Amiga News and Community Announcements => Amiga News and Community Announcements => Amiga Hardware News => Topic started by: redrumloa on May 14, 2002, 07:27:07 PM

Title: It's official. "Introducing Matrox Parhelia™-512"
Post by: redrumloa on May 14, 2002, 07:27:07 PM
Immerse yourself in High Fidelity Graphics

"High fidelity refers to a superb reproduction, which is completely true to the original. The engineering vision fulfilled by Matrox Parhelia-512 was to achieve the highest-fidelity graphics with the truest representation of color, 3D, text and images created by a single source of incomparable quality, performance and features."

- Lorne Trottier, Matrox president

Title: Re: It's official. "Introducing Matrox Parhelia™-5
Post by: redrumloa on May 14, 2002, 07:58:57 PM
Also from Toms Hardware:

Matrox describes Parhelia as the first 512-bit GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) in the world, which accounts for the "512" that appears in the full name for the chip. It comes with a 256-bit wide memory bus, which is able to transfer 512 bits of data per clock, because of its double data rate capability. This may just be a number to you, but in practice, this is some rather amazing stuff. It increases the pin count of the chip by an incredible number and it makes the PCB of the graphics card a lot more complex too. There's a good reason why neither NVIDIA, nor ATi have tried that yet. Right now, Parhelia demo boards have no less than 8 layers! At 300 MHz memory clock (600 MHz DDR), Parhelia has a whopping memory bandwidth of 20 GB per second. By comparison, NVIDIA's top product, the GeForce 4 Ti4600, just reaches 10.4 GB/s. However, with its Lightspeed Memory Architecture II, NVIDIA has provided its graphics cards with a very effective Crossbar Memory Controller, lossless Z-compression and further optimizations.

So much for 'Look at the specs, it's a hoax'! These are the specs, and it's no hoax:-)

For more see:
Title: Re: It's official. "Introducing Matrox Parhelia™-5
Post by: Skyraker on May 14, 2002, 08:07:58 PM
Theres also an 8 page review at hardware,


Title: Re: It's official. "Introducing Matrox Parhelia™-5
Post by: JetFireDX on May 14, 2002, 08:21:32 PM
Sounds like quite a monster they have built. Can't wait to see it on display somewhere. Might just be the GPU for my new machine I am going to build soon. Especially since if/when I get an A1 it could migrate to it.
Title: Re: It
Post by: Kay on May 14, 2002, 08:25:20 PM
Calling Ben Hermans...this is your cue to say "I told you so!" :-)

I was originally planning to go for the G550, but now I'm not so sure anymore...

Title: Re: It
Post by: Valan on May 14, 2002, 08:35:06 PM
The specs are fantastic!
But how can this be used by AmigaOS?

Will the AmigaOS have an advantage with this card over PCs also with the card.

Can this give us individual, multi screens on the same moniter as with the Classic chipset?

Since Matrox are working with Amiga Inc I just wonder if this were possible.

Title: Re: It
Post by: seer on May 14, 2002, 08:38:47 PM
You know, when the first post was made about this card, and I said I would buy this card, I wasn't all that serious, .. Now that it's out, and the specs are real, I say, gimme gimme gimme !!

Hmm... How on earth I'm I going te put 3  17" screens on my desk.......... (That is, paying for them en really puting them on a desk powered et all.. ) Aahh... The things you have to worry about
Title: Re: It
Post by: redrumloa on May 14, 2002, 08:59:00 PM
Aahh... The things you have to worry about

Really terribe eh? hehe! This gfx card does seem VERY AMIGA. As for 3 17' monitors on one desk? 3 yes, 17" NO! I want 3 25" monitors ;-) Or maybe I'll settle for 3 19" LCD monitors.. Ahh.. The tortue:-D
Title: Re: It
Post by: seer on May 14, 2002, 09:01:55 PM
I want 3 25" monitors  Or maybe I'll settle for 3 19" LCD monitors.. Ahh.. The tortue

Aah.. You have a vision !
Title: Re: It's official. "Introducing Matrox Parhelia™-512"
Post by: Kay on May 14, 2002, 09:03:04 PM
Don't know if I can afford two extra 19" Trinitrons, though...or fit them on my desk, for that matter...

Title: Re: It
Post by: System on May 14, 2002, 09:05:43 PM
I wish Amiga would offer something special with this card. It would fit perfectly as the next generation Amiga computers.

Seeing that Matrox is selling the card to everyone (unfortunately) and not just amiga users ... perhaps the first phase of cards should first premeire on the AmigaONE's(publicity... :)... )and then perhaps 2-5 months later they come out for all other platforms?

I don't know. Something to give Amiga an edge. I wish there was someway for Amiga to create its own hardware sector. we need to buy out matrox.

Title: Re: It
Post by: seer on May 14, 2002, 09:09:21 PM
and then perhaps 2-5 months later they come out for all other platforms?

2 Months is a long time when you consider NVidia and ATI aren't going to let this happen without a fight.. Don't be surprised when they announce a Geforce 5 or a radeon X within 2 months..
Title: Re: It
Post by: System on May 14, 2002, 09:26:46 PM
True. And of course everyone is going to fight each other to death till one stands above all the rest or just so everyone has their shot at 15 min. of fame.

what would be better is if these graphics card developers would create something far more ingeneous. Why 512bit technology? Why not 864bit technology? And something along the lines of having 100GB thru-put.

I guess the technology just isn't here yet or I guess what the real reason is... just too damn expensive for the consumer.

That way everyone has a hard time catching up. That's the problem with every developer out there, everyone can catch up too quickly.

How about if we got our hands on alien technology that boasts 34million(sl*) of bandwidth.

*sl--speed of light

that way no one can catch up with Amiga for quite some from now.

Ok..I'll dunk my head in the toilet now.

Title: Re: It
Post by: The_Editor on May 14, 2002, 10:06:46 PM
Well, my monitor is a Belinea 21", So I'll have to get two more wont I ..  :-o    Already told the missus (I'm still wearing the chip pan!!)

It Rox alright ... Definately getting it.  I currently run G550 which is cool for NLE but picture mediastudioPro spread over three monitors ..or two with video source  & output on t'other.   :-D
Title: Re: It
Post by: HyperionMP on May 14, 2002, 10:37:07 PM
Well, didn't I tell you guys that nVidia was not the best option anymore?

I told you so!

Now just be patient when I come back here for my G5 "I told you so" posting.

A little faith people! Hyperion never lied to youi before.
Title: Re: It
Post by: GadgetMaster on May 14, 2002, 10:52:32 PM

Nice one ben.

Keep it up

Title: Re: It
Post by: seer on May 14, 2002, 11:03:48 PM
That's the problem with every developer out there, everyone can catch up too quickly.

Well, it's a mixed blessing and a curse, but in the end, somebody has got to be the first.. Sometime somwhere you'll be running a 1024bit GFX card... Well, maybe..
Title: Re: It
Post by: KPK on May 14, 2002, 11:10:16 PM
Read this link if you haven't or re-read it if you have. It's short but it makes me believe in this graphics card as a high-end Amiga card...   That thing about what they have up their sleeves must have been this new card..

Amiga and Matrox (
Title: Re: It
Post by: Juzz on May 14, 2002, 11:43:47 PM
But how can this be used by AmigaOS?

From the very beginning of AOS 4 - it can't - sorry  :-(

I was hoping for this being supported too, but it seems that Hyperion needs to get Warp3D beefed up a bit before it will be supported.
The update to Warp3D will be done - but the speed of which this update will appear depends largely on the sales of OS 4.... So let's make it a bestseller so we can use our Parhelias (I know I will be getting me one of those cards).
It will be Hyperion who will make the drivers for the card, but from what I hear they have excellent support from Matrox.
Title: Re: It
Post by: redrumloa on May 14, 2002, 11:46:43 PM
A little faith people! Hyperion never lied to youi before.

Keep it up and I will be a Hyperion cheerleader, just don't expect me to wear a cheerleader costume! That would be scary!!  :-o
Title: Re: It
Post by: redrumloa on May 14, 2002, 11:52:10 PM
was hoping for this being supported too, but it seems that Hyperion needs to get Warp3D beefed up a bit before it will be supported.

From what I've read this may very well be in the first Boing Bag update after OS4.0 is released. Boy would that be sweet!

Here is my thought. AGP slot - Parlehia-512(w/3 monitors), first PCI slot, PCI All-In-Wonder-Radeon(1 monitor and TV/VCR hookup).

4 Monitor output! 4 'screens'... yummy!! Just think of the possibilities.. :-o

Games with requirements "Minimum 3 monitors required" !!
Title: Re: It
Post by: Ivan on May 15, 2002, 07:24:10 AM
>From what I've read this may very well be in the first Boing Bag update after OS4.0 is released. Boy would that be sweet!

I sure hope so. :) I definatly want one of these cards in my A1.

As for monitors. Check this thing out. :) I had this link from a couple months ago when surfing around for monitors. Darn expensive though.
20" flat panel, 2048x1536

(damn, cant connect right now. just my luck :P)

Title: Re: It
Post by: System on May 15, 2002, 10:51:20 AM
Doesn't the ATI AIW do dual monitors?

So you really mean *CRUNCH* 5 monitors in a heap of saw-dust where your desk used to be.

It was the monitor that broke the tables back.  (Ahhh How I used to like that story when my Birthing AI would signal to me in my amnotic fluid pocket back in the days of post foetal stages)
Title: Re: It
Post by: Quixote on May 15, 2002, 11:22:24 AM
"The specs are impressive, and I WANT TO BELIEVE, but until I see it on Matrox's site, it's just talk".

Well, now I've seen it on Matrox's site, and I DO BELIEVE, and it's not just talk anymore.  This is some impressive stuff!  As Will Smith said in Independance Day: "I have got to get me one of these!"

As for applications requiring a minimum number of monitors, I recall back in the day there was a coin-op arcade game which name I forget.  It was a side-scrolling shoot-'em-up.  Standard stuff, but the gimmick was its display.  Two monitors were mounted inside the cabinet, oriented so that they faced up, towards a partialy silvered mirror, which reflected the images toward the players.  Behind the mirror was a third monitor, positioned between the reflections of the other two.  The effect was three screens side by side, with no seams between them.  That was amazing stuff for its day about ten to fifteen years ago, but now it seems we've got a card to drive such hardware at home.  *Sniff!* Brings a tear to my eye.

:-D «-- Old Amiga

:-D :-D :-D «-- New Amiga...
Title: Re: It's official. "Introducing Matrox Parhelia™-5
Post by: System on May 15, 2002, 02:08:39 PM
I think I heard elsewhere that this will be an 8x AGP card. If that's the case then I'm assuming the A1 won't make the most of it, right? But then again, apparently it will only partially support DX9 which would make it more favourable to Amigas (and other non-microsoft systems)

I wunder how much it will cost? /me looks at existing card in PC with evil glint in eye...
Title: Re: It's official. "Introducing Matrox Parhelia™-5
Post by: redrumloa on May 15, 2002, 02:30:12 PM
I think I heard elsewhere that this will be an 8x AGP card. If that's the case then I'm assuming the A1 won't make the most of it, right?

Nothing will likely make use of AGP 8x for quite some time. It's doubtful there will be much difference in AGP2x and 4x either.

I wunder how much it will cost? /me looks at existing card in PC with evil glint in eye...

Figure the ballpark of $400 to $500USD for the first couple of models. Those are the numbers floating around. Not surprising considering everytime a new Nvidia Geforce product comes out it is in this price range, and this card is WAAAY more technical.
Title: Re: It's official. "Introducing Matrox Parhelia?-5
Post by: redfox on May 15, 2002, 04:51:21 PM
Yes, this card will may a great addition to the AmigaOne.
Title: Re: It's official. "Introducing Matrox Parhelia?-5
Post by: The_Editor on May 15, 2002, 09:37:38 PM
But will AMIGANAUTS show their gratitude and buy it,  in enough numbers to make other manufacturers sit up and notice??

Snowball effect.      :-o
Title: Re: It
Post by: Herewegoagain on May 16, 2002, 12:46:36 AM
"Now just be patient when I come back here for my G5 "I told you so" posting.

A little faith people! Hyperion never lied to youi before."

Hmmm...Now I'm having visions of 2GHz G5 AmigaOnes with AGP 8X and DDR for Christmas... ;)

Oh, okay....But I can wish can't I???
Title: Re: It's official. "Introducing Matrox Parhelia?-5
Post by: redrumloa on May 16, 2002, 03:31:48 PM
But will AMIGANAUTS show their gratitude and buy it, in enough numbers to make other manufacturers sit up and notice??

If drivers are available, this will likely be the #1 GFX card choice of Amigans. Considering this is going to be a very highend card and NOT cheap, sales to Amigans should put 'Amiga' on the map in Matrox's eyes. A few thousand sales to 'Amigans', IF they know it is going to Amigans will sit nicely.
Title: Re: It's official. "Introducing Matrox Parhelia?-5
Post by: The_Editor on May 16, 2002, 08:23:48 PM
IF they know it is going to Amigans will sit nicely.

Good Point AOLmurdered !!  Perhaps Amigans should state on the registration card that its for an Amiga (even if theres not an "Amiga" option).

I did this with my Epson Registration.
Title: Re: It's official. "Introducing Matrox Parhelia?-5
Post by: Brian Hoskins on May 20, 2002, 04:41:15 AM
I completely agree.  And also, while the card will without doubt be a very large investment, particularly after having dug deep for an A1 setup already, at least it'll last.  I wouldn't be at all suprised if that card would still be considered "high performance" by the time the NEXT Amiga comes around, and in that case you can just transfer it can't you.

So yeah, good investment.  It has obvious benefits for gamers, but I'm more of a work environment based man myself (hence my dislike for windows) so what benefits would the card give for us techies??