karlos. :rtf

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Re: Fixing the problems with the forums and trolls
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2004, 03:41:56 AM »

For once, Mike, you and I are in COMPLETE agreeance with one another. It's nice to have the simple fun in the forums. Granted, it CAN get out of hand, but I don't think that we should completely do away with it.
\'Using no way as way. Having no limitation as limitation.\' - Bruce Lee

\'No, sorry. I don\'t get my tits out. They\'re not actually real, you know? Just two halves of a grapefruit...\' - Miki Berenyi

\'Evil will always triumph because good is dumb.\' - Dark Helmet :roflmao:

\'And for future reference, it might be polite to ask someone if you can  quote them in your signature, rather than just citing them to make a  sales pitch.\' - Karlos. :rtf