Coffee House => Coffee House Boards => CH / Entertainment => Topic started by: on March 04, 2004, 06:26:52 PM

Title: About Schmidt -- very depressing
Post by: on March 04, 2004, 06:26:52 PM
Hi Guys,

I know that most of you would have seen this movie last year -- if at all -- but it just came on Showtime.  I Tivo'd "About Schmidt" (Jack Nicholson, Kathy Bates) after hearing all the reviews about it being a "light hearted romp".

All I can say is that this movie is absolutely, positively depressing from beginning to end.

Has anyone else seen it?  Am I just wrong?
Title: Re: About Schmidt -- very depressing
Post by: JaXanim on March 04, 2004, 10:21:43 PM
I haven't seen it and tho' Jack Nicholson is the most watchable actor around, I probably won't bother with this one, especially following your 'review'!



Latest: Nicholson's 'About Schmidt' bombs on the pc, thanks to the Wayne Review. 'What's this AmigaOrg setup? Who's this Wayne character anyway?' Nicholson asks. Get my attournies here now, right now!'
Title: Re: About Schmidt -- very depressing
Post by: on March 05, 2004, 02:47:16 AM

Well, to sum up, it's about a 66 year old who is forcefully retired from a job he loved, then within a few months loses his wife to a brain hemorrage, finds out she was cheating on him all along, then goes on walkabout in a motor home to see his little girl marry into this complete back-ass redneck family from hell (including a non-sensical nude scene with Kathy Bates).  There was nothing uplifting or more than moderately humorous about this movie whatsoever, except for the occassional guffaw.

... and I normally like most Jack Nicholson movies.  That werewolf one being the exception.  I will give the actors credit, they did a good job with their parts, the movie just blew.

.... Then again, I'm probably the only person on the planet who thought that The Last Samurai was a better movie than the last 4 HOUR+ Lords of the Rings sleeper.

Title: Re: About Schmidt -- very depressing
Post by: odin on March 05, 2004, 11:41:39 AM

Wayne wrote:

.... Then again, I'm probably the only person on the planet who thought that The Last Samurai was a better movie than the last 4 HOUR+ Lords of the Rings sleeper.

Hmm, you woke an hour after LotR 3 ended alone in the cinema wondering where everyone went? IIRC it was 3 hours and a bit :-).
Title: Re: About Schmidt -- very depressing
Post by: on March 05, 2004, 01:42:16 PM
Hmm, you woke an hour after LotR 3 ended alone in the cinema wondering where everyone went? IIRC it was 3 hours and a bit

Time moves in mysterious ways while you're asleep.  Actually I didn't sleep, but I simply felt like I'd gotten 4 hours sleep by the end of the movie.  Honestly?  LoTR 3 was a good movie, but definitely not worth all the hype, and in my opinion -- much like Star Wars "chapter 6" -- was the worst of the trilogy of movies.  I believe it was given 11 Oscars simply as a tribute to the 7 years spent making all three films, and judged as a whole trilogy.

Had LoTR 3 been chopped into two movies with the cut scenes back in, I'm sure I'd have liked it much better.

On the other hand, I really ENJOYED The Last Samurai, which we had seen the night before (because LoTR was sold out)
Title: Re: About Schmidt -- very depressing
Post by: Calen on March 08, 2004, 01:36:46 PM
Jack is great, i don't think i have seen that film though, latest i have seen of his is "Something's Gotta Give" funny movie :)

As for LOTR, never was a big fan but enjoyed the 3rd, Last Samurai was also a cracking movie.

Compared to the crap heap of films i have seen recently, Eg: Torgue, pathetic! very poor mans Fast and the furious and even then that wasnt a really great film either.
Last nite i feel asleep watching this ( hmm :insane: :-)
Title: Re: About Schmidt -- very depressing
Post by: Matt_H on March 08, 2004, 04:24:55 PM
Compared to the crap heap of films i have seen recently, Eg: Torgue, pathetic! very poor mans Fast and the furious

The trailer for Torque was collectively rejected by the entire audience in a theater I was in. A great moment in moviegoing history. ;-)

Re: About Schmidt
EXTREMELY depressing, but it's really a great drama. And it has its funny moments.