Operating System Specific Discussions => Other Operating Systems => Topic started by: Pyromania on July 29, 2013, 06:10:31 PM

Title: The end of Andriod?
Post by: Pyromania on July 29, 2013, 06:10:31 PM
Could the end be near in the not too far off future?
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: nicholas on July 29, 2013, 06:37:09 PM
"We did not enter the search business. They entered the phone business," Jobs reportedly told employees at a company meeting in February of 2010. "Make no mistake; Google wants to kill the iPhone. We won't let them."

Looks like he failed...

That's just Samsung, add the rest of the Android devices to that number and it's even more of a landslide victory for Android.
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: Nlandas on July 29, 2013, 06:39:42 PM
Quote from: Pyromania;742956
Could the end be near in the not too far off future?

The Apple fans at forgot to mention how fragmented the OS is and how iOS 7 will bring it to it's knees before Google can simply decide to scrap it.

I can see Google wanting to merge ChromeOS and Android as their focus seems to be on web enabled OSs. However, this article seems like a lot of gloom and doom as opposed to the promise of new hybrid innovative ecosystems that Google is likely to bring our way. I'm sure Apple would love to see an end of Android that has stolen the Smartphone market and is in the process of stealing the Tablet market but to call it an end is spin.

We know that Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie is already planned and could be released as early as Q4 and 4.3 just shipped which is supposed to be the last release of Jelly Bean. So if major change is coming to Android it would probably be more accurate to look at it as the metamorphoses of Android.

I doubt that Google is likely to want to end the run away success of Android even if as the article suggests it hasn't been able to directly capitalize off it as it should have been able to.
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: Duce on July 29, 2013, 06:58:02 PM
One of the worst articles I've read in recent memory, and another fine example of clickbaiting, heh.  However, I expect no less from Apple Insider.

Spend 5 minutes with a Chromecast and you, like I did - will likely realize that Android may have been an option for the "OS" on it, it was by no means the best option.  For what they are trying to accomplish with the thing, Chrome OS itself is far better.  Chromecast is a neat little dongle, but not much more than a novelty at this point.  I'd be willing to wager good money that most people were like myself and simply bought one because they were curious and it also came with 3 months of Netflix subscription, a $24 value.  Making the actual device have a cost to user of $11.  I'm not particularly impressed with the thing, but it's early days at the moment.  It's got quite a few neat things about it and I'm eager to see what Google does with it in the future.  Just a shame they made it Wifi only - would have loved to see it with a gig ethernet port on it.

As for capitalization and profits made off Android, if you think it was Google's goal to make money off a mobile open source OS directly you're crazy.  Google is all about search, and if it takes making a mobile OS to lock you into their services and ad model, they will do it.  It's working *extremely* well for them.
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: OlafS3 on July 29, 2013, 06:58:50 PM
Quote from: Nlandas;742960
The Apple fans at forgot to mention how fragmented the OS is and how iOS 7 will bring it to it's knees before Google can simply decide to scrap it.

I can see Google wanting to merge ChromeOS and Android as their focus seems to be on web enabled OSs. However, this article seems like a lot of gloom and doom as opposed to the promise of new hybrid innovative ecosystems that Google is likely to bring our way. I'm sure Apple would love to see an end of Android that has stolen the Smartphone market and is in the process of stealing the Tablet market but to call it an end is spin.

We know that Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie is already planned and could be released as early as Q4 and 4.3 just shipped which is supposed to be the last release of Jelly Bean. So if major change is coming to Android it would probably be more accurate to look at it as the metamorphoses of Android.

I doubt that Google is likely to want to end the run away success of Android even if as the article suggests it hasn't been able to directly capitalize off it as it should have been able to.

"stolen the Smartphone market and is in the process of stealing the Tablet market"

You want a monopoly in a whole market segment with high prices, low services and a company like Apple defining the content? Great how about the germans get back the monopoly in cars industry because they build the first cars?
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: Fats on July 29, 2013, 07:10:13 PM
Quote from: Pyromania;742956
Could the end be near in the not too far off future?

No. Wanna bet ?
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: itix on July 29, 2013, 07:23:22 PM
Quote from: Pyromania;742956
Could the end be near in the not too far off future?

I think Android is there to stay.. but Android bugs on my Samsung S3 put me off from buying Android tablets and my next phone is going to be iPhone. Or perhaps Nokia if they have got something useful done. But not Android. It is buggy.
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: nicholas on July 29, 2013, 07:27:46 PM
Quote from: itix;742969
I think Android is there to stay.. but Android bugs on my Samsung S3 put me off from buying Android tables and my next phone is going to be iPhone. Or perhaps Nokia if they have got something useful done. But not Android. It is buggy.

I've had no problems with CyanogenMod on any device but the Samsung Touchwiz crap on my S2 and the even more dire Sense rubbish on my HTC Sensation were really buggy.

I might be tempted into a Jolla device for my next handset if I can get my hands on one.
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: SysAdmin on July 29, 2013, 08:16:22 PM
Quote from: itix;742969
I think Android is there to stay.. but Android bugs on my Samsung S3 put me off from buying Android tables and my next phone is going to be iPhone. Or perhaps Nokia if they have got something useful done. But not Android. It is buggy.

Nokia phone? That was a funny joke!

Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: nicholas on July 29, 2013, 08:20:15 PM
Quote from: SysAdmin;742981
Nokia phone? That was a funny joke!


Nokia have always made the best hardware, it's just a shame they tied themselves to the WinPhone abomination.
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: SysAdmin on July 29, 2013, 08:23:14 PM

You are right the hardware is good. I owned a Symbian Nokia phone before the iPhone and from a hardware standpoint it was nice. The joke is on Nokia now because they only support Windows Phone. What a way to ruin all hope of sales. They should offer Android as well so they can sell some units for a change. After Windows Phone fails just like the Kin phone and Zune maybe Nokia will wise up before they go out of business. Here's hoping.
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: nicholas on July 29, 2013, 08:31:08 PM
I think the board would have to get rid of the MS stooge Elop first and it doesn't look likely.
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: psxphill on July 29, 2013, 10:02:45 PM
Quote from: Pyromania;742956

The chromecast is no indication that they are dropping android completely. It makes sense to not use java when you're building a fixed function device.
java makes sense when you want to run the same application across lots of different hardware & allow anyone to write applications as they run in a sandbox and can't do any damage.
Android is likely to stay on phones and tablets for a while, although eventually they might replace it with Chrome OS.
The Chromecast is pretty uninspiring though.
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: AJCopland on July 29, 2013, 10:10:55 PM
Quote from: Pyromania;742956
Could the end be near in the not too far off future?

Nope, it's just that it's a cut-down device focused on a single purpose. You'd have to be stupid to put a full fledged OS on it.

Also that's Apple Insider discussing a Google device and rubbishing Android? Colour me shocked to the core...
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: itix on July 29, 2013, 11:36:53 PM
Quote from: SysAdmin;742985

You are right the hardware is good. I owned a Symbian Nokia phone before the iPhone and from a hardware standpoint it was nice. The joke is on Nokia now because they only support Windows Phone. What a way to ruin all hope of sales. They should offer Android as well so they can sell some units for a change.

I dont care what operating system my phone is running at. I just want to make phone calls and send text messages. Samsung S3 is quite good at that but it is unacceptable it reboots silently when it is passively waiting for incoming calls.

I dont know is it fault of Samsung or Android. Certainly I am not trying Samsung or Android anytime soon.

After Windows Phone fails just like the Kin phone and Zune maybe Nokia will wise up before they go out of business. Here's hoping.

If Windows Phone fails Nokia is dead. They dont have second chance. And I dont know if Android could rescue Nokia. In Europe everyone think Android = Samsung.

Nokia is probably gone for good. Dunno. Maybe Samsung too. Here in the states everyone is using iphone... I havent seen anyone using any other than iPhone here.
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: Iggy on July 29, 2013, 11:40:59 PM
Quote from: Fats;742966
No. Wanna bet ?

perfectly silly article.
Android doesn't need Goggle to survive.
AND, btw, I don't care what iOS offers, I'm not using any current Apple software.
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: som99 on July 30, 2013, 12:34:44 AM
Quote from: nicholas;742984
Nokia have always made the best hardware, it's just a shame they tied themselves to the WinPhone abomination.

I loved nokia in the past, hardware was great but the move of keeping a crippled symbian as long as they did bugged me out.

I loved my Nokia N97 because of a hardware QWERTY keyboard, tho Symbian was not smart phone ready and had a lot of drawbacks also no direct access to the framebuffer, I later jumped on the Nokia N900 train and had high hopes for Maemo, Loved that phone to death, also a QWERTY keyboard so i  coded a lot on it on the go in VIM and typing was a breeze.

Then my N900 broke and I went Android because I did not want Windows phones, sure I have had old Windows phones like QTEK 9090 and 9000, loved both but the old Windows phone OS was rubbish but I compiled VM 6.5 for em and they worked a lot better.

Nowdays I like Android and am using CyanogenMod, tho I still want/need a hardware QWERTY keyboard, and unlucky as I am it seems the market is quite dry on those phones nowdays :( There pops up one now and then but not here in Sweden and I want Swedish keyboard layout since typing the thre last letters in the swedish alpabeth is a pain otherwise (åäö).

So atm I got a Samsung S3 4G (the 4G has 2GB ram and well 4G else it's near the same as the standard S3), still waiting for a decent phone with a full keyboard tho while im waiting I supported the iControlpad 2 on kickstarter and hope they are done soon and ill give it a shot.

Edit: as always i keep typing way to much xD
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: pwermonger on July 30, 2013, 01:51:19 AM
That is an odd conclusion for the fact that Google has made a very inexpensive device not using the full Android OS. Especially considering you control the device from an Android phone, or Chrome browser on a computer.
Chromecast is not a $400-600 device. It's $35.
The article even states that the most likely reason to not have Android compatibility is to keep cost down, not that the they are ditching Android due to intellectual property issues.
Maybe if it walks like a duck, it really is a duck.
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: Argo on July 30, 2013, 09:00:03 AM
Chromecast looks interesting, I admit. I'll be watching to see what development comes up around it.
Not sure what some people's issues are with Android. Then again, I only have pure Android devices (AOSP).
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: Hattig on July 30, 2013, 09:06:51 AM
Quote from: Pyromania;742956
Could the end be near in the not too far off future?

AppleInsider has become a very rabid Apple fansite and loves leaping to conclusions based around long articles with poor logic and lack of fact checking.  When they concentrate on Apple related stuff they can be quite good but they flounder when it comes to other systems.

The Chromecast only includes a stripped down ChromeOS and no Android because it's a $35 device engineered to do certain tasks, and those tasks don't include running Android.  It's hardly a shock that they reused their existing Google TV software stack in part. Most likely there is an aim to sell the design to TV manufacturers to include within their low to mid market TVs, with full Google TV in the higher end ranges.

Sheesh: "Android's Dalvik is essentially a rewritten, optimized variant of Sun's Java VM" - no, it's an entirely different virtual machine, register based, not stack based, and it's not very well optimised compared with a Java JIT JVM.
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: polyp2000 on July 30, 2013, 09:30:23 AM
Quote from: itix;743017
Quote from: SysAdmin;742985
Samsung S3 is quite good at that but it is unacceptable it reboots silently when it is passively waiting for incoming calls ...... I havent seen anyone using any other than iPhone here.

I have a Samsung S3 too - although I've never experienced any bugs on the scale you are talking about. I wonder if your phone is actually faulty or perhaps
you have installed some crapware thats futzing with it.

I dont subscribe to the closed apple ecosystem and im just not that hip! Although when my contract expires and im up for a new mobile i will consider
other brands. This is not through any bad experiences with Samsung (I've previously had a S1) - I just think its worth evaluating the competition. Some of the top-end HTC devices look pretty slick too.

Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: AppleIIGuy on July 31, 2013, 07:01:38 AM
What I find interesting is how people want to compare numbers of devices by using every android device against Apple devices when most of the android devices sold are just low end feature phone replacements which will most likely never get updated.
Why not just compare the numbers of Premium high-end smartphones ie Samsung S3/4
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: Duce on July 31, 2013, 07:35:33 AM
Quote from: Argo;743067
Chromecast looks interesting, I admit. I'll be watching to see what development comes up around it.
Not sure what some people's issues are with Android. Then again, I only have pure Android devices (AOSP).

Was some updates / announcements of app support for Chromecast that make it a heck of a lot more attractive than it was even a week ago.

A few days ago, I wouldn't have recommended it to too many people, but it seems like the support for applications/extensions on the thing are developing rapidly (Vimeo, Redbox, Plex, Pandora, Revision 3, AOL all said they were developing for it within the last few days).  I'm getting quite a bit of use out of mine for Netflix, as I'm tired of paying for Xbox Gold and Netflix on top of that.

That being said, you are still dependent on a laptop/ to really do a darned thing with the Chromecast, but that doesn't bother me too much since my phone already has an app to run virtually everything on my TV/IPTV service.

For $35, well worth looking at for the tech savvy or geek at heart.  Shame they nixxed the Netflix 3 month sub, though.
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: itix on July 31, 2013, 09:05:05 AM
Quote from: polyp2000;743069

I have a Samsung S3 too - although I've never experienced any bugs on the scale you are talking about. I wonder if your phone is actually faulty or perhaps
you have installed some crapware thats futzing with it.

I did install some software from Samsung App Store. I was also thinking that there could be a fault in hardware but bugs I found are reproducible. It just seem to be sensitive to certain touch screen actions and lockup and finally reboot (I assume a watchdog comes to rescue).
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: nicholas on July 31, 2013, 02:05:30 PM
Quote from: itix;743231
I did install some software from Samsung App Store. I was also thinking that there could be a fault in hardware but bugs I found are reproducible. It just seem to be sensitive to certain touch screen actions and lockup and finally reboot (I assume a watchdog comes to rescue).

Root it then install ROM Manager from the Play Store, then use that to wipe the Samsung crap and install CM10.1 you won't regret it. :)
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: psxphill on July 31, 2013, 05:44:47 PM
Quote from: AppleIIGuy;743224
What I find interesting is how people want to compare numbers of devices by using every android device against Apple devices when most of the android devices sold are just low end feature phone replacements which will most likely never get updated.

It is a valid comparison. It's Apple's fault that they don't have a product for each type of market.
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: Megamig on July 31, 2013, 06:02:41 PM
Quote from: itix;743017
Here in the states everyone is using iphone... I havent seen anyone using any other than iPhone here.

Might have a lot to do with Apple's designed in California (but assembled in China).

Shame that corporate greed is more important to Apple compared to giving jobs to fellow Americans. :laughing:
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: kickstart on July 31, 2013, 11:44:39 PM
talking about android... i have a samsung tablet with the "great" android, everyone talks about the marvellous of rooting the device but for what? I prefer to uninstall many applications that i cant and a way to smooth the device without cyanogens or whatever rom. Im just asking from my ignorance of android.
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: nicholas on July 31, 2013, 11:50:37 PM
Quote from: kickstart;743296
talking about android... i have a samsung tablet with the "great" android, everyone talks about the marvellous of rooting the device but for what? I prefer to uninstall many applications that i cant and a way to smooth the device without cyanogens or whatever rom. Im just asking from my ignorance of android.

To root a device means to enable administrator account to use Windows parlance.
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: psxphill on August 01, 2013, 12:09:20 AM
Quote from: itix;743017
I havent seen anyone using any other than iPhone here.

Which is odd because the statistics I saw had Android ahead of iPhone. But you might live in an iPhone bubble, someone else might not see nothing but Android phones.
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: Fats on August 01, 2013, 08:10:41 PM
Quote from: kickstart;743296
I prefer to uninstall many applications that i cant and a way to smooth the device without cyanogens or whatever rom. Im just asking from my ignorance of android.

I installed SuperSU for rooting the device; I use ES File Manager to remove system packages. My cheapo Samsung Pocket is not supported by CyanogenMod.
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: ferrellsl on August 01, 2013, 08:58:23 PM
Quote from: Hattig;743068
AppleInsider has become a very rabid Apple fansite and loves leaping to conclusions based around long articles with poor logic and lack of fact checking.  When they concentrate on Apple related stuff they can be quite good but they flounder when it comes to other systems.

The Chromecast only includes a stripped down ChromeOS and no Android because it's a $35 device engineered to do certain tasks, and those tasks don't include running Android.  It's hardly a shock that they reused their existing Google TV software stack in part. Most likely there is an aim to sell the design to TV manufacturers to include within their low to mid market TVs, with full Google TV in the higher end ranges.

Sheesh: "Android's Dalvik is essentially a rewritten, optimized variant of Sun's Java VM" - no, it's an entirely different virtual machine, register based, not stack based, and it's not very well optimised compared with a Java JIT JVM.

You're remarks regarding the Chromecast are incorrect.  It's an Android device and has already been rooted and loads Android APKs.
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: EvilGuy on August 01, 2013, 10:39:36 PM
Only in Apple Bizarro world does anything on that page make any sense.

Its like arguing that Apple is getting out of the phone business because they're releasing a budget version of the iPhone, something Jobs said would never happen as it would dilute the profits, err, brand too much.
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: itix on August 02, 2013, 04:11:05 AM
Quote from: psxphill;743300
Which is odd because the statistics I saw had Android ahead of iPhone. But you might live in an iPhone bubble, someone else might not see nothing but Android phones.

It could be. I am currently in the states and they love Apple like we Finns used to love Nokia.
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: itix on August 02, 2013, 04:13:45 AM
Quote from: nicholas;743244
Root it then install ROM Manager from the Play Store, then use that to wipe the Samsung crap and install CM10.1 you won't regret it. :)

Cant do that. It is not strictly my own phone but paid by my employer. If I had a phone that I had paid and owned myself I probably would hack it :)
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: kamelito on August 02, 2013, 07:07:59 AM
Some Androids are Replicants. :)

Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: smartroad on August 02, 2013, 11:48:10 AM
I liked the image of the 'Samsung before and after iPhone'. It isn't too much of a stretch that before iPhone there was no or limited touch interfaces and needing the use of a keypad. After iPhone you had touch enabled OS's, which obviously have no need to a physical keypad, how different can you make what is essentially a rectangular screen and nothing else?
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: tribz on August 02, 2013, 12:02:45 PM
Quote from: itix;743017
Nokia is probably gone for good. Dunno. Maybe Samsung too. Here in the states everyone is using iphone... I havent seen anyone using any other than iPhone here.

This is an interesting map based on tweets as to whos using what OS.

You can zoom in and out and also scroll over to Europe

Had a wry smile at this ...

Microsoft makes a ton of money of Android, more so than Windows Phone.
Title: Re: The end of Andriod?
Post by: nicholas on August 02, 2013, 12:04:00 PM
Quote from: smartroad;743423
I liked the image of the 'Samsung before and after iPhone'. It isn't too much of a stretch that before iPhone there was no or limited touch interfaces and needing the use of a keypad. After iPhone you had touch enabled OS's, which obviously have no need to a physical keypad, how different can you make what is essentially a rectangular screen and nothing else?

I had a Motorola A1000 three years before the iPhone came out.

Exact same shape.
Touch screen only.
Multitasking OS.
Native apps installable from anywhere.

I used to have it playing Amiga chip mods and SID tunes on the train to work whilst web browsing and checking email and my son used it to play emulated Sega Megadrive games.

I really do fail to see what was so "revolutionary" about the iPhone.