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Author Topic: What will drive the New Amiga?  (Read 23211 times)


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Offline danbeaver

Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« on: March 24, 2014, 12:23:25 AM »
Originally the hardware drove sales in the form of graphics (paint, ray tracing), games, and the NewTek Toaster.  Now I see the software in the form of the OS driving sales.  Let's vote:  how many people enjoy using Sudo, Administrative privileges, or other crap to run their computer?  How many folks do backups because on those systems you can't just copy your boot partition to another location with a copy command?  How easy is it on a Win/Mac/Linux system to run a simple script by clicking an icon (iconX)?  Change your startup commands? Change an early startup menu to select boot drives and such?  Configure almost all aspects of your user interface (i.e., not Macs)?

OS4.1 is fast, modern, backwardly compatible, and beginning to support more than just USB, PCI and SATA drives; it runs well on even 15+ year-old CPU's and looks beautiful.  Just think about it.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 04:52:44 AM by danbeaver »

Offline danbeaver

Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2014, 12:55:46 AM »
Well it seems "Content" in the form of software to run on OS4.1/2 will be the driving factor, as per Trevor's talk at AmiWest 2014.

[I'd like to go to an AmiEXPO again -- those were fun and enlightening too!]

Offline danbeaver

Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2014, 09:06:45 AM »
Define, "cost prohibitive right now."

The first part of your question could be handles with a script set to run (whenever) that first runs and then copies the System Update function (complete with Roll Back) and one's OS partition on a regular interval; I'm not familiar with what happens in the case of (USB signals in) the second, but a USB trigger could, again, run a script to do just that.

Most of my Amiga DOS scripts are linked to an icon (IconX) and I run them on demand, such as switch network printers, or do a partition backup.  I know DOS scripts sound lame in this day and age of  Python and stuff, but I find them quick and simple solutions myself.

Offline danbeaver

Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2014, 08:51:03 PM »
Quote from: ElPolloDiabl;778485
I like the people who say this OS is a lot like Amiga. Somebody make a poll that asks:
I like Linux, but I wish it was more like Amiga.
I like OS4, but wish it would run on x86 or 68k.

Amiga should concentrate on playing catch up. Lets have a lot of software ports. It might get equal with Linux.

Then just run Linux.

Offline danbeaver

Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2014, 05:19:03 AM »
Quote from: agami;778835
I have a full-fledged business and marketing strategy for the introduction of a new Amiga-inspired platform into the market. I have had it for a while actually.

Some of you may say "Well why don't you share it with us?" or along those lines.
The answer: Unlike an idea, execution is the critical piece for the success of any venture. Ideas are a dime a dozen; Why you could have the world's greatest idea, and it can still fail because of poor execution. On the other hand, some not so great ideas have been successful due to how they were executed. Most of us have seen examples of both.

I am working toward executing this plan in the coming years, and when I do you will be amongst the first to know about it. As you might be able to appreciate, there are only a few windows of opportunity to launch new platforms; Talking about it now leaves it open for someone else to make a mess of it and drastically reduce the chances of a second attempt.

This is not subterfuge and it is not 1st of April. It is possible to create a commercially successful computing platform that would co-exist with Windows and Mac OS X.

I hope it does rain through your "window of opportunity, " then your idea will be all wet.

Offline danbeaver

Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2014, 05:26:08 AM »
Quote from: ElPolloDiabl;778836
Is it a Linux based games console?
Even the Android (a Linux based OS) runs plenty of games.

Game Platforms don't have Python, PS support, PDF support, DVD burning capabilities, Word Processing, and a dozens of features that OS4 has at its core. So OS4 and the Amiga are not just a "gaming platform."

Be bold!  Make a decision: play games or use a computer with a different OS than OSX, Linux, Windows, and all the others.

Offline danbeaver

Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2014, 11:49:18 AM »
And this will drive the new Amiga, or the Chromebook?

Offline danbeaver

Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2014, 08:53:13 PM »
I don't believe "drive" relates to a rebirth, I believe it means, "What will encourage continued use and a propagation of the species of computers that run the Amiga OS."  Tablets are making inroads among those who Cerf the web, but don't do things like word processing, image editing, video production, office based activities, and heavy CPU intensive tasks.

Unix and its derivatives have their place in the world, but are mostly over kill in a typical home setting; Amiga's OS takes it place for just flat out being simpler to understand and use.

Offline danbeaver

Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2014, 01:26:08 PM »
Quote from: Linde;778975
I think that most average Joes will agree that OSX and iOS are simpler to use than any Amiga-like operating system. "Simpler to understand" in a deeper sense than to get things done doesn't factor in. People rather think in practical terms like "how do I get it on the network", "how do I browse facebook", "where do I find applications", "where do I get support" or "how do I write a rich text document" than things like "how does this work from top to bottom".

You can do all that on a Chromebook; you don't need a "real" computer.

Offline danbeaver

Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2014, 01:54:10 AM »
Quote from: Linde;779161
I'm sorry to have assumed that you would remember the context in which I wrote this. My point is that if there is a niche where Amiga could be established with the general populace, it has nothing to do with simplicity. The Chromebook is indeed simpler and more attractive in the senses that have any relevance to the average consumer.

Did you really say that?  There is no definition of context; you stated that the Mac OS is simpler for "average Joes" to use (so is a pencil and paper) than an Amiga;  and in some sort of  "a deeper sense than to get things done doesn't factor in."  The meaning behind this eludes me.

You mention nothing of a "niche where Amiga could be established with the general populace" in either post (what is this niche, since it also remains undefined in your post?); then you state that the Chromebook is "more attractive in the senses that have any relevance to the average consumer."  Again you describe multiple "senses" without saying what they are, and there is no comment on what you feel is of "relevance to the average consumer."

Offline danbeaver

Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2014, 08:37:50 PM »

Arguments of an elusory nature with serpentine references to prior posts are a poor way to debate an issue; I state that the Amiga OS4 is simpler to use and can only conclude that you feel the Mac OSX is simpler.

Offline danbeaver

Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2014, 08:10:23 AM »
Quote from: Linde;779254
Non-arguments like the above are an even poorer way to debate an issue.  [Insult Removed By Linde]

I also state why I think so. You never explain how Amiga OS is simpler, giving me the upper hand when it comes to actually having an argument, whether you agree or not. I also don't pose my arguments as fact, or say anything that is inherently undebatable, giving you a perfect opportunity to actually respond to them.
I do not respond to personal attacks.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 10:10:34 PM by kjmann »

Offline danbeaver

Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2014, 12:16:48 AM »
Quote from: Linde;779414
To  be perfectly honest, I don't [Personal insult removed] You are most likely perfectly capable of  following our discussion, but instead of doing so you say that my  arguments are elusory and that my references are "serpentine". Even  after I've clarified my serpentine references you refuse to directly  address what I'm saying, and instead dismiss it based on a conclusion  that only seems to take my disagreement with you into account.        

Again, I do not respond to personal attacks
« Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 10:59:01 PM by danbeaver »