Amiga News and Community Announcements => Amiga News and Community Announcements => General Internet News => Topic started by: baderman on March 15, 2002, 12:03:00 PM

Title: announcement
Post by: baderman on March 15, 2002, 12:03:00 PM
Authors of the biggest Amiga portal ( in Poland, decided to whitdraw from publishing anything(news/stories) directly connected with "Amiga Inc." due to the last ".NET & Amiga marriage".

Here its translation from polish:

Dear users,

The latest Amiga Inc. policy shifts (which we mention below) give us no other option as to say farewell to them for good and show them our boinging balls as a good-bye. Although the hardkore anti-UAE group would never get it, The Adminus Magnificus In Their Armourus Radiatus® have never been fervent fans of Microsoft policy and their "innovations" in the field of technology and alike (in which we differ, for example, from our Polish government).

We cannot and do not intend to watch idly as the company which "exciting" (or should it be "arousing"?) announcements we publish from time to time intends to lend (or spare) a hand to the biggest scr*w-up in the Internet history called .NET and being another rather cunning M$ idea to overpower the naive dwellers of the global village.

In the coming days the prophetic minds of the amiSheep will surely perceive a new conspiracy theory lurking behind the bare facts and try to rationalize why Microsoft is a big, good daddy company that wants to help the poor and it is not a coincidence that ami-CEO's name is Bill, too. Yet, it is a well-known fact that the only company Microsoft cares about is Microsoft itself.

To sum the whole thing up, we remove all the links to Amiga Inc. from our site. We also stop publishing any news concerning the company, its products, its employees, etc., no matter how exciting (or even arousing) they would be.
As far as Amiga Classic, MorphOS and other alike are concerned, everything remains unchanged.

Amen, brothers (and sisters).
Title: Re: announcment
Post by: Crispy_Beef on March 15, 2002, 01:19:14 PM
I know what these guys mean, I'm all for Amiga getting it's content in as many places as possible, and furthering themselves, even if it is on the back of M$ for a bit.  But .NET is an awful thing at least in the hands of Redmond.

The passport system has already been proven to be insecure, and eventually I can see M$ being more and more part of the Internet, they already tried to block browsers other than their own accessing their site.

.NET sucks.

Title: Re: announcment
Post by: System on March 15, 2002, 01:31:54 PM

I always hated this kind of people and companies that from the first moment on they hear "Microsoft" they suddendly turn around, blame some people and leave. One of my customers did so!
What do you think???? Where do you work??? The company you work at does not use M$-products in their offices? SHOW ME, IF THAT'S THE CASE!
We can't live on the money we earn by selling 2 clock-port extensions a month.

IT-business is not something we do for fun, WE LIVE ON THAT!

Keep on reporting on MorphOS and A1200.

I want AmigaONE with OS4.0 and I want devices running AmigaDE (Amiga Anywhere)!

Amiga Inc., YOU'RE DOIN' A GREAT JOB!!!!!!!
Title: Re: announcment
Post by: Bobsonsirjonny on March 15, 2002, 01:43:03 PM
Man this announcement is a little childish - there a news portal for goodness sake. What do is news. They should publish it, and allow people to comment on it. As for Amiga being arousing... well, thats a little worrying. :-D
Title: Re: announcment
Post by: scorchio on March 15, 2002, 01:51:07 PM
This sort of action is

a) childish

b) shows the naivety of some narrow minded people!

Perhaps when they realise themselves that there in the big picture, classic OS needs to be left behind for progress to be made, they will accept that decisions like this are required to provide grounding in the x86 dominated environment.

In conclusion:

1. sod off
2. grow up
3. think before you open your mouth


I agree with 'siciliano' and 'Bobsonsirjonny' Amiga Inc are doing the best that they can, and support should be given to them

Title: Re: announcment
Post by: Crispy_Beef on March 15, 2002, 02:04:48 PM
Hey Siciliano, I hope the 'go away' wasn't directed at me, what I stated above was purely fact, and nothing else.

Plus there is cause to be careful where M$ is concerned, tread lightly and all that.  Although I don't think M$ can afford to be seen doing anything dodgy at the moment, what with all th lawsuits etc.

I have been using Amigas since 88/89 and have hung on this long to see a new Amiga and OS, not to see it swallowed up in the M$ machine.

Adding in this bit though, I do think that withdrawing their news IS a bit childish and silly.

Title: Re: announcment
Post by: System on March 15, 2002, 02:13:30 PM
Hey Siciliano, I hope the 'go away' wasn't directed at me

No, Crispy_Beef! I wrote my comment before your one had been posted.
I ment those silly poeple that posted that silly comment.

Adding in this bit though, I do think that withdrawing their news IS a bit childish and silly.

You're perfectly right!

Title: Re: announcment
Post by: Crispy_Beef on March 15, 2002, 02:15:27 PM
Cool, that's what I though you meant, but just had to check ;-)

Hopefully we'll all be able to run that content on our shiny new AmigaOnes and OS4 soon  :-)

Title: Re: announcment
Post by: samface on March 15, 2002, 03:01:58 PM
Perhaps they'll listen if everyone removes their fastlink for *their* website? I mean, who would want to browse an Amiga news site that doesn't even publish Amiga related news, anyway... :-P

Amen, brothers (and sisters).

Isn't it scary the way they seem to have computing as their religion?
Title: Re: announcment
Post by: Tomas on March 15, 2002, 03:05:47 PM
im getting a bit scared after i read the announce on

Amiga Games and Productivity Applications Will Target Windows CE .NET
"will target windows CE .NET" Does this mean they will only develop Amiga Anywhere for Windows CE??? They wont release it for linux??

Then the whole point is gone"to run same stuff on all oses"   :-o

Sorry to say it but this will be something that m$ claim is there own piece of software..... And no one will ever know that Amiga Anywhere is behind all this.......
Title: Re: announcment
Post by: System on March 15, 2002, 03:06:00 PM
"Putting a thousand monkeys on typewriters may eventually produce the works of Shakespeare but it's not something you're going to wait around for, and you don't want to be responsible for cleaning up the mess in the meantime." - Fleecy Moss
That's most certainly NOT Fleecy.  It's been uttered in American literature and film at least a thousand times. :)
Title: Re: announcment
Post by: System on March 15, 2002, 03:08:34 PM
Does this mean they will only develop Amiga Anywhere for Windows CE??? They wont release it for linux??
Absolutely not.  Think about it for a second and you might realize that Amiga Inc won't write "and Linux and 12 other OS'es" on a Press Release on the Microsoft site.  Remember, Microsoft and Linux are currently mortal enemies.
Title: Re: announcment
Post by: samface on March 15, 2002, 03:19:41 PM
That's most certainly NOT Fleecy. It's been uttered in American literature and film at least a thousand times. :)

Well, it's a quote from Fleecy Moss in an interview with Amiga Active, it was around the time when they announced themselves as the new owners of Amiga. The quote was even on the front page of that issue, IIRC. :-)

Sure, it could be taken by him from somwhere else, I'm aware of that. However, that is a quote of Fleecy Moss, no doubt about it. :-P

Have a nice weekend, all! :-)
Title: Re: announcment
Post by: System on March 15, 2002, 05:08:16 PM
Authors of the biggest Amiga portal in Poland, decided to whitdraw (sic) from publishing anything.....Blah...Blah...

Well I'm Shocked...NOT!    Yawn...zzz-zz-zzz... who cares!

From the looks of what they continue to cover it seems they may not have been big fans of Amiga Inc. in the first place!

Bob C.
Title: Re: announcement
Post by: Chathurawind on March 15, 2002, 05:56:33 PM
I think there is a gentlemen's agreement between Amiga, Inc. and the Amiga community.

Amiga, Inc. will let the classic environment continue if Amiga community will let Amiga, Inc. continue.

Developing for AmigaDE gives Amiga, Inc. a future, Amiga, Inc. by wisely doing what the amiga community wants (i.e. not getting in the friggin way of progress on our beloved Amiga platform)...give the amiga community a future.

win win....with that said I think the above actions are funny.  Good for them, they will quietly change back as Amiga inc becomes more relevant.......and if that doesn't happen then they just got it a bit quicker than the rest of us.
Title: Re: announcement
Post by: Chathurawind on March 15, 2002, 06:10:02 PM
In fact Mr Nerding (Haage&Partner) made
similar comments. Not that they won't support
Amiga in the future but that such actions from
Amiga Inc. don't help the Amiga market any

And that's the main problem for dealers. They
don't care how much DE developers there are
becuase they don't get any money from them.
They want to sell apps, and AmigaDE doesn't
create apps for the *Amiga market*.
Title: Re: announcement
Post by: Chathurawind on March 15, 2002, 06:34:37 PM
Don't act like babies. All companies have to make calls that can seem bad for their customers. But when all comes to all, business is all about customers.
Title: Re: announcment
Post by: Tomas on March 15, 2002, 07:02:52 PM
 Re: announcment          


Does this mean they will only develop Amiga Anywhere for Windows CE??? They wont release it for linux??
Absolutely not. Think about it for a second and you might realize that Amiga Inc won't write "and Linux and 12 other OS'es" on a Press Release on the Microsoft site. Remember, Microsoft and Linux are currently mortal enemies.


I really hope you have right ;)
Title: Re: announcement
Post by: Bezzen on March 15, 2002, 08:07:34 PM
Haha. Really dramatic :)
Title: Re: announcement
Post by: Housey on March 15, 2002, 11:15:31 PM
hmmm whatever.

Microsuk are THE biggest software/OS company in the world like it or not (ok, not).

'grow up' - get into 2002 ffs
Title: Re: announcement
Post by: System on March 15, 2002, 11:24:49 PM
Amiga your doing the right thing! Just don't piss of Microsoft and you will be good to go. But at the same time wach out for Miscrosoft, there evil -BOOO HISSS. Amiga should do the same this for Apples OS X
Title: Re: announcement
Post by: Chathurawind on March 16, 2002, 05:36:10 AM
People are entitled to have their own opinon, and in this case, this news site has let us know what their opinions exactly are. I congradulate them on making the move if in any way it makes them feel proud of them selfs.

I dont really have anything against MS besides some of their OSes not being up to scratch. However, i know why a lot of people are feed up with MS and it has nothing to do with their OS, but their management practices.

Personaly i wouldnt do this if i had a website of my own, but i can see where these guys are coming from and their are doing what they feel is best.

I dont think we should critise those who do this as they are just making them selfs clear about how the feel about the current situation. Good on em.

But we really need to get on with our lives instead of worrying about such things. OS4 is coming and in our eyes, MS giving us money is not a bad thing!! :) and thats all we care about!
Title: Re: announcement
Post by: Chathurawind on March 16, 2002, 05:36:40 AM
People are entitled to have their own opinon, and in this case, this news site has let us know what their opinions exactly are. I congradulate them on making the move if in any way it makes them feel proud of them selfs.

I dont really have anything against MS besides some of their OSes not being up to scratch. However, i know why a lot of people are feed up with MS and it has nothing to do with their OS, but their management practices.

Personaly i wouldnt do this if i had a website of my own, but i can see where these guys are coming from and their are doing what they feel is best.

I dont think we should critise those who do this as they are just making them selfs clear about how the feel about the current situation. Good on em.

But we really need to get on with our lives instead of worrying about such things. OS4 is coming and in our eyes, MS giving us money is not a bad thing!! :) and thats all we care about!

ooops :)
Posted by Rodney
Title: Re: announcement
Post by: System on March 16, 2002, 02:39:48 PM
at least they wake up we dont wont to learn
about microsoft news there are news sites for that
and we dont wand somethink that IS NOT AN AMIGA
with the amiga name on it
they produce nice stuff but they do not are amiga
or even LOOK like an amiga further more
it is NOT RUN aon an amiga  :-D
Title: Re: announcement
Post by: System on March 16, 2002, 03:23:38 PM
they produce nice stuff but they do not are amiga
I'm very confused about your message.  I know English is a second language for many here, but is that a "dig" against

Keep in mind that 99% of all Amiga sites out there are not created or run on an Amiga.  This includes us, Czech Amiga News, Amiga News Network (ANN), AmigaRealm, and almost any site I can name.

Wayne Hunt
Title: Re: announcement
Post by: baderman on March 17, 2002, 09:36:35 PM
how little you know about m$...

who do you call children ??? please think, it doesn't hurt... all of you thinking that ai ally with m$ will bring something good into amiga community are making me sick, please THINK, then write comments (or not :-D )
Title: Re: announcement
Post by: Chathurawind on March 18, 2002, 12:08:49 AM

i dont say taht
I'm very confused about your message. I know English is a second l

dont mean  you or how you run this site this site is very nice ;-)
i mean that wand to sell us somethink
that is a PC runing Windows with the name of
this stuff isn;t an amiga and can not be called an amiga
imho and just agree with the polish and hungary nes site desicions
Title: Re: announcement
Post by: theTAO on March 18, 2002, 09:09:04 AM
I can see this from two perspectives.  First, I commend the Polish site for their sheer willpower.  From all I've read, .NET is about as evil a plan as Micro$oft has ever hatched, and people of good conscience should work to isolate, choke, and kill it by any means necessary.  If the Vorlons ever come to Earth to destroy Micro$oft plus anything and anybody influenced by them, Amiga, Inc. may be no more, but the site staff will likely survive.  I used to think that I hated M$ more than just about anybody I know, but now I see people who are even more hard-core. :-)  If nothing else, this announcement is a way of keeping the .NET beast in the spotlight.

On the other hand, we don't really know Amiga, Inc. have anything more than a "take-the-money-and-run" attitude.  Amiga, Inc. are a business, and from what I've gathered, a business that sorely needs more investment.  I also would have preferred Amiga telling them to "go to hell"...I've been wanting to tell some M$ employees that myself for years!  Wouldn't it be nearly as satisfying, though, if M$'s investment is used for software development that ultimately bites them PocketPC losing market share on cell phones, PDA's, etc. to AmigaDE...or (heaven forbid) AmigaOS taking a chunk out of Windows desktop sales?  The point of AmigaDE is that is does run anywhere, and to me this agreement only indicates that it will run on .NET a little earlier than the others.  Until we see some proof of exclusionary licensing, proprietary DE apps, Windows code in OS4.x, etc., I'm willing to give Amiga the benefit of the doubt.  If this press release is as bad as the Polish site thinks, I will eventually side with them, but I don't think it's prudent jumping to conclusions.

Title: Re: announcement
Post by: Casper on March 18, 2002, 02:58:05 PM
I think these people (the ones boycotting Amiga Inc) are overreacting to this. All the press release basically says is that Amiga Anywhere will run on future versions of Windows CE. I wonder why they didn't react this way when the DE SDK came out for Windows, it is basically the same thing.
Title: Re: announcement
Post by: eddit on March 18, 2002, 10:40:58 PM
There appears to be some major confusion over what CE .NET is.   First of all, it is NOT .NET, the replacement of visual basic and Microsoft's way of sucking you into all of their services.  It IS the underlying OS for PocketPC.  

Microsoft in their wisdom rebranded WindowsCE to PokcetPC.  But .. PocketPC itself comes in many forms.  The handheld manufacturer could chose components from WindowsCE and bolt it together.  This is then called PocketPC.  The source of all these components is now called CE .NET.   Confused yet :-? So .. when Amiga Inc. are saying that they are producing AmigaAnywhere for CE .NET, it means PocketPC in terms of PDA's.

I suspect that they have licenced the AmigaDE player to be part of the CE .NET distribution.

SO WHAT HAS CHANGED FROM BEFORE  :-?  :-?  Nothing really.  They could play AmigaDE apps on  PocketPC PDA's before!!

I mean, immagine if Amiga Inc released the following press release:

Amigas Inc releases AmigaAnywhere!!
Amiga, Inc. is pleased to introduce its new line of products, a complete solution for the delivery of content to any type of digital device with the express purpose of enriching the end user experience.

However, due to our dislike of Microsoft, we have decided to Boycott PocketPC, hence reducing our market share (especually in europe)
 :-x  :-x

What do you think!

Title: Re: announcement
Post by: merlin on March 19, 2002, 01:03:40 PM
I believe the Amiga Portal from Poland have made the right decision and this is
not a childish act atall. It is standing up for what you believe in.

Have all the Amiga community forgotten the past days of Amiga, when things were
getting tough, no software,  no hardware, no real company and a lot of people
moving on to pc's. The amount of slagging users got if they moved over to using
windows and all things microsoft. If anything was childish, that was!.

They have some very valid points in relation to any sort of partnership with
microsoft. Amiga Inc as they are now known have no direction, haven't really
listened to any part of the Amiga community and are latching on to any idea
that will make them money.

How many times have you heard the saying "our loyal Amiga community, thankyou
for holding on that bit more...things are going to be great" Holding on for
what?, what have they done to bring out a true Amiga computer since the last
4000's?....As far as I can see nothing.

It was only a few weeks ago I was seeing messages posted on about
fitting a harddrive to an Amiga 1200, those sort of messages I was reading 5
years ago, so whats changed?

All I wanted to see from Amiga and talking to many others over the years was
a fast processor and better graphics capabilities. If that had carried on the
Amiga community would not be in the position they are in now. But then again
I am speaking from a business point of view. Using several A4000's for video
and information systems using Lightwave, scala and the old but brilliant Adpro.
Must mention the brilliant OpalVision card and later the PicassoIV card. They
were some of the things that made Amiga one hell of a machine. Those days are
sadly long gone.

So whats left?. Well you have a set-top box to play with, or a pda perhaps
or you have workench 4 is it now?. Things do not look good atall. Infact they
haven't for at least 3 years.

There are a few things that ruined it for Amiga, besides the company;

MUI, the worst software I have ever come across.
IBrowse, because it worked in conjunction with MUI and did not display
webpages correctly atall.
And a few others I cannot remember...

No Real direction!

At the end of the day, you have to make money and I am sure Amiga Inc will
at some point. Its how you make that money that counts and how you conduct
yourself to your user base and latching on to a company that basically do not
care about who or what company they harm, to me, is a bad thing.