Amiga computer related discussion => General chat about Amiga topics => Topic started by: mgerics on November 21, 2016, 02:56:06 PM

Title: Convince me
Post by: mgerics on November 21, 2016, 02:56:06 PM
I honestly haven't used my an Amiga or emulator for anything in several years. I do pine for the days of Amiga glory, but...

Anyways, convince me to continue using Winuae or break out that dusty A2000 and make it run, chuck it all in the waste...

I like listening to music, would love to dabble in at least a little animation, 2D or 3D, perhaps image manipulation ala PhotoShop (I do legally own ADPro) and some gaming (is Quake 2 available for my beloved Amiga ?)

This is a serious question, I would not be surprised to receive bashing from any sector.

Should I spend the time to learn to use what tools may be available, or go Linux, windows?

Would I use these skills professionally, to make money ? Not likely, but who can rule out the possibility.

Hmm...almost I think I have answered my question-if I want to do these things, any platform will require the correct software/hardware combo. Do I like (the Amiga) (any) platform enough to invest time and money into what would essentially be a hobby ?

Thoughts dear friends ?
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: wawrzon on November 21, 2016, 03:34:09 PM
i dont understand how do you expect others to answer these questions for you.. the situation differs from case to case, and details or irrationalities may play a major role. simply try it out, start with what you have, cautiously involving minimax. dont invest substantiallyin anything, you have not been convinced a necessity. ask around when it comes to details. but generally, who can tell if its fun or not? depends on a person..
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: Thorham on November 21, 2016, 03:38:47 PM
Quote from: mgerics;816653
Anyways, convince me to continue using Winuae or break out that dusty A2000 and make it run, chuck it all in the waste...
We probably can't do that for you. You have to decide for yourself if you're still interested in the Amiga platform or not. Find something that's worthwhile to you, and if you can't, just quit.

One thing: Whatever you do, DON'T chuck it all in the waste (the horror).
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: amigasociety on November 21, 2016, 05:07:44 PM
Quote from: mgerics;816653

What drove me to interest in Amiga was the X1000 back in late 2009 early 2010.  Joined these forums and then purchased the X1000, along with many other Amigas.  This coming from being originally an Atarian that moved onto Mac in the 90s.  I had no heart in the Amiga world up to then.

Now zip to now and I have made some great new friends, friends I see at Amiwest almost every year.  I IRC with them and it keeps my interest in Amiga alive.  

I stay for the friends, not necessarily the Amiga alone, although Amiga NG is much fun.

I have since sold all my retro Amiga goods as I really was raised Atari and although it was fun to tinker, older Amiga was not for me.  I will stick with retro Atari for that need.

But Amiga NG is lively, fun, and new hardware and software continues to be made, although some slowly.  Thats OK though,,, it offers me an out for days I just need to zip away and chat with my Amiga friends about many things.

So it was the Amiga Friends I stay for.... and I enjoy Amiga NG for sure.  Somewhat brings back the thrill of the 1980s computing when I enjoyed it the most, although nothing really does that 100%.  But Amiga NG is close enough for me

Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: whabang on November 21, 2016, 05:24:06 PM
Things that always draw me back:

Granted, none of those requires an actual Amiga or require anything else but the default A500 UAE preset (allthough Frontier is more playable after some tweaking) and a few minutes to set up, but they're usually enough to bring back the old magic.
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: Oldsmobile_Mike on November 21, 2016, 05:26:27 PM
Why does everyone always want to play Quake 2 on an Amiga?  I've seen that game, specifically, listed on more threads than I can count.  Yes, it can do it, but it will be a poor experience compared to playing it under emulation (or the native PC version, for that matter), and you'll have to shell out a lot of $$$ for a fast enough processor card.  IMHO Amiga does many, many things well, including games.  But Quake 2 is not one of them.  :laughing:

Edit:  FWIW -
Or this one:
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: BozzerBigD on November 21, 2016, 07:16:22 PM
I like listening to music, would love to dabble in at least a little  animation, 2D or 3D, perhaps image manipulation ala PhotoShop (I do  legally own ADPro) and some gaming (is Quake 2 available for my beloved  Amiga ?)

Get a new Prisma card and MP3/AAC playback is possible. Animation requires Deluxe Paint, photo manipulation needs Photogenics and I'd give up on Quake 2 and instead play, AlienBreed 3D, Genetic Species or ADoom depending on whether your priority is game play, graphics or a familiar cross platform game.
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: Iggy on November 21, 2016, 08:10:46 PM
Quote from: BozzerBigD;816667
... I'd give up on Quake 2...

Of course, a totally maxed out legacy Amiga could run Hyperion's port of Quake 2.
And that same port would run flawlessly on NG hardware (as would some newer titles).
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: amigakid on November 21, 2016, 08:13:18 PM
It's about how much you enjoy using the Amiga and exploring other ways to utilize such a wonderful computer.  Far as Quake goes, it would require a graphics card and probably more memory for the 2000 to be able to run it at any acceptable framerate.  Maybe if you just don't want to let your Amiga love go you could invest a little in an AGA machine like an Amiga 1200 or 4000 to open a new door of advanced graphics and animation as well as speed from the 2k.  I have almost all models of the Amiga (missing an A600, and 2500) and find that each one brings a certain light to the collection.  Also go on Ebay and find some original games that you may enjoy like platformers and such.  You won't be posting to facebook on the Amiga but you definitely can find a ton of fun games. utilities, Hardware ect for each model of Amiga.  Good Luck and happy Amiga-ing!!!!
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: James1095 on November 21, 2016, 08:46:56 PM
It's mostly about nostalgia for me, and it's fun to play with vintage hardware, takes me back to a simpler time. For my day to day work I use a modern Win7 PC but Amigas are fun. If it doesn't excite you anymore then sell the hardware to somebody else and let them enjoy it, I'm not going to try to convince you to keep it, either it interests you or it doesn't. There's nothing you can *do* on a vintage Amiga that you can't do on a modern commodity PC, that's not the point.

Yeah I don't get why anyone wants to play Quake on an Amiga either. The Amiga was already long in the tooth by the time Quake came out, an old Pentium II with a Voodoo card will give a far better Quake experience for a lot less money.
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: Rob on November 21, 2016, 08:51:29 PM
Quote from: mgerics;816653
I honestly haven't used my an Amiga or emulator for anything in several years. I do pine for the days of Amiga glory, but...

Anyways, convince me to continue using Winuae or break out that dusty A2000 and make it run, chuck it all in the waste...

I'd recommend downloading Amikit and seeing where it goes from there.

It does require one the following to be able to install it but it comes

Amiga Forever Plus or Premium Edition 2005 or newer (also includes required Kickstart ROM)
Amiga Forever Online Edition 2005/2006/2008 (also includes required Kickstart ROM)  
AmigaOS 3.9 CD (both editions)  
AmigaOS 3.5 CD  
AmigaOS XL CD (Amithlon)

Whatever happens don't throw out the A2000, there's always someone you'll take off your hands
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: SACC-guy on November 21, 2016, 09:15:13 PM
Quote from: mgerics;816653
I honestly haven't used my an Amiga or emulator for anything in several years. I do pine for the days of Amiga glory, but...

Anyways, convince me to continue using Winuae or break out that dusty A2000 and make it run, chuck it all in the waste...

I like listening to music, would love to dabble in at least a little animation, 2D or 3D, perhaps image manipulation ala PhotoShop (I do legally own ADPro) and some gaming (is Quake 2 available for my beloved Amiga ?)

This is a serious question, I would not be surprised to receive bashing from any sector.

Should I spend the time to learn to use what tools may be available, or go Linux, windows?

Would I use these skills professionally, to make money ? Not likely, but who can rule out the possibility.

Hmm...almost I think I have answered my question-if I want to do these things, any platform will require the correct software/hardware combo. Do I like (the Amiga) (any) platform enough to invest time and money into what would essentially be a hobby ?

Thoughts dear friends ?
One thing you MUST do is open up the 2000 and take out that damm battery!
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: Oldsmobile_Mike on November 21, 2016, 09:53:53 PM
Quote from: Rob;816679
I'd recommend downloading Amikit and seeing where it goes from there.

Amikit makes your Amiga feel too "un-Amiga like".  I would never use it.  Just IMHO, plenty of other folks seem to like it.  ;)
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: blakespot on November 22, 2016, 02:25:32 AM
Here's DOOM on my '020 14MHz A2000!
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: Oldsmobile_Mike on November 22, 2016, 02:39:29 AM
Quote from: blakespot;816700
Here's DOOM on my '020 14MHz A2000!

ROFL!  I wish I could like this video two or three times. :lol:

Here it is on my A2000 (, it's playable at full-screen and smoother if I make it a bit smaller, but this is with I don't even want to think about how many $$$$'s of dollars worth of hardware expansion.  The things we do for our hobbies.  ;)
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: ElPolloDiabl on November 22, 2016, 03:15:41 AM
As a hobby computer there is none of that pressure to get software working. Get your Amiga 2000 working and pull it out every couple of weeks. It is no comparison to an emulator.
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: fishy_fiz on November 22, 2016, 06:59:24 AM
Quote from: James1095;816678
Yeah I don't get why anyone wants to play Quake on an Amiga either. The Amiga was already long in the tooth by the time Quake came out, an old Pentium II with a Voodoo card will give a far better Quake experience for a lot less money.

So will a Pentium1, heck even a faster 486.  :)

Really though I don't think it matters. Whatever people want to play it on is as valid as the next persons choice.
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: David Wright on November 22, 2016, 01:48:19 PM
Quote from: ElPolloDiabl;816703
As a hobby computer there is none of that pressure to get software working. Get your Amiga 2000 working and pull it out every couple of weeks. It is no comparison to an emulator.

Why no comparison?  If most people only saw the screen and tried the emulation and real hardware, I'll bet they couldn't tell the difference.

Well, maybe because emulation is faster and a lot of times better graphics.

Now I'm not saying there is no reason to have real hardware, I do, but be realistic. I regularly use an 030 Amiga 1200 and an Amibian raspberry pi.
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: James1095 on November 22, 2016, 04:35:12 PM
Quote from: fishy_fiz;816704
So will a Pentium1, heck even a faster 486.  :)

Really though I don't think it matters. Whatever people want to play it on is as valid as the next persons choice.

I guess I did play it on a P-133, what really made the difference was the Voodoo 3D accelerator, I still remember being blown away the first time I played Quake with one of those.

Sure it's valid, it just seems a bit silly to spend loads of money to have an inferior experience with a game that was shoehorned onto the Amiga later on when there are so many great classic Amiga games that didn't make it to other platforms.
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: Jose on November 22, 2016, 06:16:50 PM
Well if you want something that can be recognizable and even used professionally you can learn C and try to do some applications. After that you can move to other platforms (and hopefully continue to support this one). Bear in mind that although coding for different OSes is different there plenty if not much that has similar concepts and the Amiga is actually more unforgiving of your mistakes so it's not that bad to learn on.
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: paul1981 on November 22, 2016, 09:56:06 PM
Quote from: blakespot;816700
Here's DOOM on my '020 14MHz A2000!

That's using 16-bit Fast RAM, hence slower speed than expected. I think Doom requires 6 MB of RAM. Can you fit more Fast RAM to that 68020 card?
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: paul1981 on November 22, 2016, 11:49:50 PM
Quote from: fishy_fiz;816704
So will a Pentium1, heck even a faster 486.  :)

Really though I don't think it matters. Whatever people want to play it on is as valid as the next persons choice.

This Voodoo III equipped A1200 with a 68060 @ 75 MHz does a pretty good job.


To me though, Amiga was all about creating things. There's software to cater for every need, I never got bored. Modern computing is more about consumption than creation, so keep hold of your A2000 and cling on to that old mind set, where I found computing totally engrossing, if only an hour or two per week. Also, there's a chance that if you do sell your gear (or skip it) then you may regret that decision. There's a whole software library out there, and it can be enjoyed with any Amiga with a hard drive and a couple of megs of Fast RAM.
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: scuzzb494 on November 23, 2016, 12:54:22 AM
I have way too many Amigas in truth to give any reasoned argument. I have modern machines and play online gaming too. But, I just couldn't be without my treasured Amigas. I just love sitting at the various machines and tinkering with all my files, programs, games etc. If only to fire up my arcade snooker game while I copy over some demo disks from a CD to play on the 500. I just find that once I sit down in my Amiga world everything seem wonderful and I am lost to it all. But then its always been like that. Quite magical.
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: Dandy on November 23, 2016, 10:16:38 AM
@ whabang - #5:

Quote from: whabang;816659

Things that always draw me back:

Oh no! More lemmings!
Elite II - Frontier
Cannon fodder

Granted, none of those requires an actual Amiga ... but they're usually enough to bring back the old magic.

As wawrzon already wrote in #2:


Original by wawrzon:

but generally, who can tell if its fun or not? depends on a person..

In line with this, you stick with the Amiga because of games, while I stick with it because of all the productive software I have - e.g. DynaCadd, MaxxonCAD, Maxxon Cinema 4D, CNC Tool, NewIO, ...
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: whabang on November 23, 2016, 11:59:51 AM
Quote from: Dandy;816767
@ whabang - #5:

As wawrzon already wrote in #2:

In line with this, you stick with the Amiga because of games, while I stick with it because of all the productive software I have - e.g. DynaCadd, MaxxonCAD, Maxxon Cinema 4D, CNC Tool, NewIO, ...

YAM for me. Best mail application ever made. Alas, switching back and forth between emulated AOS and Linux is too much of a hassle for me. Still, it's up to each and everyone.
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: soviet on November 23, 2016, 01:22:02 PM
Get a Vampire II and sure you can play quake 2 on a stock Amiga.
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: Iggy on November 23, 2016, 04:05:36 PM
Quote from: soviet;816770
Get a Vampire II and sure you can play quake 2 on a stock Amiga.

That combo would work, but I'd want an RTG card as well.
And yes, I know the Vampire has video out.
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: kolla on November 23, 2016, 04:14:55 PM
Quote from: Iggy;816773
That combo would work, but I'd want an RTG card as well.
And yes, I know the Vampire has video out.

Why do you want an RTG card in addition to the RTG output that the Vampire provides?
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: Dandy on November 24, 2016, 06:51:54 AM
Quote from: whabang;816769

YAM for me. Best mail application ever made. Alas, switching back and forth between emulated AOS and Linux is too much of a hassle for me. Still, it's up to each and everyone.

Fully agreed!
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: Jiffy on November 24, 2016, 10:20:25 AM
Quote from: mgerics;816653
Would I use these skills professionally, to make money ? Not likely, but who can rule out the possibility.
No. That is, there's always a small chance and there are exceptions to the rule, but in general, no, you will not suddenly gain any skills on an Amiga nowadays which are likely to make you any serious money in the future. Selling selfmade hardware projects to other geeks might be your only chance...

Hmm...almost I think I have answered my question-if I want to do these things, any platform will require the correct software/hardware combo. Do I like (the Amiga) (any) platform enough to invest time and money into what would essentially be a hobby ?
And that's entirely up to you!
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: Iggy on November 24, 2016, 03:27:48 PM
Quote from: kolla;816774
Why do you want an RTG card in addition to the RTG output that the Vampire provides?

Because the drivers offer a better level of compatibility.
I appreciate the Apollo teams efforts to streatch the goals for the Vampire2, but instead of graphics or multimedia instructions, how about just finishing the cpu's fpu?

Feature creep was always a problem with the Natami.
You would think Gunnar would have learned his lesson.
Get it done, figure out how to produce it in the volumes demanded, THEN you can work on improving it or expanding it.

Maybe Von Bohem and company plan on living forever, but I'm personally worried about seeing this completed in my lifetime.
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: Lord Aga on November 25, 2016, 08:16:13 PM
Quote from: paul1981;816746
Modern computing is more about consumption than creation.


Since the golden age of Amiga, computer user experience has devoluted into mere consumption.

Amiga keeps the creator spirit alive :)
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: smerf on November 26, 2016, 02:59:37 AM
mgerics - I use my Amiga almost everyday with the fs-uae emualator on a Linux machine, but I also have Amiga Forever for my PC.

Now why did I choose Linux and FS-UAE, mostly because they are free. and linux and the Amiga combined will do everything I want them to do. While on the PC you have to pay big bucks about every 5 years to get new software for your PC. I find Linux quite convenient to get stuff done.
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: fishy_fiz on November 26, 2016, 05:56:24 AM
Quote from: paul1981;816746

To me though, Amiga was all about creating things. There's software to cater for every need, I never got bored. Modern computing is more about consumption than creation,.

Not really true. Its all down to how a person uses a machine. There's a plethora of fantastic creative software for modern computers with features I could only dream about having on the Amiga.
A typical use of a modern machine may be more consumption based than in the Amiga's heyday, but that has nothing to do with the machines or their software.
I'd even argue that a modern machines makes it easier to be creative if a person is inclined.
Title: Re: Convince me
Post by: fishy_fiz on November 26, 2016, 06:00:15 AM
Quote from: soviet;816770
Get a Vampire II and sure you can play quake 2 on a stock Amiga.

You sure about that? :)
Firstly, quake and quake2 require an fpu. Secondly, adding a Vampire II would make an Amiga something other than stock.  :)