Amiga News and Community Announcements => Amiga News and Community Announcements => site announcements => Topic started by: System on January 19, 2004, 03:09:17 PM

Title: AO needs a haircut and new leisure suit.
Post by: System on January 19, 2004, 03:09:17 PM
Well, not really, but if you're a graphics-handy guy, we DO need your help.  In working the upgrade to Xoops 2.0, we've decided that it's time that we got serious about updating the site and we need the help of a great graphics guru to help us design and update the site to a more usable look and feel.  

Since 2.0 doesn't have to look like every other Xoops site, the rest of the site needs a makeover to make it lighter, less cluttered, and more usable.

Take a look through the 500 different looks available at ( for inspiration, just let us know what you think's new look should be and if it's good, we'll get started on making it a reality.

If we get enough interest, we'll have a contest to let the members here choose the look and feel they like best.  In any event, we'll help you out in return with a link in the site's footer (every page) which clearly marks the design as yours and points to your own Web site.

Is there anyone left who thinks they're up to the challenge?  Just PM Wayne or one of the admins and let us know.  We'll get you all the details.
Title: Re: AO needs a haircut and new leisure suit.
Post by: Im>bE on January 19, 2004, 04:12:07 PM
AO does not need a haircut.

AO -already- looks good and is very usable,
thats why I come here.

Are you going to screw that up?
Title: Re: AO needs a haircut and new leisure suit.
Post by: System on January 19, 2004, 04:16:13 PM
It's comments like yours that make me wonder why we bother any more.  Thanks.
Title: Re: AO needs a haircut and new leisure suit.
Post by: tekmage on January 19, 2004, 05:31:06 PM
AO looks fine to me.  I think all the admins have done a good job building a usable site.

Bill "tekmage" Borsari
Title: Re: AO needs a haircut and new leisure suit.
Post by: Argo on January 19, 2004, 05:43:06 PM
Shave and a Haircut, two bits...
Title: Re: AO needs a haircut and new leisure suit.
Post by: Paul_Gadd on January 19, 2004, 05:44:05 PM
Do it both ways, ie bring this site in to the future with the goodies of building websites while leaving it also working on Amiga web browsers (like a duel site).
Title: Re: AO needs a haircut and new leisure suit.
Post by: Argo on January 19, 2004, 05:55:00 PM
I think your talking about two themes, right?

Have a look at the previous announcement about the upgrades. We're just wanting to go with a more visually and spacially appealing layout. No big razzel dazzel features that only work on bleeding edge browsers. (

- Improved compatibility with older browsers
The Javascript used natively by Xoops (which, sorry, we can't get rid of) has also been improved and in testing with Amiga browsers, actually seems much more compatible than the Xoops 1.3 Javascript.
Title: Re: AO needs a haircut and new leisure suit.
Post by: gnarly on January 19, 2004, 06:04:02 PM
You're right. looks lovely, but aspects are beginning to look a bit dated - those modules down the left for example...

I'd love to have a go, but to be honest I can't really remember how. I've spent so long working with XHTML/CSS that designing for Amiga browsers (and the other Netscape 4-alikes of this world) is simply a case of making sure the site is still fully accessible without stylesheets.

I'd quite like to have a go though. Mock an image up and let a more "retro" oriented web designer have a go at turning it into a website?

Oh, and could you make available the logos, fonts and so on needed to apply your corporate ID to the new design?
Title: Re: AO needs a haircut and new leisure suit.
Post by: Linchpin on January 19, 2004, 06:28:01 PM
I think the site looks cool - maybe add a better IRC client (one with no timout!) and that would be nice for me :-)
Title: Re: AO needs a haircut and new leisure suit.
Post by: peroxidechicken on January 19, 2004, 08:44:27 PM
Gee, I thought I'd be the lone voice in the wild saying 'no change is necessary' (if my teenage self ever finds out, I'll be in big trouble) but it seems that the old duffers have the upper hand.  

Hooray for us!  

Seriously though, I don't think the current layout is cluttered and the fact that XOOPS breeds a certain look doesn't bother me.
Title: Re: AO needs a haircut and new leisure suit.
Post by: Paul_Gadd on January 19, 2004, 11:09:30 PM
I think your talking about two themes, right?

Yes, one that runs on every day web browsers and another cut down one that runs on Amiga browsers ie "Improved compatibility with older browsers"

Something like lets you pick themes to suit your taste, plus the user can pick to have all the bells and whistles on screen if he/she chooses.
Title: Re: AO needs a haircut and new leisure suit.
Post by: System on January 20, 2004, 12:13:59 AM
While Xoops 2 does allow for multiple "themes", it does not allow for multiple templates (the "meat" of the site's display).

Perhaps I was not clear in my original news post.  I am not asking your opinions (though I will accept your input) as to whether's look and feel should change.  It will, and there are extenuating -- not debatable -- circumstances for it to do so.

This news post was placed here strictly to solicit help from the very few incredibly talented graphics people left in the Amiga community.  

Essentially stated, Xoops 1.x is no longer secure.  Things cannot stay the same.  There are reasons for the mandatory upgrade to be done.  The current theme is simply not easily adaptable to Xoops 2.x without major code changes to the core software (not just the themes), hence my call to action.

Over the years,'s Xoops 1.x engine has been extensively modified to get to where we are.  That is making upgrading very difficult and I do not want to end up back here again later when x.x version comes out.

The upgrades that I'm trying to accomplish are not just some crap I made up because I got bored.  I just finally got the chance to pay attention to the long overdue needs of the site.

Change is never easy to accept for anyone.  I was originally trying to be nice about it, but if I have to, I will layeth the smack down and quote Cartman who says "Whatevah!  I do what I want!!"  :-D

Title: Re: AO needs a haircut and new leisure suit.
Post by: Housey on January 20, 2004, 01:47:19 AM
Hell yeah, AO needs a haircut...  :-D

But i'm not the person to give it..

come on guys !
Title: Re: AO needs a haircut and new leisure suit.
Post by: Framiga on January 20, 2004, 11:35:43 AM
Hi Wayne,

you haven't ever answer to my question:

what the hell, i saw those Sunday morning, during a site maintenence? wasn't it  a Xoops2.x layout?

I've saved the HTML page but not the grafics (buttons and so) . . .pity it was very, very cool :-)

Title: Re: AO needs a haircut and new leisure suit.
Post by: sir_inferno on January 20, 2004, 09:07:53 PM
kool, i've had quite a bit of experience with xoops2 recently...

shame about newbb in xoops2 though.

and what are you chatting about?

although it doesn't allow users to SELECT the templates, you are allowed to upload several and change them...
Title: Re: AO needs a haircut and new leisure suit.
Post by: Im>bE on January 20, 2004, 09:14:29 PM
>This news post was placed here strictly to solicit help from the very few incredibly talented graphics people left in the Amiga community.

Im a graphics artist
and will gladly make gfx for amiga games
with playability,
and I have already.

I would help with gfx if the new design
actually got better,
but I just know that it will get worse,
so that is why I didnt offer my help, (till now).

I bet any other graphician would make better gfx than me,
but if you can prove that the new design will be easy to use and all that, then id gladly make ao logos or anything u want.
Title: Re: AO needs a haircut and new leisure suit.
Post by: iamaboringperson on February 15, 2004, 02:11:41 PM
This doesn't look so bad. :)