Amiga News and Community Announcements => Amiga News and Community Announcements => Announcements and Press Releases => Topic started by: AmiDelf on December 17, 2003, 02:10:55 PM

Title: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: AmiDelf on December 17, 2003, 02:10:55 PM
\\//AmigaWorld have started a project, getting Amiga games for this new handheld device from Nokia.

We do this, because Nokia is strong in Europe, so is Amiga, and if we can work out something tougether, it would give both something. With AmigaOS v4.0 nearing its release day by day, Amiga games for N-Gage could have AmigaOS v4.0 promotions and more. Giving Nokia N-Gage people and others a sign that Amiga is alive. Because we have to start the marketing somewhere, then this is a great way to start it all... Or?

This new handheld device from Nokia is not just a gaming console, it also have video player, mp3 player, FM tuner and a suberb OS,... The SymbianOS

So, now its time for you to vote on what sort of Amiga gaming packs you would have:

#1: Amiga Gaming Alien pack, All of the Alien Breed games
#2: Amiga Gaming Fun pack, All of the platform games, like Superfrog, Zool, Giana Sisters +++
#3: Amiga Gaming Racing pack, Lotus Triology, OutRun, Stuntcar Racer, Skidmarks etc+++

Please vote, and check out
from 03.01.2004 for updates.

Vote, so we know whats popular to get first for N-Gage, ... You vote for everyone of the packs, with the first pack wich you think is the best as the first one, like this:


That means that #2 have highest priority, then #3 and then #1

Send your Vote Mail with topic: N-Gage and Amiga
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Your comments for what sort of Amiga games should be, and more will also be posted on

Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: bbrv on December 17, 2003, 02:58:21 PM
Good idea!
R&B :-)
Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: lempkee on December 17, 2003, 03:03:00 PM
here is a small tip, we have the devkit for n-gage and its not very 68k asm friendly :) , so thoose games packs must be then runned with N-gage UAE itseems, but then again who would pay for such?..

anyway our gba releases is planned for n-gage also, that is..if the n-gage is not just another FLOP!..

amidelf: kommer du på os4 demoen i haugesund 26/12 ?
Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: NyQuil on December 17, 2003, 03:06:49 PM

OS4 demo i Haugesund???
Hvor? Klokkeslett??
Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: lempkee on December 17, 2003, 03:11:44 PM
nyquil: ja os4 demo i haugesund :D , ser ut for at INGEN VET det aaaargh..

klokkeslett er ikkje helt bestemt men eg trur det var 19:00 , eg skal poste det som news om eg får tak i mer info fra riff raff, anyway dette var liksom planen...

bor du i haugesund ?, ser at du er i bergen no.., men sikkert muligt å avtale noe...
Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: IonDeluxe on December 17, 2003, 03:11:47 PM
Nokia stole my idea.
I said to my mate last year sometime " Steve we gotta desgin a handheld wireless multiplayer gaming device, thats going to be the new thing(tm) and we will be rich!"


anyway, this would be a good idea, instead of porting all these apps to the Ngage though, I would ort them to Amiga DE and have a player made for the Ngage. Then not only do you get nokia, but all platforms DE supports.
Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: AmiDelf on December 17, 2003, 03:15:31 PM
I would love to come, but I am going to Poland on Sunday :(

Other than that, this project is also to help Nokia itself with N-Gage. Its got to much critisism.. and if Nokia and Amiga can work tougether in a good way. Both will win!

Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: lempkee on December 17, 2003, 03:16:44 PM
os4 demoet:Hemmingstad bydelshus

og eg venter på svar fra riff raff no, skal gi mer konkret info senere siden eg har liksom mistet kontakten med han (siste 10 dagene)

pps:klokkeslettet kan eg ikkje bekrefte men dagen + plassen er i allefall.
Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: NyQuil on December 17, 2003, 03:18:33 PM

Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: Johan Samuelsson on December 17, 2003, 03:39:25 PM
No noo noooo!

I have nothing but bad feelings for N-Gage.
It is a bad thought through machine. Everyone I
have talked to about it (hardcore gamers/ordinary people) mostly thinks it is a flop. Ther marketing is just terrible. Half Naked girls and cheap things like that. This machine is geeky, and that is not geeky in a good way. The last thing I would like to see is the Amiga name together with the N-Gage logo. It would do more harm than good IMO. Check this site out - People think this machine is silly. A far better option would be to release games for the GBA. That is a classy gaming system, not a cheap phone that also wants to be a clumsy gaming system. Ehh.. well.. enuff.
Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: Cass on December 17, 2003, 03:45:28 PM
My mail:


Given the advanced graphics capabilities of ngage, you should port AGA games (the retro look of the 80's games won't be much apreciated by the average cell-phone user that has grown up with the PC-games), plus worth considering even newer titles like Payback (THE GAME), that is beeing developed for gba also.

The best initiative I've ever heard! :pint: :-D
Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: amigamad on December 17, 2003, 03:46:32 PM
There marketing is just terrible. Half Naked girls

True we could at least expect full naked girls from a company this big.

Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: TheJackal on December 17, 2003, 04:05:06 PM
I think the N-Gage has sold in less numbers than the AmigaOne!

Seriously the problem is that it was promoted as a games "thing" that did phone "stuff". However its just a normal mobile phone, with a funky layout. No special hardware etc.

However it does set the standard for mobile games developers, so they know what spec they can aim for. Shame about having to remove the battery to change the game. :-o
Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: KidIce on December 17, 2003, 05:31:08 PM
No noo noooo!

I have nothing but bad feelings for N-Gage.
It is a bad thought through machine. Everyone I
have talked to about it (hardcore gamers/ordinary people) mostly thinks it is a flop. Ther marketing is just terrible. Half Naked girls and cheap things like that. This machine is geeky, and that is not geeky in a good way. The last thing I would like to see is the Amiga name together with the N-Gage logo. It would do more harm than good IMO. Check this site out - People think this machine is silly. A far better option would be to release games for the GBA. That is a classy gaming system, not a cheap phone that also wants to be a clumsy gaming system. Ehh.. well.. enuff.

I'm sorry but I agree, the NGage is a piece of crap and an utter flop. The gaming industry can't quit making fun of it, or reporting on its poor sales. I work at a T Mobile call center where everyone has the latest and greatest phones ('cause they get 'em cheap), of ~1000 employees noone I know of owns an NGage (and being a geek I'd be one of the first people they'd come show it to).

I'd rather not be associated w/ it.

Of course, the encyption on the "cartridges" has been cracked already, so it would immediatlly support the piracy of the Amiga glory days.
Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: amigamad on December 17, 2003, 06:03:08 PM
Of course, the encyption on the "cartridges" has been cracked already, so it would immediatlly support the piracy of the Amiga glory days.

Yes already you can download 34 games and 24 aplications as an 89mb file not good if you are selling the games. :-?
Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: TheJackal on December 17, 2003, 06:17:46 PM
Yeah. And currently developers of mobile games don'y make much money. (if any)
Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: Hooligan_DCS on December 17, 2003, 06:43:45 PM
I can't even imagine how much Nokia has wasted for marketing.. at least at Assembly'03 they had huge trucks turned into entertainmentcenters, coupled with a row of brand new 4x4 wheelers.

Too bad the machine itself is piece of crap and will deserverly flop. So far I haven't met anyone who could say he actually thinks it was worth the money, not even the people who are now developing for it :)
Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: Madgun68 on December 17, 2003, 07:51:04 PM
Unfortunately, AOS4 is simply not in a league that would make this sensible. Look at the shortcomings that an average user would face choosing this platform.

Just as one example, look at the state of browsers on the Amiga. None of them are up to current standards. I'd love to see the Amiga gain more ground in the computing industry but, for the time being, there are too many shortcomings that need to be addressed.
Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: Ohno on December 17, 2003, 07:55:35 PM
Indeed.. doesn't look like it's gonna be a success. You need to use the device sideways to make a phonecall for crying out loud!!


Reading some reviews of the device, I see most people say it is too big, too heavy and doesn't feel solid (cheap plastic exterior).


I also read you need to remove the battery to change the game? Is that true?
Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: Coder on December 17, 2003, 09:24:29 PM

Ther marketing is just terrible. Half Naked girls and cheap things like that.

Terrible? Let me re-write that.

Their marketing is just terrible. But some things are brilliant, like half naked girls and cheap things like that.

Tell me you made a mistake? :-)

Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: Ross_Geller on December 18, 2003, 01:00:54 AM
The ads Nokia were running for the N-Gage on BBCWorld were pretty bad too.  It's some guy from Nokia sitting on a stool spouting jargon for about a minute,  Then in the dying seconds he holds up a switched off N-Gage.  A minute long ad without even demonstrating the product! (and making us lose a few braincells thanks to that guy rambling)  
Now that's impressive on a truly large scale of stupidity...

I'd recommend you guys save your programming time and talent for a platform that has some support...
Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: AmiDelf on December 18, 2003, 01:02:17 AM
N-Gage is a superb handheld device. With it, it comes 32mb mem, radio, mp3 player, video player, java, mms, bluetooth, and I have the phone.. I am really happy with it! And you can hold the phone normally without any problems at all! Handsfree is also included with the package.

People is yelling at the same things about Amiga. Why cant we be more openminded? Do we have to listen to everyone else? Isnt that the reason for why you use Amiga and not a PC? etc...

N-Gage is superb, and is at the moment worlds fastest mobilephone.

Support this project,... go on and Vote!

Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: GadgetMaster on December 18, 2003, 01:18:21 AM


That reminds me about Sidetalkin' ( for all you SideTalkers out there.

Next time you see someone use one of those shout across the road "SIDE-TALKER!!" :lol:

Sorry couldn't resist :-P
Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: MarkTime on December 18, 2003, 03:15:17 AM
I don't know what voting for some old Amiga games has to do with helping 'Nokia know Amiga is alive'.

Nokia doesn't need to know Amiga is alive, get a license for your favorite game, develop Nokia's quality standards then sell it.

I don't think there is any mystery to this one.  Its a perfectly doable project, so go do it.

I'm not going to vote about jack...  its not a voting thing, its a doing thing.
Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: Hooligan_DCS on December 18, 2003, 06:05:44 AM
People is yelling at the same things about Amiga. Why cant we be more openminded? Do we have to listen to everyone else? Isnt that the reason for why you use Amiga and not a PC? etc...

N-Gage is superb, and is at the moment worlds fastest mobilephone.

I'd wait for what Sony will have to offer with their handheld. They gots the knowhow for a good gaming machine, unlike Nokia.

And my feelings got nothing to do with "hearing from others". I have tried it several times myself. BTW, if someone hasn't tried it yet and doesn't know anyone owning one, you can probably test it in larger supermarkets for free. There is one on show in pretty much all of them (at least in Finland)
Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: XDelusion on December 18, 2003, 07:26:10 AM
I'd MUCH rather see Amiga and Nintendo Shaking hands, my store did not sell a SINGLE N-Gage all holiday season, they are pointless, and have a bad rep, why give Amiga a worse one by promoting it on that already has been hardware...

...and I don't see them doing all that great in the UK either.

I'd rather OS5 on the N-Gage if anything, but that's all.
Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: Bobsonsirjonny on December 18, 2003, 11:21:39 AM
@ Gadget - from the sidetalking site:


This lady know's where its at :-)

GP32 - a fantastic little device. Absolutely brilliant.
Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: arcwave on December 18, 2003, 01:23:45 PM

N-GAGE sucks!

Okay, it really sucks!

Bad game cartridge design -- this is the main reason I will not get one.  I don't want to take the battery out and so forth just to change which game I am playing.  It's cumbersome.

For on the go game playing...

Tapwave (, PocketPCs, GP32 ( , GameBoy SP and the future PSP are more to my liking.

I have a PocketPC (run Tao-Group's Intent on it) and GameBoy SP, looking at getting a Tapwave or GP32 soon.
Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: mantisspider on December 18, 2003, 03:46:15 PM
GP32 had such a good prospect, but still waiting for it to be good
Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: lempkee on December 18, 2003, 03:59:32 PM
OUT OF MEMORY is something i see on all NGAGE units..., 99% of all shops pulled the plug on ngage here in norway now, after the riddiculous sales (1 unit per 200 mobilephone sold or something)

beyond that its cool to see crystal dynamics developing for it, though rrather sad as theese was supposed to have developed for amiga instead.
Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: Bobsonsirjonny on December 18, 2003, 10:50:29 PM
Poster: mantisspider Date: 2003/12/18 15:46:15

GP32 had such a good prospect, but still waiting for it to be good

What are you waiting for? i write for a GP32 mag - any questions you can email me :-)
Title: Re: Amiga games for N-Gage?
Post by: AmiDelf on December 19, 2003, 12:51:44 AM
Because people dosent know how to use N-Gage at all. Its a nice multitasking OS and can have lots of different programs up at the same time. When people loads up lots of programs, N-Gage gets out of memory like AmigaOS and all other OS.

Your all just to negative and dont know a thing. I own N-Gage and its really nice! Yes.

- I dont need to hold it on its side to talk!'
- It supports more than 128mb mmc mem cards!
- It got a multitasking OS, SymbianOS
- There is Opera, MAME, C64, GameBoy emulators for it...
- FXexplorer for it gives you full control over the phone and more
- It handles mp3, midi +++ video player builtin,...

There is just to many BAD rumours on it, and yes! Nokias campaign is totally wrong! But N-Gage is a nice handheld device. I love it!
