The "Not Quite Amiga but still computer related category" => Alternative Operating Systems => Topic started by: Pyromania on April 03, 2010, 03:12:44 AM

Title: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Pyromania on April 03, 2010, 03:12:44 AM
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: ChaosLord on April 03, 2010, 03:15:29 AM
Quote from: Pyromania;550950

Hell no.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Gulliver on April 03, 2010, 03:23:08 AM
Quote from: ChaosLord;550951
Hell no.

Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Cammy on April 03, 2010, 03:23:23 AM
I hope people will be standing in line for this thing, I have had a few dozen rotten eggs sitting in the fridge for a couple of years that I've been waiting for a good opportunity to use. I was going to save them for Halloween but I'm sure I can part with a few.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Pyromania on April 03, 2010, 03:27:37 AM

Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: XDelusion on April 03, 2010, 03:28:39 AM
If I lived on the other side of the globe, I'd proudly join you! :)
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Matt_H on April 03, 2010, 03:31:20 AM
Quote from: Pyromania;550950

Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: dreamcast270mhz on April 03, 2010, 03:51:22 AM
No, it shows promise, but Apple should switch all its computers to A4 series :p
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Moto on April 03, 2010, 03:55:16 AM
Quote from: Pyromania;550950

I can't see where the iPad would fit into my life except perhaps in a drawer next to my barely used PSP.

I'm more interested in what the next gen iPhone will have.  Hopefully it will incorporate the A4 processor and some new bits.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Arkhan on April 03, 2010, 04:22:51 AM
if i had spare cash id stand in line for it
then Id color on it with a marker (permanent), and go HOW DO I ERASE MY NOTES i TOOK?

then when someone goes OMG YOU RUINED IT YOU IDIOT, ill go OH DARN, and sneeze on it so it breaks in half like all of Apples cheapass products
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: trekiej on April 03, 2010, 04:23:50 AM
I am not going to stand in line for one. Maybe next year I will buy one, wait for the bugs to get ironed out,etc.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: klx300r on April 03, 2010, 04:40:23 AM
ya right...not me cause I'm not swayed by marketing fluff
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: persia on April 03, 2010, 04:40:55 AM
Ah, the Apple haters come out to play.  Apple will sell 300,000 today.  X1000 if it ever comes out will sell 300 total.  Apple succeed on the same basis (hardware tied to software) that Commodore/Amiga failed.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Cammy on April 03, 2010, 04:44:53 AM
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: klx300r on April 03, 2010, 04:53:48 AM
Quote from: persia;550974
Ah, the Apple haters come out to play.  Apple will sell 300,000 today.  X1000 if it ever comes out will sell 300 total.  Apple succeed on the same basis (hardware tied to software) that Commodore/Amiga failed.

I didn't care that Apple sold alot of Apple II's either back in 83 because I was too busy playing with my 64:roflmao: ...ya IPad..nah not me... IPass:furious:
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: haywirepc on April 03, 2010, 05:00:49 AM
Mac haters? Perhaps, but...
This is just another overhyped, underpowered piece of closed hw/sw apple mac(in)trash.
I see nothing good about mac, expect perhaps running morph os on one.
Otherwise, I'm not interested.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Dragster on April 03, 2010, 05:07:07 AM
I definately will NOT... but a friend of mine, efrenmgp (also user here) would kill for one LOL! I guess he will be the first in the line !!
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Arkhan on April 03, 2010, 05:07:18 AM
lately it seems like all apples doing is going HMM, What new doodad can we slap a dumbed down OSX on and sell to people, proclaiming that its the next big thing.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: klx300r on April 03, 2010, 05:12:15 AM
Quote from: Arkhan;550983
lately it seems like all apples doing is going HMM, What new doodad can we slap a dumbed down OSX on and sell to people, proclaiming that its the next big thing.

uh...only since 1982:smack:
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: ElPolloDiabl on April 03, 2010, 05:24:37 AM
Yeah I'll stand in line just so I can yell out, "Amiga FTW. Down with Microsucks!"
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Pyromania on April 03, 2010, 05:29:13 AM

But there will not be any Microsucks supporters in that line.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Arkhan on April 03, 2010, 06:07:26 AM
Quote from: klx300r;550984
uh...only since 1982:smack:

aw well, in 1982, I wasn't even on my way out of my dad and into my mom.... >_>
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: ChaosLord on April 03, 2010, 06:38:16 AM
Quote from: Pyromania;550987

But there will not be any Microsucks supporters in that line.

Last time I checked, Bill Gates owned 40% of Apple.  Has that changed?
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Pyromania on April 03, 2010, 06:40:36 AM
B Gates owns 0% of Apple but why do thay have Netflix movie streaming on the iPad which has sold how many? But not on the iPhone which has sold 50 million+. Thanx a lot Netflix!

Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: mdv2000 on April 03, 2010, 07:18:23 AM
What will determine if the iPad is sucessful will be whether or not it has a killer app that will get people to buy one.  I see some real advantages to a bigger screen "iPhone" for some applications, but I think eBook reader or web browser is not enough.  iPhone is great cause its a phone, iPod and a very easy to use portable gaming device with graphic capabilities to give a DS and PSP a run for their money.

iPad too big for a phone, too expensive just to read eBooks (something I won't do cause I don't want to lease books) and underpowered compared to a netbook.

So I'll wait and see if there comes a killer app that makes me won't one.  Right now, no.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: LoadWB on April 03, 2010, 07:58:14 AM
I am actually looking forward to the proliferation of this abomination.  Apparently, the stead-fast lacking of Flash is a driving force for the crappy, Flash-only or heavily Flash-laden websites to redesign.  Frankly, that is worth it.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: motorollin on April 03, 2010, 07:58:49 AM
Quote from: mdv2000;550997
What will determine if the iPad is sucessful will be whether or not it has a killer app that will get people to buy one.

Apple have this thing called the App store, you know :p

In all seriousness, I'm starting to see some iPhone apps getting updates including iPad interfaces, and they look VERY nice. For example, the iPhone synthesiser/sequencer "bleep!BOX" has just been updated with a lovely, hi-res iPad interface. Personally, if I could afford an iPad I would grab one straight away. I think the iPad would be a great device to sit with on the train and sketch out a track with. Yes I could achieve the same results (probably better) on my MacBook, but there's something about using my fingers that makes me feel more connected to what I'm writing.

On the other hand, the iPad is definitely not a competitor as a main computer for me. I spend too much time putting windows next to each other (e.g. a Preview window displaying a journal article, and a Pages document to take notes), and the iPad's interface can't do this.

Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: skurk on April 03, 2010, 08:09:33 AM
The 5 stages of Apple induced grief (
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: amigakid on April 03, 2010, 08:56:28 AM
UHHH NOOOO!  Why would i waste good money on that crap.  They claim its good for watching movies??? No DVD or Blue Ray and 9.7" screen??I have a very nice BIG flat panel 1080p LCD in my living rooom.  They say great for surfing the web...Yeah if all u do is read a bit of new and write Email.  No USB, No Removable Battery, No removable Media, No camera (u can argue but it is nice for video conferencing and video chat to start), 64 GB memory (6 months and full).  I bought a nice Toshiba 16" HD LCD laptop, DVD/Combo burner w/LabelFlash, AMD athlon dual core 64 bit CPU, 3 Gb RAM, 250 GB HDD, Wi-Fi, USB, and tons more for $445.00.  Its expandable, runs Windows 7, has removable media card slots, external E-sata port and much more.  I don't want a half @$$ piece of junk from apple.  Problem with Apple is great ideas, but they always leave a bunch off it on purpose.  Music player .. Itunes, no flash, Book reader if you buy books from thier Ibookstore.  Wow people b1tch about MS but Apple is monopolizing just as bad.  Besides all the online games i play you can't run on a Mac and there is another reason for me to steer away.  Besides if i want to use Mac )Sx i have Tiger on an Imac that hasn't been turned on in almost 6 months.  Funniest thing is i almost daily use my Amiga 3000 and the Mac only collects dust.  Oh yeah and Multitasking IS NOT THERE.  Any true Amiga user will definately notice that.  Apple Sucks casue they never listen to user (remind anyone of Amiga inc?) and constantly leave out things people have been complaining for years about.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: mdv2000 on April 03, 2010, 09:04:19 AM
Might be of interest for some:
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Arkhan on April 03, 2010, 09:57:12 AM
Quote from: mdv2000;551012
Might be of interest for some:

whats funny is, the person made the choice to spend all that.   None of it was required.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: bloodline on April 03, 2010, 11:02:52 AM
Quote from: ChaosLord;550993
Last time I checked, Bill Gates owned 40% of Apple.  Has that changed?
B Gates has never owned an Apple Stock (though he might have some stock in investment funds managed by other people)... Microsoft owned a small amount in the late 90's.

Anyway, I like the iPad, I can't see how it fits into my life... but it certainly is the first tabletPC to get it right. All the other units have simply stuck a desktopOS on a touchscreen device which needs a stylus... totally impractical.

I'll probably pick up a unit cheap second hand :)
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Karlos on April 03, 2010, 11:31:54 AM
I'm sure it will sell plenty.

For myself, I'd rather have a Tegra 2 based device running linux.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Lando on April 03, 2010, 12:55:52 PM
It's the worst product I have ever seen Apple produce since I started using Macs back in 2001'ish.

It simply serves no purpose.  It does lots of things and is crap at all of them.  It runs the same OS and Apps as I already have on my iPhone.  And it can't run any of the apps I have on my MacBook Pro.

Plays movies but has a 4:3 screen - Apple's own publicity photos show Star Trek playing with about half of the movie missing due to the image being cropped, and if you play in letterbox you have black bars covering half the screen, especially if the movie is in 21:9.  No HD as it doesn't have the resolution even for 720p.  And no DivX / MKV / M2TS due to it being encumbered with the iPhone OS which doesn't let you install anything apart from what you get from the Apple Store, all of which is very tightly controlled by Apple themselves.

I do not read books, so that aspect (which seems to be the one they are focusing on) has no interest for me.

The maps, iPod, etc features are irrelevant, there is no way I'm lugging one of these around when I can take my iPhone out of my pocket and check the map, and I'm not going jogging with one of these in a backpack just so I can listen to music.

Most games, apart from those specifically designed for it, are crap with a touch screen.  I have GTA Chinatown Wars, Street Fighter IV, and other big-name titles on my iPhone and they're fun, but the controls and the playability are hampered by the touch screen - the PSP versions are so much nicer to play.

Web browsing? Still no Flash support.  It cripples my iPhone, as it seems that many of the sites I visit regularly require Flash functionality.

I'm a big Apple fan, but this thing is junk.  Whoever designed it needs to be fired.  Almost all of the reaction on the web about this are negative, including the Apple 'fanboy' sites, which are usually full of "Wow! Amazing! Jobs is God!" comments whenever Apple releases so much as a new mouse.  That's almost unheard of.

Some of the apps being showcased by Apple on their site as showing the revolutionary nature of iPad are ridiculous - scrabble and a recipe app?  All they need now is snowman maker.

It should have been a MacBook Air without the keyboard and price.  Instead it's an iPod touch without the portability.  It will fail, and it deserves to.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Karlos on April 03, 2010, 01:11:01 PM

So, that's a no, then is it?
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: persia on April 03, 2010, 01:58:24 PM
Which happens to be more powerful and cheaper than the recently announced SAM 460EX.  People in glass houses should throw stones....

Quote from: haywirepc;550980
Mac haters? Perhaps, but...
This is just another overhyped, underpowered piece of closed hw/sw apple mac(in)trash.
I see nothing good about mac, expect perhaps running morph os on one.
Otherwise, I'm not interested.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Darklight on April 03, 2010, 02:01:29 PM
Personally, I can see the merit in the iPad, but it's just not for me - and to be honest, I doubt there's many people on that it's designed for.
For creators of content, or users who are familiar with the internals of their devices and how to get the best out of them, it's simply not enough.  No Flash, Apple's walled ecosystem, very limited expandability, no true filesystem, multitasking etc.  
However, for others, it's perfect.  My Dad for example, understands the internals of a computer.  He and I used to do countless operations on PCs, Macs and Amigas alike.  However, sit him in front of a computer, and he has very little idea how to use one.  He has, however, been using my iPhone quite regularly and understands how to use it.

The iPad is perfect for him.  It's also perfect for a lot of other people who mainly consume content.  For creators, it's not worth it unless you're developing - at least in my opinion.  I will say that some of the new apps look really good, and Sam and Max Season 3 on a nice big touch screen?  ALMOST worth it.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Tomas on April 03, 2010, 02:02:50 PM
Quote from: Pyromania;550950

Nope.. Dont want any hardware with artifical limitations and DRM crap.
There are other products that does the same but has none of these said limitations.
The ipad is even a joke as a ebook reader due to it having a LCD screen.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: cv643d on April 03, 2010, 02:03:51 PM
I would buy one if it was open and 200 dollars less, as I have understood its like the Ipod, you can not transfer your own files to it, you have to buy it from the Apple stores.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Tomas on April 03, 2010, 02:05:38 PM
Quote from: persia;550974
Ah, the Apple haters come out to play.  Apple will sell 300,000 today.  X1000 if it ever comes out will sell 300 total.  Apple succeed on the same basis (hardware tied to software) that Commodore/Amiga failed.

Probably because most apple fans are brainwashed idiots. Apple fanboyism is like a religion for some. You cant really compare a small company and a hobby platform with one of the biggest companies in the world.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Tomas on April 03, 2010, 02:10:21 PM
Quote from: persia;551048
Which happens to be more powerful and cheaper than the recently announced SAM 460EX.  People in glass houses should throw stones....

Yet the Sam is more useful since it isnt crippled by limitations like no multitasking and so on.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: bloodline on April 03, 2010, 02:33:50 PM
Quote from: Karlos;551038

So, that's a no, then is it?

"I'll put you down as undecided, then..."
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: spihunter on April 03, 2010, 02:34:03 PM
I cant install Logic on it so I dont see the point of it? Must not be marketed toward me...I already have an iphone to run all the apps
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Bigbronc on April 03, 2010, 02:36:42 PM
Cammy, past the eggs, what a bunch of hype, I would not wait enless they give them away, then I would tear it apart to convert the screen to work on my a2000
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: bloodline on April 03, 2010, 02:45:08 PM
Quote from: Tomas;551052
Probably because most apple fans are brainwashed idiots. Apple fanboyism is like a religion for some. You cant really compare a small company and a hobby platform with one of the biggest companies in the world.
You are worse than the Apple fanbois though... at least they have real products that work and are innovative.

I don't like Microsoft, but I can't deny that they managed to basically get everything right with their spreadsheet package for example, that is something no one else managed to do... I won't talk about the latest version, as they did something horrible with the interface... but my point is, you don't have to like Apple to submit that they are really good at some stuff. The iPhone, wasn't the fastest, most feature rich phone when it was released, but it ticked all the right boxes and totally changed the smartphone market... the same for the iPod, and even the original Mac (think the Amiga would have been GUI based without Apple?).

I don't need an iPad, there is no really gap in my computing life that needs filling with such a device, I'm a computer guy, you're a computer guy, we adapt to technology. But it is easy to see where it would fit in to the average person's life, someone who doesn't want to move to the technology, they want technology to come to them and make their lives easier.

Also, Apple have let me realise a dream I've had for nearly 20 years... It's not much, but I have had a game published and is now available to 75Million people! The iPhone made that happen.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Karlos on April 03, 2010, 03:21:21 PM
managed to basically get everything right with their spreadsheet package for example

Well, aside from being able to correctly present ( certain floating point numbers, you mean :-D

Yesterday evening we were alerted to an issue in Excel 2007 (and Excel Services 2007) involving calculation of numbers around 65,535.  The first example that we heard about was =77.1*850, but it became clear from our testing as well as additional reports that this was just one instance where Excel 2007 would return a value of 100,000 instead of 65,535.  The majority of these additional reports were focused on multiplication (ex. =5.1*12850; =10.2*6425; =20.4*3212.5 ), but our testing showed that this really didn't have anything do to with multiplication - it manifested itself with many but not all calculations in Excel that should have resulted in 65,535 (=65535*1 and =16383.75*4 worked for instance).  Further testing showed a similar phenomenon with 65,536 as well.  This issue only exists in Excel 2007, not previous versions.

I'm sure nobody would have noticed that :lol:
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: gertsy on April 03, 2010, 03:23:44 PM
???  Well I'm Confused ???

It's a superb little tool.  Despite the hype. The wireless version (as opposed to 3g) would be great to have on the bedside table.  Logging onto and posting smart arse comments about other people's creativeness.

It's a positive move for technology from a company that inovates and doesn't just turn out the same ole crapola year after year.

If Jay Miner would give it a nod I'm sure.  

I'm no Mac head and I think it's superb.

Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Pyromania on April 03, 2010, 11:58:55 PM
Well it's official people did stand in line.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Crom00 on April 04, 2010, 12:21:55 AM
Quote from: Pyromania;551183
Well it's official people did stand in line.

It's going to sell. Look at the Friggin Kindle... Half the's and black and white and it sells.

In NYC there are lots of business folks, lawyers, etc that cry hard times and economic hardship when doing business but when it comes to themselves...the order of the day is "sapre no expense" an attitude that compels them to purchase these toys as a status symbol. For some dropping $500 for soemthing like this is like dropping $50 for someone else...
I think that's apple market... in addition to the fanboy hipsters.

No doubt I'll pass by Starbucks and see them in there lol! ( I get my coffee at Miccy'D's)

I'm not a hater... I kinda like the ipad have griped of NO SX, espensive price (despite apples breakthrought price selling $30 USB for cameras!

You see..I have a lenovo s10 e with a touchscreen I added and modded it to run OSX and while at a Trade show I had folks asking me to "please make one for me".

I told them to ask apple for one.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: save2600 on April 04, 2010, 12:23:31 AM
I think it's foolish to stand in line for any piece of tech gear anymore. Sick of being a companies R&D/Beta tester for free. Not only that, but early adopters often get gypped from a price/performance standpoint when a month or two later, you get more for less money. Happens with Apple much too much too much. lol

I was seriously considering getting one of these within a few months, but will put the purchase off now since it "requires" OS 10.5.x for some stupid reason. Guess I'll be putting that money toward a 24" iMac someday instead .
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: persia on April 04, 2010, 01:25:13 AM
I managed to snag one the them, though not standing in a queue, and it's not even released in this country yet, but they let some of us in on an early deal.  Still the same price, just early...
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: bbond007 on April 04, 2010, 02:59:50 AM
Quote from: Pyromania;550950

if they actually made this thing:

turns out to be an April Fools joke.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: desiv on April 04, 2010, 03:32:43 AM
Not an Apple hater, but I don't picture myself getting an iPAD..
It looks nice, but its a question of form factor for me.

My Nokia Internet tablet fits in my phone case (clipped to my belt).  It's about the largest device I can fairly easily carry with me.

I'm not about to start carrying a man-purse just for something like this.  ;)

I'm also not a fan of the closed software nature of the device.  I'm not saying it's a bad idea for the audience.  Most of the world is probably OK with filtered software/media and is willing to trade that so they don't have to deal with the tech.

Me, I like dealing with the tech, so I prefer something more open.

It's a neat looking device, and I wish Apple well.  Just not for me...


Persia, you standing in line?  I'm sure you'd be getting the maximum config available for yours..    ;)
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: DavidF215 on April 04, 2010, 03:35:00 AM
Quote from: Pyromania;550950

No. Thought about it, but decided against it. For my situation, I'd rather spend the same amount of money on a laptop.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: amigadave on April 04, 2010, 05:03:27 AM
Quote from: save2600;551187
I think it's foolish to stand in line for any piece of tech gear anymore. Sick of being a companies R&D/Beta tester for free. Not only that, but early adopters often get gypped from a price/performance standpoint when a month or two later, you get more for less money. Happens with Apple much too much too much. lol

I was seriously considering getting one of these within a few months, but will put the purchase off now since it "requires" OS 10.5.x for some stupid reason. Guess I'll be putting that money toward a 24" iMac someday instead .

24 inch iMac is a much smarter choice, IMHO.  Specially if it is only slightly used and half the price of a new one. :lol:

I already have more than enough toys and can't think of any reason to own an iPad, but I am sure there are many people that just have to buy all the latest gadgets and will have waited hours to get their hands on an iPad this morning.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: save2600 on April 04, 2010, 05:08:23 AM
Quote from: amigadave;551229
24 inch iMac is a much smarter choice, IMHO.  Specially if it is only slightly used and half the price of a new one. :lol:
You have one for sale? Or are you talking about what they're going for on ePay or wherever? lol

I still have that Mac Mini coming with MorphOS 2.4  (boy is that taking a long time to get here) to play with. Might have to put the iMac AND the iPud off for a great while longer!  lmao
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: EvilGuy on April 04, 2010, 05:50:57 AM
This'll sell heaps .. to the people who love the "ooh, shiny" technology.

Me, I'm waiting for the HP "Slate".
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Pyromania on April 04, 2010, 06:07:39 AM
I got in line for something even better today.

Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: save2600 on April 04, 2010, 06:09:54 AM
Quote from: Pyromania;551242
I got in line for something even better today.


Is he filled with peanut butter or just a hollow hunk 'o burning love? lol
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: mfletcher on April 04, 2010, 07:13:40 AM
I'll probably buy one in a couple of years, once they get to the third revision. Definitely needs a camera in the front for video conferencing. I like form factor, smaller than a laptop; I dont like netbooks, a bit too small for me. I can see myself ditching the laptop for one of these ipads.

Id really like to see how the oreilly safari books work on these devices, whether they're readable. I could definitely see myself plumping for a safari subscription, heck would be worth it what I spend on tech books every year.

In the end, still too expensive, when they get a model down to $300, thats the sweet spot for me.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: ElPolloDiabl on April 04, 2010, 08:06:43 AM
Does anyone know what speed the screen is? 2ms? 5ms?
I have no trouble reading on a 2ms/75hz refresh screen, but an 8ms screen is shocking.
I still wouldn't get one though without at least 250GB of storgae in it. It would be cool to rip all your movies onto it.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Arkhan on April 04, 2010, 08:48:09 AM
Quote from: save2600;551244
Is he filled with peanut butter or just a hollow hunk 'o burning love? lol

I just devoured one filled with marshmallow.   It was so good i forgot to breathe!
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: gertsy on April 04, 2010, 09:07:12 AM
Camera,,? It can do GEN Y but it's definitely a GEN X "me, me, me" machine.

If it does : 720p, 30 frames per second i guessing its gotta be around 5ms unless they've divorced the rate from the display.

It doesn't need a lot of local storage keep it on the cloud man.

Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Arkhan on April 04, 2010, 12:45:25 PM

And that, is how you use an iPad

I watched some videos of these things in use, and I don't see any point.   Its a buncha people pokin around at the internet and looking clumsy while doing it.   When/where is the footage of them being used like hi-tech covert ops espionage devices.  

Someone explain!
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: gertsy on April 05, 2010, 12:23:44 PM
A waste of Daddy's money me thinks.

Society's to blame. Half a tuppence for a lump of sh*t sir.

Turn it on when you want. Browse in seconds. Get the answer, turn it off.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: dammy on April 05, 2010, 12:47:08 PM
700K units sold over the weekend.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Argo on April 05, 2010, 03:09:22 PM
But does it blend?
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: som99 on April 05, 2010, 03:44:12 PM
The day hell freeze over ill buy one of those, also if everyone in the world starts using iBAP ill buy one ;)

Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: gertsy on April 06, 2010, 12:41:12 PM
Quote from: bloodline;551065
Also, Apple have let me realise a dream I've had for nearly 20 years... It's not much, but I have had a game published and is now available to 75Million people! The iPhone made that happen.

Ohh No. A bigger screen!! does this mean MORE puny humans to squash..?

Ohh the humanity !!

Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: bloodline on April 06, 2010, 12:53:09 PM
Quote from: gertsy;551681
Ohh No. A bigger screen!! does this mean MORE puny humans to squash..?

Ohh the humanity !!

Hahahahahaha! Yeah, actually I got a terse email form Apple last night, stating that in my next update I must disable the vibrate function when the apps runs on the iPad... I didn't know it couldn't vibrate! :(
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: skurk on April 06, 2010, 12:59:00 PM
Quote from: Arkhan;551272

And that, is how you use an iPad

Somewhere out there, children are actually starving to death.  And this is what these guys are spending their money on...

I watched some videos of these things in use, and I don't see any point.   Its a buncha people pokin around at the internet and looking clumsy while doing it.   When/where is the footage of them being used like hi-tech covert ops espionage devices.

Most people seem to think of the iPad as a "laptop killer", but it isn't.  It's something else.

I remember people being just as upset when the iPhone arrived.  "It's too big!", "It's too expensive", "There's no keypad!", etc.  Yet now even those that whined the loudest have one in their pocket.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: gertsy on April 06, 2010, 01:22:45 PM
Quote from: bloodline;551684
Hahahahahaha! Yeah, actually I got a terse email form Apple last night, stating that in my next update I must disable the vibrate function when the apps runs on the iPad... I didn't know it couldn't vibrate! :(

Well now I'm definitely going to have to get one..
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: outlawal2 on April 06, 2010, 02:18:25 PM
It amuses me to read some of these comments about items such as the IPAD..   OF COURSE Amiga fans aren't impressed by the IPAD... We spend our time tweaking the guts of our OSes and editing config files and such.  I have no doubt that most Amigaphiles as well as most Heavy Gamers and most power users will look at the IPAD with disdain... This does not however, mean that there is no market for it.  The following folks are going to snatch these things up.

1) Elderly.   They HATE computers due to the complexity. They want their machine to simply WORK. They couldn't care less about the power or anything else.  (Like a friend of mine used to tell me.. Don't give me all the sorted details, just dial tone. When I pick up the phone I don't care how it works, it just gives me a dial tone.)

2) Casual surfers.  I have tested the Ipad and for things like surfing, youtube, facebook, email...  It is SWEET.  Easy to use, no long boot times, just touch the screen and it works. (MANY people hate mice and the trackballs and trackpads suck. Hell I HATE trackpads myself.)

3) Gamers..  Especially younger gamers that aren't interested in simulations that have entire keyboard overlays to play. This thing will become a force in the gaming community for simpler, cheaper games than Nintendo, PS3 and Xbox.  A new gaming niche.

And finally, I know you guys all hate this thing, but after using one I will tell you one thing.. Don't let your wife/girlfriend use one or you will never get it out of their hands... For all the reasons I stated above. Girls LOVE this thing and will sit in bed, outside on the porch or in the coffeeshop, wherever surfing their cute little asses off...  

Hard to believe guys, but there ARE other markets out there beyond us power users and Apple is going to get filthy rich selling to them...
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: goldfish on April 06, 2010, 04:30:04 PM
I have gone right of apple products the quality is rubbish since they changed to intel. Even the ipod are getting cheap with bad build quality. Save my pennys for a X1000 roll on july 23rd
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: jj on April 06, 2010, 04:38:31 PM
yeah cause the x1000 wil be amazing build quality :)
best be saving up well over £1k
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: BigBenAussie on April 06, 2010, 05:31:48 PM
I'll buy one.............................for my 70 year old father.
It is a great way for him to learn about this internet thing that he feels left out of.

I tried to teach my mother how to use a PC a few years back.
I said move the mouse pointer here.
She picked up the mouse and pointed it at the monitor.
I still giggle about that.
This is perfect for her too.

I'm happy to play with their iPad to see what all the hype is about.

Honestly, I'd like one to muck about with too, but I can't justify it when I have 2 laptops, a netbook and 2 desktops already. I'd jailbreak it right away out of principle.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: AeroMan on April 06, 2010, 05:47:37 PM
iPad ??? No, thanx....
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: halvliter'n on April 06, 2010, 06:08:22 PM
The only thing Iplate is useful for is to serve food on.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Pyromania on April 06, 2010, 06:41:31 PM
iPad looks like a good solution for people that don't understand regular computers. It costs a little more than big digital picture frames used to cost. Also works for iPod Touch owners that always wanted a bigger screen.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: odin on April 06, 2010, 06:56:16 PM
I'll wait for the PADD with LCARS interface and neat beep-bop TV computer noises.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Pyromania on April 06, 2010, 06:59:58 PM
Apple should make an electric car next. The "iCar"

Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: som99 on April 06, 2010, 07:04:46 PM
I can say that the biggest reason for not wanting a iPad is because of the lack of decent multitasking, also I need and want a qwerty keyboard, myself I got a Nokia N97 just because it has both qwerty and touchscreen. (I know symbian aint great with no direct acess to the framebuffer etc when coding for it but I bought mine before I knew about the N900, might add I have a port of UAE on my N97)

Also a quite big reason is the lack of JVM on the iPad! I need JVM!

Also I have not liked apple since they went from PPC to wintel :(

I can admit I have a apple in my posession, but its an old iMac G3 with a 266MHz cpu that I bought a G4 expansion for and buffed it to max ram and me and a few friends hacked together a custom firmware so I could put Mac OSX on it. but that mac was only for the fun of doing something impossible with (before you write that the iMac G3 can run OSX let me remind you its the first REV and it had no supported FW to do so)

Enough talk about my old projects... I get carried away sometimes when writing so sorry :)

But as said, no JVM and qwerty are my strongest points also I do not like the OS, its to simple for me and feels somewhat they are aiming for young girls (no offence).

Also as im a linux nut I have preordered a Pandora
and thats a omap3.x handheld with full qwert and touchscreen and gaming controlls, as JamVM is in the repos all we need to do is build a plugin for Firefox on it and we are done! Ops allmost forgot to tell its a linux based machine :) Dont take this as advertising, I just love this machine and been with it since the early planning stages :)

So no iPad for me ever!

Sorry for the long post but im typing from my N97 at work and I get carried away :p

Over and out //som99
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: outlawal2 on April 06, 2010, 07:24:31 PM
Hope it works better than the link does...   LOL
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: som99 on April 06, 2010, 07:55:37 PM
Quote from: outlawal2;551743
Hope it works better than the link does...   LOL

Ummm, I just tried the link again and it works just fine even on my Phone ^^
or if the redict dosent work on your computer try
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: amoskodare on April 06, 2010, 08:01:23 PM

Not a chance!
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Arkhan on April 07, 2010, 01:33:12 AM
Quote from: skurk;551685
Somewhere out there, children are actually starving to death.  And this is what these guys are spending their money on...

so?  Thats kind of a silly statement.   That would mean everyone that spends money on some form of entertainment should instead mail the cash to charity-funds, or hand out whatever it is they bought to the less fortunate.  Next time you buy ice cream, give it to a hobo.  :hammer:

Quote from: outlawal2

3) Gamers.. Especially younger gamers that aren't interested in simulations that have entire keyboard overlays to play. This thing will become a force in the gaming community for simpler, cheaper games than Nintendo, PS3 and Xbox. A new gaming niche.

No!  Its already a joke in the gaming community, lol.  Apple doesn't focus on the same games that the actual gaming world does, and a giant 500$ device with such crummy gaming specs is sure as hell not going to do much.  For 500$ you can get a wii and a ton of simple, easy to get into games.  

Ever go on the WiiWare, PSN Store, or xbox live arcade?  Tons of cheap, hella easy games, on a real console, not some goony pad that you have to sit and poke.

I tried someones at school today.  over 1000$ for it + stuff, and all he had on it was his powerpoint notes.   I poked around, laughed, and showed him my equivalent: Pencil + paper.  

Sorry but I've yet to see any computer doodad top that as far as ease-of-note taking.    Theyre all clumsy and don't quite fit the bill.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: pan1k on April 07, 2010, 04:36:09 AM
I got one. It's actually useful. Hey, it's faster than your or my Amiga. It's running a dumbed down version of OS X, but I can create spreadsheets and word process on it easily and not fumble around. Easy to play games and read on. I don't know why you guys hate on it.. it's kind of like my Newton, a semi-upgrade. Instant on, no boot time. carry my media around with me. It's better than a Netbook, cuz most netbook are running windoze eww!
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: persia on April 07, 2010, 05:32:05 AM
They hate it because it's a closed source hardware tied device that succeeded while Amiga on the other hand is a closed source hardware tied device that failed.

The device needs improvement to be sure.  Multitasking is a big missing piece, the "keyboard" has no tactile feel, they need to work on their upscaling of iPhone apps, the fonts look bad.  And the thing needs at least two cameras.  But overall I'm pleased with it.  Oh and iWork needs a button on landscape to get to the save pages, it sort of silly to have to turn it portrait to get the save button....

Oh did you figure out how to put iWork documents in folders?  I can't seem to find a way to do it.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: pan1k on April 07, 2010, 06:11:01 AM
I have the Bluetooth keyboard. Don't need another dock. Multitasking would be nice. Then we can say it's better then a SAM. Faster with a working web browser.. all kidding aside, if you look back, the iPad is just running a custom version of NeXTSTEP!
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: runequester on April 07, 2010, 06:29:04 AM
All the mac hate is pretty hilarious on an amiga forum.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: amigakid on April 07, 2010, 06:53:08 AM
Not hating mac, its hating a device that costs more than most laptops and lack tons more than one.  It's Apple doing the same thing over and over again and Macheads oohing and aweing over it.  Think about it what have people complained about on the Iphone the last 2 yrs???  And now the Ipad in its pretty case with no USB, no cd/DVD/blue ray drive (what if the OS goes crap how do you re-install the OS?? send it to Apple so they can charge you?  Where's the Camera for video conferencing?  Where's the multi-tasking.  Great for watching movies??? not if u own them on DVD lol.  No flash?  Having to always buy Apps from Apple or music from them.  How do u rip ur favorite CD collection?  Oh yeah u either use a computer transfer it wirelessly or pay for the same music again from Apple.  No removable battery? unexcusable.  Apple makes these devices so you have to keep paying them ($99 to change battery, download apps and music from them.  Prob pay them to reload the OS once someone with a lot of time on thier hands decides to write a destructive virus).  Want one hmmmn no thank you my Laptop hands down destroys it.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: B00tDisk on April 07, 2010, 06:58:34 AM
I neither "love" nor "hate" inanimate electronic devices.  There are varying things I can get out of them versus what I have to put in to them to get it out.  I could probably do about 90 to 95 percent of what I do on my PC with...say, oh, an Amiga.  The massive amount of effort required (money + time) however means I really won't bother.

Likewise, consolidating things I'm already familiar and with into a new device, and then asking me to move out of my comfort zone to learn an entirely new UI simply doesn't interest me.

What I do hate is the WOO WOO HYPE TRAIN that comes storming out of the roundhouse every fucking time Steve Jobs takes a crap, and the idiocy that accompanies such blind fanboyism.  I've got a four year old Gateway I got for the price of repairing the flip/pentouch screen on it that I could probably install OSX on if the mood took me that would eat the iEtch-a-Sketch for lunch.  Apple neither invented nor perfected the PDA, MP3 player, cell phone, palmtop or netbook, but to hear the shrill Apple Defense Corps, carrying their Jobsian Reality Distortion Field generators into battle, you'd think that Apple had.

That is what I hate.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: bloodline on April 07, 2010, 08:12:29 AM
Quote from: runequester;551826
All the mac hate is pretty hilarious on an amiga forum.

What I find really funny is how much some of the comments remind me of sitting in a pub when I was 9 years old with my Grandmother, and while I was drinking my coke and eating my cheese and onion crisps... I could hear three old guys on the table next to us complaining about "how terrible music was now". The funny thing is that you don't have to like the iPad, you have had your computing life... Now technology moves on, an the next generation will adopt the new paradigms, mobile, easy to use, energy efficient, ultra secure always on, persistently connected, touch screen devices will replace most of what we call "computers"...

The desktop metaphor is 30 years old, and been mainstream for at least 25 years... The keyboard must well over 100 years old... These old work flow models will be replaced just as the GUI replaced command line interfaces... Of course there will still be a place for these older concepts, but the mainstream will move on to the new "MultiTouch" display.

You either sit there and bitch about it, or get on with it and work it to suit your own needs... But never for get that you are now one of the old blokes sitting in the corner complaining how music isn't as good as it used to be.

For the record (pun intended), I AM now the old bloke in the corner insisting that music isn't as good as in my day... I don't get modern music, but I don't have to, I have my vast music collection and I just ignore 90% of the drivel that the record companies churn out. ;)
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: runequester on April 07, 2010, 08:29:58 AM
People always bring up this stuff. "My laptop is way more powerful than an Ipad", "my 360 is way more powerful than the wii" blah blah blah

And in the end, nobody cares. Console games outsell PC games, The wii outsells the 360, the ipad will sell tons of devices, PC's beat the amiga back in the day and the most sold console is a handheld nintendo.

The average user does not give a crap if he has the most powerful machine, as long as its easy to use and does things he wants to do.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Pyromania on April 07, 2010, 09:01:05 AM
Should you buy an iPad buyers guide.

WARNING!, don't view if you can't handle a little humor.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: skurk on April 07, 2010, 09:18:43 AM
Quote from: amigakid;551827
its hating a device that costs more than most laptops and lack tons more than one.

It's not a laptop, mate.

what if the OS goes crap how do you re-install the OS??

Do you know anything about modern technology at all?

Where's the multi-tasking.

Ok, I'll give you that one, but I assume this will change with future updates.  Right now, only Apple's applications can multitask.  3rd party apps can not run in the background.

Great for watching movies??? not if u own them on DVD lol.

Oh, gee, I bet they didn't think about that one.  Take that, Apple!

No flash?

Good riddance!

Having to always buy Apps from Apple or music from them. How do u rip ur favorite CD collection?  Oh yeah u either use a computer transfer it wirelessly or pay for the same music again from Apple.

Sigh...  Import CD/MP3 in iTunes, sync via wlan.  Come on, man, at least pretend you know something about the product before you start whining in public.

Want one hmmmn no thank you my Laptop hands down destroys it. know, just saying "I'm obviously not the target group for this product" quietly to yourself is perfectly fine.

What a sad thread this is.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: jj on April 07, 2010, 10:58:59 AM
Good non tech review
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: EvilGuy on April 07, 2010, 12:56:35 PM
Quote from: JJ;551848
Good non tech review

"Obviously not the target audience" or,
"Doesn't get Apple" or,
"Obviously an Apple-hater".

That's pretty much the summary for anyone who doesn't buy into the Apple delusion, innit?
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: jj on April 07, 2010, 01:04:46 PM
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: mingle on April 07, 2010, 01:22:57 PM
Bah! This is the only useful thing you can do with the iPrat...

Enjoy your shake... :-)

Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: som99 on April 07, 2010, 03:24:00 PM
Quote from: bloodline;551835

The desktop metaphor is 30 years old, and been mainstream for at least 25 years... The keyboard must well over 100 years old... These old work flow models will be replaced just as the GUI replaced command line interfaces... Of course there will still be a place for these older concepts, but the mainstream will move on to the new "MultiTouch" display.

There you are wrong, touch screen can never replace gaming with a keyboard/joystick. The feeling using it can't be the same as real buttons. however you do it's still a display, no depth also it's easy to slip onto another "button" on the touchscreen since there is nothing that stops your finger from moving. we all know when playing a fast game after hours in row and you are "in the game" you would slip quite easy on a screen, and that would make anyone angry!
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: persia on April 07, 2010, 03:42:34 PM
Retro gaming, most people aren't retro.  You don't get this.  The device isn't for the Amiga user pining away in the fjords of Norway.  There will always be a niche for the retro fans.  The X1000 and the SAMs are proof of that, boat anchors to 99.99999% of the world, they will always sell to the true believer.  iPad is about the rest of the world, who couldn't give a s**t about operating systems and just want to do things.  There is talk of virtual reality games when the next version with a camera comes out.  Games will change to fit this device, not the other way around.  Understand that we live in 2010, a lot of young people don't even know what a joystick is.

You either embrace the future or confine yourself to a backwater.  You are free to choose, but don't complain when others don't choose to follow you into the backwater....

Quote from: som99;551871
There you are wrong, touch screen can never replace gaming with a keyboard/joystick. The feeling using it can't be the same as real buttons. however you do it's still a display, no depth also it's easy to slip onto another "button" on the touchscreen since there is nothing that stops your finger from moving. we all know when playing a fast game after hours in row and you are "in the game" you would slip quite easy on a screen, and that would make anyone angry!
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: jj on April 07, 2010, 03:50:35 PM
So you are saying that if you don't embrace the Apple Maxi-pad that you will be left behind ?  That's  a very short-sighted view
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: bloodline on April 07, 2010, 05:47:56 PM
Quote from: JJ;551877
So you are saying that if you don't embrace the Apple Maxi-pad that you will be left behind ?  That's  a very short-sighted view
I specifically avoided mentioning the iPad, but yes, I believe that it is the first of a new class of computing. A class that might not feel natural to us, just as people resisted GUIs in the mid 80s, but is now here to stay. Ok Apple's mk1 iPad might not appeal to you and I... Maybe their mk2 or some other manufacture's device will, but it doesn't matter, as we are now the old blokes in the pub moaning about the new fangled music that's basically just noise :)
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: persia on April 07, 2010, 07:15:29 PM
Exactly, the desktop box era is fading, we are at yet another fork in the road.  

This may be the future too:

It's not so much the iPad itself but the idea that the iPad represents.  The Amiga crowd is sounding more and more like Old Farts(tm), opposing every new idea because it doesn't have a boing ball on it...
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: TheMud on April 07, 2010, 10:14:15 PM
I will defently get one :-) ... Play around with one, and like all Apple Products it works like a charm. Love it.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: runequester on April 07, 2010, 10:19:30 PM
Quote from: EvilGuy;551854
"Obviously not the target audience" or,
"Doesn't get Apple" or,
"Obviously an Apple-hater".
That's pretty much the summary for anyone who doesn't buy into the Apple delusion, innit?

If you are insisting on comparing this device to a laptop, as others have done upthread, then you propably aren't the target audience.
Not to you in particular, but it cracks me up whenever Apple puts something out, and people are rolling over themselves on the internet to decry how its terrible and nobody should buy it etc etc
If you want to earn some geek cred, program an OS, or contribute to AROS or install linux or something.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Wayne on April 07, 2010, 10:39:29 PM
Quote from: Pyromania;550950
No line needed, but I did buy one.  Will soon have two I guess, as I also ordered the 3g version.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: ZeBeeDee on April 07, 2010, 10:46:57 PM
Nope ... overpriced POS
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Moto on April 07, 2010, 10:57:26 PM
I picked one up on Saturday as well.  Great device.  I find myself using it to read books, browse the web, watch TV shows and movies (netflix), listen to music (Pandora and my own collection) and play games.  It's a great form factor (very book like) and is easy on the eyes for extended periods.  I doubt I'll get the 3G version as I probably won't carry it with me wherever I go (but who knows).  It would be nice to be able to tether it to the iPhone some day.    It's a great house hold internet appliance.  But for now it is indeed a luxury item not a necessity like my iPhone.  Browsing the web on the iPad is very fast -- it almost seems faster than my desktop machine.  The real innovation will be the slew of iPad apps coming out soon. I had low expectations for this device but now I see the potential it has.  It might be time to renew my apple developer license and crank out some Apps!
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: tone007 on April 07, 2010, 11:03:18 PM
Quote from: Moto;551960
I find myself using it to read books, browse the web, watch TV shows and movies (netflix)

How long does the battery last while streaming and decoding Netflix?
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: zombie10k on April 07, 2010, 11:14:43 PM
We just got one in our IT dept to demo one of our web apps on it. This was not on my short list, but certainly didn't mind playing around with it today.

it's quite responsive and the web browsing experience was better than I expected. Most sites including vimeo,,, were able to play the videos with no problem. Video quality was pretty good despite the 1024x768 native res.

The Amazon kindle e-reader app was nice too, much easier to read than the actual kindle itself which we have here as well.

In general, I'm not a huge apple fanatic, but I had a positive first experience with the Ipad with only a few hours of testing. I think it would be good to turn it on, play some music, look up a few quick sites, etc. I can definately see the target audience who might use it for the same.

The question is, would i have shelled out $699 for it out of my own pocket, I'll need another few days to see if it would displace my small netbooks.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Pyromania on April 07, 2010, 11:18:14 PM
Interesting device, I will prob wait for next years model unless it gets some killer apps that I must have. I have always enjoyed my iPhone but hate the AT&T tax. I like the idea of digital books but thought the Kindle hardware was to limited.

Does the iPad have the ablity to read the whole book to you like the Kindle does?
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Moto on April 07, 2010, 11:20:42 PM
It supposedly lasts 10 hours.  It seemed like after a full day of using it on and off (movies, tv shows and a ton of browsing) it still had about 58% battery left.  I'm quite surprised about that.  I also like that the netflix interface is full featured unlike the xbox360 version where you have to manage your queue from a browser.  The device is a bit heavier than I thought it would be and that's probably mostly from the battery.  But really it's not any heavier than a book of equal size.  

The lack of multitasking and/or app-switching is a little bit of a nuisance.  I am hoping that with Apple's announcement of OS4 that we have some new features like that.  I would love to be able to stream pandora and surf the web at the same time.  The iPhone 3G didn't have enough horse power to handle that ( I tried via jail breaking my phone but pandora would stutter when you'd run an app in the background).
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Moto on April 07, 2010, 11:24:26 PM

yes, it does.  There is a Kindle App that amazon made for the iPhone and iPad.  It's really nice.  I have a ton of PDF ebooks and I found an app that lets me read those as well.  There's also the official Apple book reader that integrates with iTunes.  I think these are all great options.  Personally, I prefer non-DRM versions of books like the kind you can get directly from Oreilly.  For the same reason is why I don't buy xbox live games because you can't lend them out or easily copy/move/backup/sell them.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: EvilGuy on April 07, 2010, 11:32:24 PM
Quote from: persia;551925
Exactly, the desktop box era is fading, we are at yet another fork in the road.  

Really? Then the "fork in the road" was nearly ten years ago when tablets first hit the market. Nothing new here in the iPad.

Quote from: persia;551925

It's not so much the iPad itself but the idea that the iPad represents.  The Amiga crowd is sounding more and more like Old Farts(tm), opposing every new idea because it doesn't have a boing ball on it...

There's been new ideas here? Where? Not the iPad, or anything Apple has done in the last 25 years. Amiga users of all technology groups should know how dodgy Apple is in appropriating technology.

The surprising thing is the amount of love Apple gets for no real reason from ex-Amiga users.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: EvilGuy on April 07, 2010, 11:39:21 PM
Quote from: runequester;551953
If you are insisting on comparing this device to a laptop, as others have done upthread, then you propably aren't the target audience.

Everyone points to the iPad as being "revolutionary" for the "everyday consumer" but when an everyday consumer uses it and ponders moving to a netbook they're "not the intended audience".

So, only mindless fanboi's who lapp up everything Apple gives them are the intended audience. Apple should use that for their marketing campaigns..

Quote from: runequester;551953
If you want to earn some geek cred, program an OS, or contribute to AROS or install linux or something.

Geek cred, rotfl.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: mingle on April 07, 2010, 11:57:44 PM
Yes, I know...

It seems that Apple can release a fart these days and it'll go straight to the top of the 'must buy' list for a lot the 'aspirational generation'...
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Trev on April 08, 2010, 12:05:48 AM

History is written by whom? Apple has done for personal computing what The Beatles did for rock and roll. They certainly weren't the first, but they brought it to the masses in a way that made everyone stop, watch, and listen.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Trev on April 08, 2010, 12:06:46 AM

That's amusing, considering the uproar over Apple's initial refusal to publish farting soundboards. (EDIT: I.e. People want farts. Apple-branded farts.)
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: mingle on April 08, 2010, 12:24:00 AM

Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: KatManDEW on April 08, 2010, 12:41:58 AM
I totally do see a use for it. It's just a unnecessary gadget with no real gotta-have functionality as far as I'm concerned. iPod is a different story.  I'm on my second iPod. I just got a new iPod Touch because the headphone jack on my old one crapped out. Although not necessary, the wireless connectivity in the new iPods is a nice feature for folks like me. I only use my pay-as-you-go cell phone about twice per year, so I sure can't justify $500-$1200+ per year for cell phone service.

If Apple or the Blackberry or Droid folks would get smart and offer reasonable cell service plans for folks who don't eat, breath and sleep with a cell phone hanging out of their ear, I would happily cough up the full price for one of their phones. But I'll be damnd if I will pay $500 a year for a service that I would only use for a few minutes, once or twice a year.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: EvilGuy on April 08, 2010, 12:43:28 AM
Quote from: Trev;551977

History is written by whom? Apple has done for personal computing what The Beatles did for rock and roll. They certainly weren't the first, but they brought it to the masses in a way that made everyone stop, watch, and listen.

EDIT: I shouldn't be not so mean today, if you want to believe that Apple brought personal computing to the masses then good on you.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: runequester on April 08, 2010, 12:56:45 AM
Quote from: KatManDEW;551982
If Apple or the Blackberry or Droid folks would get smart and offer reasonable cell service plans for folks who don't eat, breath and sleep with a cell phone hanging out of their ear, I would happily cough up the full price for one of their phones. But I'll be damnd if I will pay $500 a year for a service that I would only use for a few minutes, once or twice a year.

Those costs are determined by the wireless carrier, not the manufacturer.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: KatManDEW on April 08, 2010, 12:57:07 AM
Quote from: Trev;551977

Apple has done for personal computing what The Beatles did for rock and roll. They certainly weren't the first, but they brought it to the masses in a way that made everyone stop, watch, and listen.

The Beatles were pop music. Not Rock 'n Roll. They did some drugs when they got older and got a little more funky, but Led Zepplin they weren't. "I wanna hold you hand"? "We all live in a yellow submarine"? Yea, that really rocks me out of my socks ;-)
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: KatManDEW on April 08, 2010, 12:59:46 AM
Quote from: runequester;551984
Those costs are determined by the wireless carrier, not the manufacturer.

OK. I'll keep my money. If they want to give me a product and service that fits my needs, they can have some of my money. Other service providers seem to be able to see fit to offer cell service plans that fit the needs folks who aren't mobile junkies.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: B00tDisk on April 08, 2010, 01:08:15 AM
Quote from: bloodline;551901
I specifically avoided mentioning the iPad, but yes, I believe that it is the first of a new class of computing. A class that might not feel natural to us, just as people resisted GUIs in the mid 80s, but is now here to stay. Ok Apple's mk1 iPad might not appeal to you and I... Maybe their mk2 or some other manufacture's device will, but it doesn't matter, as we are now the old blokes in the pub moaning about the new fangled music that's basically just noise :)

I disagree; it's new paint on an old idea.  The day I cannot, under any circumstances, or any way, go out and "roll my own" hardware, pick my OS of choice (including Mac OS - as long as they're x86 based they're a choice for homegrown PC enthusiasts, and privately Apple can't help but be happy about that regardless of their corporate stance on it) and enjoy computing the way I'd like is the day I give up on it as a hobby, period.

Imagine someone saying that a round track and battery operated toy train is "the future" of scale railroading, or that in five years model plane enthusiasts will all have single-stroke engined Cox "plane-on-a-string" models etc., and that anyone else's enjoyment is just them living in the past.  I'm a big-tent guy, there's room for everybody underneath it, and I'll be damned if I'll sit by and nod my head and pretend it's OK for some nitwit with a degree in interior design dictate what I do, and do not, with computers.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: B00tDisk on April 08, 2010, 01:10:06 AM
Quote from: Trev;551977
Apple has done for personal computing what The Beatles did for rock and roll. a shallow overhyped boy band?

(p.s., as pointed out the Beatles were pop, and furthermore even Paul McCartney acknowledges they couldn't produce an album as good as anything by The Beach Boys)
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: amigakid on April 08, 2010, 01:26:43 AM
@ Shurk

what if the OS goes crap how do you re-install the OS??  

Do you know anything about modern technology at all?

 hmmmnn.. yeah I do since I do network infrastructure for a hospital.  I'm talking about the average person.  So go ahead and enlighten me on how to re-install the OS without a DVD/cd drive?  Obviously u can't do it over wireless since ur OS is Toast, u can't D/l it since well OS is toast, u cant boot from a thunb drive or mem card since OS is toast.  So im curious.. just how do u expect to without opening it up (remember we are talking about the average user not a techie)????

I also never stated it was a laptop I made a point of how much more a laptop can do referrinf to a price comparison and the fact to get the "High End" Ipad would cost $899.00 and still lack on features

Sync music via Wlan???  Again you miss the point.  If you have a CD you like then you must burn it to a computer, then sync it to Itunes.  A lot of hassle for music.

Another thing I am not whining about it I was simply comparing the usefulness of it to me.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Trev on April 08, 2010, 01:40:41 AM
Quote from: EvilGuy;551983
EDIT: I shouldn't be not so mean today, if you want to believe that Apple brought personal computing to the masses then good on you.

Well, technically, Apple is one of the companies that brought personal computing to the masses, but that's not what I was saying. What I was saying was that Apple's products speak to the masses in a way that others' don't.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Trev on April 08, 2010, 01:46:01 AM
Quote from: KatManDEW;551985
The Beatles were pop music. Not Rock 'n Roll. They did some drugs when they got older and got a little more funky, but Led Zepplin they weren't. "I wanna hold you hand"? "We all live in a yellow submarine"? Yea, that really rocks me out of my socks ;-)

Pop music is anything that sells, and that was exactly my point. The Beatles repackaged a sound in a way that made it accessible to everyone. Led Zeppelin was (and is) selling records, but they don't have the nearly universal appeal of The Beatles.

I'm not advocating for sheep-like behavior, but these products speak to people in a way that can't be dismissed out of hand. Apple, like The Beatles, is doing something right.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Trev on April 08, 2010, 01:48:01 AM
Quote from: B00tDisk;551989
(p.s., as pointed out the Beatles were pop, and furthermore even Paul McCartney acknowledges they couldn't produce an album as good as anything by The Beach Boys)

Neither can Brian Wilson, these days.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Trev on April 08, 2010, 01:50:35 AM
But don't worry, everyone. Jobs will fall ill sometime soon, the Twitter generation will lose its messiah, and Wall Street will throw Apple under the bus.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: KatManDEW on April 08, 2010, 01:53:56 AM
Quote from: B00tDisk;551988
I disagree; it's new paint on an old idea.

My feelings exactly.

Love the shallow overhyped boy band statement ;-)

Apple - Blackberry - Droid: If you're listening, I'll pay good money for what I consider to be some great produsts that you are offereing. But I won't pay for cell service that I won't use.

I realize of course that the customer is always wrong.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Trev on April 08, 2010, 01:59:22 AM

They're not listening. ;-) If Apple can sell candy-coated s**t to four people and gold-plated nirvana to one person, it's candy-coated s**t all the way. And six months later, everyone else will be selling candy-coated s**t, too. You're arguing against human nature.

Personally, I don't think Apple's products are s**t, and anyone claiming to have gold-plated nirvana is probably selling you lead. Or something like that. :-P
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Moto on April 08, 2010, 02:03:07 AM
What a shame there are so many close minded individuals here.  It's almost impossible to have intelligent open discourse on this forum.  You should have just called this thread "Let's bash the iPad".
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: KatManDEW on April 08, 2010, 02:15:20 AM
Quote from: Moto;552004
What a shame there are so many close minded individuals here.  It's almost impossible to have intelligent open discourse on this forum.  You should have just called this thread "Let's bash the iPad".

Just because some folks don't see the value in a product, and thus don't wish to spend their money on it, doesn't mean they are closed minded. Is is after all their money.

Remember - the customer is always wrong.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: KatManDEW on April 08, 2010, 02:29:55 AM
Quote from: Trev;552002

They're not listening.

One of the most important things my father taught me is that you don't speak up, you can't expect change. Over the course of several decades on this planet, I have been shocked at the number or times, and types of situations, where I spoke up, and lo and behold, something was done about it!

If you go to a restaurant and they serve you a dish with a hair in the food, they darn sure aren't going to do anything about it if you don't speak up.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Arkhan on April 08, 2010, 04:37:25 AM
Quote from: persia;551876
Retro gaming, most people aren't retro.  You don't get this.  The device isn't for the Amiga user pining away in the fjords of Norway.  There will always be a niche for the retro fans.  The X1000 and the SAMs are proof of that, boat anchors to 99.99999% of the world, they will always sell to the true believer.  iPad is about the rest of the world, who couldn't give a s**t about operating systems and just want to do things.  There is talk of virtual reality games when the next version with a camera comes out.  Games will change to fit this device, not the other way around.  Understand that we live in 2010, a lot of young people don't even know what a joystick is.

You either embrace the future or confine yourself to a backwater.  You are free to choose, but don't complain when others don't choose to follow you into the backwater....

You must not be very hip to the current gaming scene.  Plenty of young people know what joysticks are, and the iPad doesn't have the same capabilities as an actual gaming rig, be it a PC or console.    Games changing to fit the device means the games will probably be crap, since usually the device is made to adapt to the GAMES.  Console/PC gaming has evolved nicely over 3ish decades now, and both young and old people alike realize whats up.

introducing a new platform for gaming and having the games "adapt", again proves that Apple is out of sync as far as the gaming world.  The gaming feature often seems tacked on.   I would love to see a game as impressive as Metal Gear Solid 4 on the iPad, and have it be perfectly playable with the touch screen.  

Noone who is serious about gaming, and enjoys having an actual controller with nice, tactile response, is going to really enjoy fingering up their screen trying to play some substandard game on a 500$ clipboard, especially when for <500$ you could get a PSP AND DS, or buy a PS3 and a dickload of games....  also, Wiping the cheeto dust off a controller is alot easier than cleaning it off a touch screen also. :)  

There is no confinement to the backwater, or old amiga farts pining away in norway.  Its gamers realizing that the device is ill suited for gaming.  Just like the 360 is ill suited for surfing the net, and storing notes/crap.

Trying to defend the iPad as a gaming platform is like trying to defend a baseball cap as a crash helmet.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: halvliter'n on April 08, 2010, 04:40:03 AM
No thanks, it is not necessary with all this garbage. This thing is only for those who think they are something or are frequently on the apple. (google translate, hehe)
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: persia on April 08, 2010, 04:55:37 AM

There is the gaming community and then there are people who just play games.  The former are not the target of the iPad, that latter are.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: ElPolloDiabl on April 08, 2010, 05:09:20 AM
You don't have to defend it, the iPhone (must also include iPod touch) is officially in 2nd place behind the Nintendo DS.

The risk is that games will be further dumbed down to accommodate people who only have touchscreen interface. Consoles have already made some PC games frustrating to play because they removed the mouse based control.

It's easy to fix... the software companies should force people to buy a trackball or gamepad peripheral in order to play. It's a PC and also Amiga tradition of forcing someone to upgrade in order to play your new bells & whistles game.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: runequester on April 08, 2010, 05:14:48 AM
Quote from: Arkhan;552016
You must not be very hip to the current gaming scene.  Plenty of young people know what joysticks are, and the iPad doesn't have the same capabilities as an actual gaming rig, be it a PC or console.    Games changing to fit the device means the games will probably be crap, since usually the device is made to adapt to the GAMES.  Console/PC gaming has evolved nicely over 3ish decades now, and both young and old people alike realize whats up.

introducing a new platform for gaming and having the games "adapt", again proves that Apple is out of sync as far as the gaming world.  The gaming feature often seems tacked on.   I would love to see a game as impressive as Metal Gear Solid 4 on the iPad, and have it be perfectly playable with the touch screen.  

Most people don't care about the visuals. The best selling gaming machine is the nintendo DS for crying out loud.

"casual" games that people love to sneer at are outselling "hardcore" games.

Most people don't want to spend the hassle of buying a thousand dollar PC, try to figure out if the current version of windows actually happens to support their video card, find the correct drivers on the internet, and then hope the damn thing actually runs.
Good luck figuring out the 21 keyboard shortcuts so you can actually play the damn thing.

People want to just toss in a disc or cartridge, pick up the controller or touch the screen and make things happen.

I am willing to guarantee that at this very moment, as I type this post, more people are playing Bejewelled than there are people who will ever play Crysis in the history of the human civilization.

That "gaming" is somehow confined to the drivel the PC game industry sees fit to vomit forth is laughable if you have any idea of how the industry works.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Arkhan on April 08, 2010, 05:42:18 AM
Quote from: persia;552020

There is the gaming community and then there are people who just play games.  The former are not the target of the iPad, that latter are.

well then don't lump actual gamers in with them and take petty jabs at Amiga fans.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: runequester on April 08, 2010, 05:45:05 AM
Quote from: Arkhan;552026
well then don't lump actual gamers in with them and take petty jabs at Amiga fans.

What defines an "actual gamer" ?
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Arkhan on April 08, 2010, 05:53:44 AM
Quote from: runequester;552027
What defines an "actual gamer" ?

people who want more than pokey clicky pseudo browser games.

cmon youre posting on an Amiga forum, have a username like Runequester, and are asking this?    The gaming community at large, and the underground gaming scene of today, is not in line for iPad
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: runequester on April 08, 2010, 06:07:47 AM
Quote from: Arkhan;552029
people who want more than pokey clicky pseudo browser games.

cmon youre posting on an Amiga forum, have a username like Runequester, and are asking this?    The gaming community at large, and the underground gaming scene of today, is not in line for iPad

The gaming community went out and bought 360's and wii's.

Its funny because I dont even have a dog in this race, but you guys are cracking me the hell up.
A bunch of guys running the absolute default, zero-thought mainstream OS that came with the computer when you bought it, talking about "real gamers" and making sure to mark off their territory and point out how some people are not "gamers"

And they are making fun of Apple and the people who buy Apple products because they happen to sit in another box.

Is this for real ? Did April 1st get an extension as part of the new health care reform in the US ?

People are so self-identified with their gadgets and electronics, that they feel any slight against it or any inch conceded to another platform must be an affront to their personality.

Is that really all there is to it anymore?

Just in case, it really is all.... I'll take the opportunity to point out that "real gamers" do pen and paper. Electronics are so 1980's. Man..
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: ElPolloDiabl on April 08, 2010, 06:08:45 AM
Quote from: runequester;552022

I am willing to guarantee that at this very moment, as I type this post, more people are playing Bejewelled than there are people who will ever play Crysis in the history of the human civilization.

I agree with this statement, I have heaps of fun playing pictionary or artillery games where you get to chat with people at the same time. Also It would depend on the age group, oldies play the strategy games the younger ones play shooters.
Somebody needs to do a marketing study I think, it might improve things.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Pyromania on April 08, 2010, 06:09:41 AM
One drawback of the iPad which is not a limitation of the device is that the iBooks App is only on the iPad. WTF? Apple thinks only iPad owners like to read? The Kindle gets this right. I don't own the Kindle hardware but still buy Kindle books since I have the App on the iPhone, Mac OS X & Windows.

The iBooks App could be ported to iPhone, iPod Touch and even all Mac's easy. Apple should not limit it only to the iPad.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: runequester on April 08, 2010, 06:18:30 AM
Quote from: Fanscale;552033
I agree with this statement, I have heaps of fun playing pictionary or artillery games where you get to chat with people at the same time. Also It would depend on the age group, oldies play the strategy games the younger ones play shooters.
Somebody needs to do a marketing study I think, it might improve things.

Half the reason I dig old amiga games still is because they have two player. Even a crap game like Dogs of War becomes a lot of fun with a mate and a beer or two.

The social aspect is one that tends to get missed a lot.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: halvliter'n on April 08, 2010, 06:20:13 AM
Who the hell bother reading a book at one kilogram on the side of the bed?  And it would not bend, right?
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Arkhan on April 08, 2010, 07:17:57 AM
Quote from: runequester;552032

Just in case, it really is all.... I'll take the opportunity to point out that "real gamers" do pen and paper. Electronics are so 1980's. Man..

what about table top mini games? ;)

the point that was made is that the ipad is some new contender in the world of gaming, and it isn't.  anyone who pays 500$ for the ability to play tappy touch games, is mental, especially since most of what you find in the app store is a respun version of some free browser game thats out there.  

Its a nice side feature, just like how noone buys Windows explicitly for Solitaire, and hearts games.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: EvilGuy on April 08, 2010, 07:27:01 AM
Quote from: Arkhan;552042
anyone who pays 500$ for the ability to play tappy touch games, is mental

Mental people with an urge to burn $500 *are* the intended audience! :-)
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Pyromania on April 08, 2010, 07:27:30 AM
The mixed reactions in this thread are understandable when you stop to realized Apple is trying to reinvent the computer industry in it's own iPod/iPhone image. Multitouch screens are cool but not always ideal in all situations. For example I found Giana Sisters hard to control on the iPhone compared to the version on the Nintendo DS or even the Amiga.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: BigBenAussie on April 08, 2010, 07:33:45 AM
Hmmm... I was against this iPad thing and Apple based on principle. I really want something more open.

I've been looking at a few videos though, and I have to admit, I am starting to be drawn under its spell.

I have serious doubts that a wintel or Googlepad solution is going to be as enticing.

I want an iPad like device.....but I guess I'll have to wait until there are other options to compare against.
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: jj on April 08, 2010, 10:08:34 AM
Quote from: persia;551925
Exactly, the desktop box era is fading, we are at yet another fork in the road.
This may be the future too:
It's not so much the iPad itself but the idea that the iPad represents. The Amiga crowd is sounding more and more like Old Farts(tm), opposing every new idea because it doesn't have a boing ball on it...

Thats not what I am saying. I own several touchscreen devices. Just none of them by apple. I refuse to pay hundereds of extra punds for a little bit extra storage.
To get the extra 16Gb of storage on the iphone costs an extra £100 here. Thats a rip-off.
Coupled with the fact that Apple do not put what you would expect on their devices, so they can release upgrades every six months.
The Iphone is still behind on a lot of things that smarthphone users take for granted.
The Ipod has never been the best mp3 player out there, the stole creatives user interface and settled out of court.
Apple are very very very very good at selling a lifestyle, or an item as a fashion accessory, and hats of to them.
But I can't think of a single piece of hardware of theirs that there isn't a better, cheaper alternative for
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Im>bE on April 08, 2010, 10:39:52 AM
The Iraq was a flop,
so I am waiting to see how the Iran will do.

(copied from MadTV epic sketch)
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: bloodline on April 11, 2010, 12:27:41 AM
Ok, I have had a play with an iPad now... and it really is a great device!

Here is a video of my App running on it :)
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: 560SL on April 11, 2010, 01:06:24 AM
Would be interesting if it had a built- in interplanetary beamer....
Title: Re: Anyone going to stand in line for this thing? Just wondering
Post by: Argo on April 11, 2010, 01:17:01 AM
I'm waiting to see more on the HP Slate.