Operating System Specific Discussions => Other Operating Systems => Topic started by: SysAdmin on August 24, 2013, 11:09:22 AM

Title: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: SysAdmin on August 24, 2013, 11:09:22 AM

Will anyone miss the monkey dance?
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: bloodline on August 24, 2013, 11:13:51 AM
I love the fact that the MSFT shares jumped 9% on his announcement! That is seriously funny :)
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: guest3110 on August 24, 2013, 12:16:31 PM
Yay... he's retiring. :D

Pressing PLAY:
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: Manu on August 24, 2013, 12:31:13 PM
Quote from: SysAdmin;746046

Will anyone miss the monkey dance?

Then half of my prediction was right, now let's see if Bill Gates steps in as
front figure and tries to do a "Jobs".
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: MicroStrand on August 24, 2013, 01:24:10 PM
Quote from: bloodline;746047
I love the fact that the MSFT shares jumped 9% on his announcement! That is seriously funny.
Yes, for him this is perhaps not necessarily a reputation, but definitely profitable through his shareholding and with more than 15 billions on his bank account.
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: Duce on August 24, 2013, 01:50:49 PM
Quote from: bloodline;746047
I love the fact that the MSFT shares jumped 9% on his announcement! That is seriously funny :)

Apple share value jumped after Jobs died, not much of an indicator of anything really.  Hell, Apple spiked up value wise just a week or two ago just based off Carl Icahn giving his two cents on how he felt about its' market valuation.  Suits me just fine since I have some Apple stock I bought 20 years ago, heh.  

Was never a fan of Ballmer, but  he did wonders for MS's financials in the 13 years he was CEO.  Always felt a bit bad for the guy and his keynote speeches and the whole sweaty monkeyboy dance things, but most of the MS devotees gobbled that right up.

I do firmly believe if Gates was still at the helm such debacles like Win RT would never have seen the light of day, but RT can mostly be blamed on Sinofsky even if Ballmer would have had the final decision on it.  How the whole "Windows that doesn't run Windows programs" concept of RT ever got the green light is just baffling.  I have an RT tablet that a friend dropped on my doorstep and it literally makes the Newton PDA seem like the most practical device on earth.
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: bbond007 on August 24, 2013, 02:09:41 PM
this one is my favorite:

all these features and Reversi!
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: MicroStrand on August 24, 2013, 04:23:51 PM
Quote from: bbond007;746068
All these features and Reversi!
Really crazy, but anyway a flop as a whole. It came in November 1985 and despite everything it didn't sell. M$ is still an unworldly microcosm that has long since passed its zenith.
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: commodorejohn on August 24, 2013, 04:46:37 PM
So long, you crazy diamond, take Win8 with you...
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: James2002 on August 24, 2013, 05:06:25 PM
I knew it!  Good bye Steve. No I wont miss you.
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: Oldsmobile_Mike on August 24, 2013, 05:28:13 PM
I saw this on the news yesterday morning.  My first thought was "I wonder how long it will take to jump on a thread about it?"  ;)  Don't let the door hit ya on the way out!
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: James2002 on August 25, 2013, 02:31:34 AM
Quote from: Oldsmobile_Mike;746085
I saw this on the news yesterday morning.  My first thought was "I wonder how long it will take to jump on a thread about it?"  ;)  Don't let the door hit ya on the way out!
We won't get to see the monkey dance :juggler:  while he on the way out.  :lol:
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: Amiga_Nut on August 25, 2013, 03:25:59 AM
Can't say I care any more, even if Paul, Steve and Bill died tomorrow it doesn't matter, the damage M$ and Apple have done to the home computer market from the revolution to revolution technical years from mid 70s to mid 90s is irreparable, the good old days are gone for good.
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: Matt_H on August 25, 2013, 04:50:02 AM
Quote from: SysAdmin;746046

Will anyone miss the monkey dance?

The Register called it "Ballmer's screen test for Planet of the Apes" ( way back when. :)

I quite like this mix (, although YouTube's compression algorithm has not been kind to it.
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: MicroStrand on August 25, 2013, 05:21:09 AM
Quote from: Amiga_Nut;746158
Can't say I care any more, even if Paul, Steve and Bill died tomorrow it doesn't matter, the damage M$ and Apple have done to the home computer market from the revolution to revolution technical years from mid 70s to mid 90s is irreparable, the good old days are gone for good.
I'm sorry to say that, but in the mid 70's had this people absolutely no impact on the software industry. The dominant company at this time was Digital Research and the think tank Xerox PARC. The real drama started in the year 1980 with IBM's "Project Chess".
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: nicholas on August 25, 2013, 05:37:33 AM
Quote from: bbond007;746068
this one is my favorite:

all these features and Reversi!

OMG what a tool! (Him not the product)

Is TV advertising seriously like this in the US?  Does it work? I mean actual real people see stuff like that and then part with their money for advertised product?
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: nicholas on August 25, 2013, 05:42:32 AM
Quote from: MicroStrand;746167
I'm sorry to say that, but in the mid 70's had this people absolutely no impact on the software industry. The dominant company at this time was Digital Equipment Corporation and the think tank Bell Labs. The real drama started in the year 1980 with IBM's "Project Chess".

Fixed that for you. ;)
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: MicroStrand on August 25, 2013, 06:03:18 AM
Quote from: nicholas;746169
Fixed that for you. ;)
Wrong! They had no name in the microcomputer business, only for mainframes and minis and that's not the topic here. ;)
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: nicholas on August 25, 2013, 06:26:51 AM
Quote from: MicroStrand;746170
Wrong! They had no name in the microcomputer business, only for mainframes and minis and that's not the topic here. ;)

I know, that's why I winked. :)
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: commodorejohn on August 25, 2013, 07:44:45 AM
Quote from: nicholas;746168
Is TV advertising seriously like this in the US?  Does it work? I mean actual real people see stuff like that and then part with their money for advertised product?
It's simple: everybody was completely insane in the '80s.

(Even then, nobody actually bought Windows 1.0.)
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: nicholas on August 25, 2013, 07:56:47 AM
Quote from: commodorejohn;746176
It's simple: everybody was completely insane in the '80s.

(Even then, nobody actually bought Windows 1.0.)

It's actually a very good thing that no one bought it, because anyone who would purchase a product with that sort of advertising should be locked up in a psych-ward for their own protection! lol
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: bloodline on August 25, 2013, 09:40:01 AM
Quote from: bbond007;746068
this one is my favorite:

all these features and Reversi!
Has he ever had any hair?
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: bbond007 on August 25, 2013, 10:04:10 AM
Quote from: nicholas;746168
OMG what a tool! (Him not the product)

Is TV advertising seriously like this in the US?  Does it work? I mean actual real people see stuff like that and then part with their money for advertised product?

Yes and no... tends to get more like that into the wee hours... and typically for more useless, gimmicky stuff. Not to say Windows 1.0 is not useless, but you know what I mean.

Sometimes they go on for 30 minutes or more, in which case its called an "infomercial" and then its time to change to a different TV station.

And I would venture to say it does work because you continue to see the approach used :)
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: Duce on August 25, 2013, 10:06:10 AM
Heh, he was damned near half bald in the late 70's / early 80's.
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: gertsy on August 25, 2013, 11:45:15 AM
His last name certainly matched his demeanour.
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: SysAdmin on August 26, 2013, 07:40:38 AM
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: gertsy on August 26, 2013, 01:55:14 PM
lol a market analyst speculating of the way it is inside Microsoft. Some story. He asks the questions and then answers them. Sounds a tad burnt to me. I guess Computer World have no choice really. Need the money from wherever they can get it.  

Probably want to look at ZDNets articles instead.
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: commodorejohn on August 26, 2013, 05:42:44 PM
Is there any reason to doubt it? Microsoft's 2012-2013 has been one fiasco after another: widespread rejection of Windows 8, which only recently surpassed Vista's adoption rate, confusion over the poorly-differentiated Surface versions and the general failure of the Surface line in the marketplace, the XBone debacle and Sony making MS look like fools simply by announcing their plans not to gratuitously abuse their own customers. Add to that that they don't even have a successor lined up and think it might take them up to a year to find one, and it's abundantly clear that Ballmer got the boot.
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: Oldsmobile_Mike on August 26, 2013, 06:03:28 PM
Quote from: gertsy;746320
Probably want to look at ZDNets articles instead.

I have a love-hate relationship with ZDNet.  As long as they are actual news articles and not overblown opinion pieces by the likes of Ed Bott or SJVN.  ;)
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: SysAdmin on August 27, 2013, 10:46:31 AM
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: number6 on August 27, 2013, 03:11:26 PM
Quote from: SysAdmin;746398

Try that link on an Amiga and you'll prolly want to replace it. Heh.

Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: SysAdmin on August 29, 2013, 08:29:03 AM
Place your bets, Bookmaker handicaps Microsoft CEO race.
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: huronking on August 29, 2013, 12:53:43 PM
Bob Nardelli and Gary Forsee are available...
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: SysAdmin on August 29, 2013, 01:24:13 PM
Quote from: huronking;746538
Bob Nardelli and Gary Forsee are available...

This guy might be available.
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: Duce on August 29, 2013, 02:05:10 PM
Wouldn't expect them to do anything but promote from within, or bring someone back that was already a long term Microsoftie.  Sinfosky doesn't stand a chance in hell, IMO.  A lot of W8's failures rest on his shoulders still, and he was very well known for being just miserable to work with and often compared to a Jobs wannabe sans the "vision".

Hastings (from Netflix, and a MS board member) was a pretty good bet but I doubt he'd take the job if offered.  Not to mention he's still sort of living down the blunder he did with Netflix not too long ago.  He's still patching that mess up, but past the worst of it.

Elop is a dice roll.  While he's done good work at Nokia, I don't picture him as a guiding force for MS in the long haul even if Nokia and MS are on extremely friendly terms.  Larson-Green could be another dice roll, but it's been muttered she doesn't have the vision or depth to run the show on a bigger scheme of things.

Whoever it is, I suspect they will be hand picked by Billy G. himself, heh.

If they do hire outside of the walled garden, wouldn't be surprised if they poached an ex Googler or ex Apple exec.
Title: Re: Steve Ballmer? - Bye!
Post by: persia on August 29, 2013, 05:47:50 PM
I'd be out after someone big at Apple, now that moral is down to normal levels (as opposed to super high under Jobs) Apple execs are approachable.