Amiga News and Community Announcements => Amiga News and Community Announcements => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: System on April 03, 2002, 05:20:18 PM

Title: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: System on April 03, 2002, 05:20:18 PM
computer hall of fame (

Vote for JAY MINER for this year's computer hall of fame inductions.

He narrowly missed out last year but this year hes way behind in the stakes. Support the father of 'Amiga' and vote!

Remember to vote for 4 people, give a valid email address, then read email and click on response to confirm choice.

Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: Coder on April 03, 2002, 05:28:02 PM
Just voted on the site!

Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: jd997uk on April 03, 2002, 05:30:56 PM

Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: CD32Freak on April 03, 2002, 05:51:51 PM
Yes, of course I did too :-)

If anybody here didn't choose Jay Miner..well, what the hell are you doing here than?!  :-D  :-P
Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: System on April 03, 2002, 06:25:19 PM
Just voted as well, nice to see that he's leading the poll at the moment.  :-D

Which other Amiga creators should be nominated, then again it might look a little odd if too many Amiga "names" appeared on the list at once!   ;-)

Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: System on April 03, 2002, 06:39:26 PM
me too!
Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: scorchio on April 03, 2002, 06:40:39 PM
I voted also.

In the box at the bottom, there is an option to nominate someone,

everyone, vote for my former lecturer Duncan Smeed, as creator of the bios for the old Dragon computer systems.

To top it all off, he had a run in with Mr Gates, reason enough to vote for him.

Info at:

and (goto hardware then technical articles)
Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: Coder on April 03, 2002, 07:54:40 PM
Hmmm I wonder why my name was not on the list. :-D

Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: System on April 03, 2002, 08:07:45 PM
here are my votes:

Sir Clive Sinclair ( genius + Spectrum is great )

Alexai Pazhitnov ( gotta respect that )

Jay Miner ( well ... :-D )

William D. Mensch ( C64 is great )

Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: redrumloa on April 03, 2002, 08:22:37 PM
Jay Miner, cool! But no Jack Trammel or Jim Butterfield?
Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: System on April 03, 2002, 09:06:49 PM
Just voted for Jay, How about Dave Haynie in the open field at the bottom of the Poll ?
Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: Skyraker on April 03, 2002, 09:45:48 PM
Seems Jay Miner is Light years ahead.. I voted for him too... we're all very sad.
Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: CD32Freak on April 03, 2002, 10:24:56 PM
Jay Miner, cool! But no Jack Trammel or Jim Butterfield?

..or Mehdi Ali! :-P
Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: dapsycho on April 03, 2002, 11:04:04 PM
God you guys work fast. When I voted for him 4 hours ago he only had 36 votes and was in second place, now hes got over 250 and is well in front.. bloody hell...

I voted twice, for me and a mate...
Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: Kent on April 04, 2002, 12:01:51 AM
I voted for Mitchy, after all the work Jay did with the development of the Amiga it was Mitchy who approved the designs and gave the seal of approval.  In all honesty, Jay should be in the Hall of Fame since back to 83 or even 82 for some of his work in the past.  Jay did a lot more for computers than just Amiga.  Though if it wasn't for Jay, we wouldn't have such an amazing fanatical "fanboy" group of zealots like we have now.  Imagine that.

:pint: :-D
Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: System on April 04, 2002, 12:13:18 AM
I voted!
Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: Fud on April 04, 2002, 12:34:27 AM
Just voted.
Great lead for Jay Miner!

Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: Chathurawind on April 04, 2002, 01:46:19 AM
Jay seems to be doing well with 24% of the vote (ahem)...

Mind you, it looks suspiciously like the founders of Cisco voted for themselves (1 vote each!)

What about a hall of shame to show us the people who should NOT have run a technology company?

Now that *would* be a close contest...  ;-)
Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: Kay on April 04, 2002, 01:46:27 AM
I voted for Jay Miner and Sid Meier (I'm a fan of his). Someone
mentioned the Dragon computers. I have a Dragon 32 back home. I wrote
my first few lines of code on that thing. A great computer. I would
voted for Duncan Smeed as well, but unfortunately I voted
before reading about him.

Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: scorchio on April 04, 2002, 02:43:20 AM
Kay - go back then and vote for Duncan, just use your email address....!

in the "your nomination" box, put

"Duncan Smeed - developer of the bios for Dragon Computers"

for his weblog, goto
Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: PhatAgnus on April 04, 2002, 03:50:21 AM
My vote's in!!
Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: Elektro on April 04, 2002, 03:58:47 AM
they have Gates in there too... :-x
Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: Blitter on April 04, 2002, 04:34:05 AM
I just made it 440  :-D

I wrote in Dave Haynie as well.

I hope Jay wins it this year.  He definetly deserves it!
Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: spiffydinosaur on April 04, 2002, 05:09:44 AM
vote # 454

Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: RexxMast on April 04, 2002, 12:46:40 PM
Jay Miner definately needs to be in there. He should have made it in previous polls!
Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: Rodney on April 04, 2002, 04:02:00 PM
Well looks like just about everyone voted (including me) and if i must say so, The Amiga Fanatics have struct again. Our Boy is kicking arse!!! :)
Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: Chathurawind on April 04, 2002, 06:31:13 PM
For heaven's sake,  don't put Butterfield in the same sentence as Tramiel and Ali!
Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: Bobsonsirjonny on April 05, 2002, 01:32:41 AM
Jay Miner, Tetris guy (cos it was fun on the bus back from school) Sir Clive sinclair - my first computer was a Speccy! and  whats his face - the british dude that's sposed to be the father of the modern  internet - John something - saw him on a TV show a while back. Very interesting!
Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: Chathurawind on April 05, 2002, 03:08:18 AM
Anyone notice that Ted Nelson has a different check box (a circle) than the rest? When you select it, it removes the checks from your other selections. You can also not un-select it.

That's just rude. :-x
Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: KrasH on April 05, 2002, 08:03:07 AM
More than likely a "typo" with someone typing radio instead of checkbox in the html..

I've voted, and Jay is way in front. Over 1000 votes.. wow, I was worried that there weren't many amigans around... boy was I wrong  8-)


hrm.. now I gotta go to school and do a "Intro to Hardware and Networks" exam.. (if only the exam had amiga questions in it)
Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: xork on April 05, 2002, 12:07:07 PM
Sid Meier, William D Mensch, Jay Miner, Dennis Ritchie.

Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: Chathurawind on April 05, 2002, 05:40:12 PM
I had to go with Atanasoff and Berry- though, if I remember the story right, one was the 'brains,' and the other was 'management.'

Perhaps against better judgement, Moore was my 4th pick.  While his prophecy may have been self-fulfilling, we're just beginning to see the curve curl upwards.  It may not hold forever, but it's definitely the most influential force in computing now, whether we like it or not.

It's a bit sad that old hands still aren't in there, while pop icons are.  Jay got my vote because this is the year he'll finally make it, but it'd be sad to see the earliest pioneers forgotten by hackers who can't think back past 1990.

Jay does deserve to be in there for summarizing what Woz and a few others might've realized earlier on- computers were entertainment devices that could be written off on tax returns. :)

Mensch deserves to be there too, as does Tramiel (though the hall of shame would be better), and a whole host of others.  (Dave'll get there, someday. :))  Anyone want to explain what makes the Dragon/CoCo BIOS so interesting?
Title: Re: Vote JAY MINER into computer Hall of Fame
Post by: Revener on April 06, 2002, 02:45:52 PM
Hmm.... seems they have closed the votes, bacuse I can't wote :-(