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Author Topic: Anthony Hoffman  (Read 17893 times)


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Offline danbeaver

Re: Anthony Hoffman
« on: May 22, 2014, 08:15:25 PM »
I've only started using Anthony this past spring (he was in the deep cold prior and is beaming there again in September); My initial problem was with 4 A4000D motherboards not working that I had accumulated over the years.  Now I did send them priority mail, but all 4 were returned working in 14 days.  The last motherboard I sent he emailed me that it would cost $300 to repair and waited for my reply, which was to screw it (figuratively speaking). And he forwent the diagnostic charge ($35) to use the board for parts.  He has also repaired 3 A3640 boards for me and my favorite A4000T motherboard.

Since he is very quick responding to emails, just ask him up front any questions.  You will find him very friendly, knowledgeable, and quick.  He just happens to cycle out-of-pocket for 13 months at a time.