The "Not Quite Amiga but still computer related category" => Alternative Operating Systems => Topic started by: meerschaum on August 23, 2003, 11:31:48 AM

Title: new forum sections for compatibles???
Post by: meerschaum on August 23, 2003, 11:31:48 AM
I think since we have new management here and maybe the oppertunity for some new ideas.

I think it wouldnt hurt to add a MorphOS section to the forums, and perhaps an AROS section(instead of generic 'not amiga' section)... whats wrong with giving sections to these things?... I mean... in the true spirit of this site representing the 'genre' as a whole... wouldnt it be good to have sections dedicated to alternatives?... I think overall it would probably lower trolling....and you would have a much easier time spotting trolling...because if someone posted a 'AOS4 sucks blah blah blah' in an AOS4 forum...its obviousely trolling...the same bieng true adversely for MorphOS...

just an idea... I think it would be a good legitimate step to take and probably cut down on overall anti-sentiment. I know some hardliners will hate this idea...but overall I think people of this site will benefit from it.
Title: Re: new section addition?
Post by: Atheist on August 23, 2003, 01:44:10 PM
It's definitely worth a try. Would it be tough on the  moderators, or the SW, though, to set up as a trial? Then we'd be together, but apart.

AmigaOne!  :-)
Title: Re: new section addition?
Post by: bloodline on August 23, 2003, 02:08:27 PM

meerschaum wrote:
I think since we have new management here and maybe the oppertunity for some new ideas.

I think it wouldnt hurt to add a MorphOS section to the forums, and perhaps an AROS section(instead of generic 'not amiga' section)... whats wrong with giving sections to these things?... I mean... in the true spirit of this site representing the 'genre' as a whole... wouldnt it be good to have sections dedicated to alternatives?... I think overall it would probably lower trolling....and you would have a much easier time spotting trolling...because if someone posted a 'AOS4 sucks blah blah blah' in an AOS4 forum...its obviousely trolling...the same bieng true adversely for MorphOS...

just an idea... I think it would be a good legitimate step to take and probably cut down on overall anti-sentiment. I know some hardliners will hate this idea...but overall I think people of this site will benefit from it.

At first I thought this to be a stupid idea... but having just thought it over, you are right MOS and AROS do deserve at least their own forums.
Title: Re: new section addition?
Post by: Acill on August 23, 2003, 02:47:43 PM
I'd agree a new area for them would be a great idea. MOS may not be 100% Amiga as well as AROS, but they do run Amiga software. They also run on Amiga Hardware. (MOS in its old beta form at least)
Title: Re: new section addition?
Post by: uncharted on August 23, 2003, 09:38:34 PM
I've mentioned this before. ATM MOS and AROS come under "alternative systems", but I think of Windows, MacOS and Linux more as alternatives, and MOS and AROS as compatibles.

The problem is this though, aside from Talk-about which is hidden from the front page, there lacks any distiction between different froums threads are in on the front page and on the "latest threads" page while the forums are displayed, it's usually the subjects I go by.

While adding new forums will keep things neater and better organised, it's not going to stop people trolling, and flaming.  You'd need an industrial size dose of growing up for that.
Title: Re: new section addition?
Post by: meerschaum on August 23, 2003, 09:57:21 PM
well I dont see why there are no MOS/AROS forums, even if there would still be some trolling... they should be there... if for no other reason then to organize things and stop this 'bias' talk... if this site is truely 'genre'  and not Amiga(TM) only... then it might help to cut down on 'bias talk' ... as it would give a 'home' so to speak for all differant topics.
Title: Re: new section addition?
Post by: CodeSmith on August 23, 2003, 10:34:40 PM

This is, windows and mac posts should happen very infrequently.  On the other hand there are lots of MOS and AROS posts, so it does seem unfair to just lump them all under "alternative" (especially since there's so few alternatives - it's not like we're talking Linux distros).

My suggestion is to keep "alternative" for the odd time that some regular needs help getting his USB camera to work with his PC, and add 3 new categories: "Pegasos/MorphOS", "AROS" (once these guys get huge, we might want to add a couple more categories for them) and "Emulators" (for WinUAE, etc).  I think that should keep everything nicely categorized, and make it easier to find stuff you're particularly interested about.

You're probably right about the trolling though - I doubt anything other than strong moderation will solve that.
Title: Re: new section addition?
Post by: GadgetMaster on August 24, 2003, 01:36:26 AM

I think that you might have slightly misunderstood uncharted's comment.

From what I understand, his post is asking exactly the same question as you. i.e. why is AROS and MorphOS lumped together with linux and windows At The Moment?

I think he meant that AROS & MorphOS (the compatibles) should have seperate forums and only windows/linux etc should be counted as alternative systems.

Anyone care to confirm whether or not I understood correctly? :-?   :-D
Title: Re: new section addition?
Post by: Vincent on August 24, 2003, 02:14:46 AM
GadgetMaster I think you're right there, that's exactly how I read Uncharted's post.

There's already an Emulator section here that covers emulators that run on the Amiga and emulators that let you run Amigas on other platforms, adding another one would just confuse things.

I like the idea of having Pegasos and AROS sections and keeping alternative for Windows/Mac/Linux.
Title: Re: new section addition?
Post by: dslcc on August 24, 2003, 02:28:47 AM
I think a MOS/Pegasos section would be great! :-) :-D
Title: Re: new section addition?
Post by: iamaboringperson on August 24, 2003, 02:33:20 AM
I really dont see a need. If you want specific 'sections' go to or .net?)

If you have technical problems, to me it's perfectly fine to bring them up in either the hardware or software related threads here. People with one system can always discuss things with those with another system the way things are. Just label your thread titles with the specific problem(including the machine/os).

If it is more generalised discussion you are talking about, I still don't see the problem.
Both platforms can be discussed quite well the way things are IMO.

Remember the way was when there were many more sections? How empty they were before they merged? I think you would find the same again if you were to create new sections. Some would probably go untouched.

IMO folks.
Title: Re: new section addition?
Post by: meerschaum on August 24, 2003, 04:08:32 AM

because there are spacific sections for solutions...therefore there should be for others...MorphOS/Pegasos/Aros users who are new might find this site (as its related to amiga) and not find anywhere they feel they should post...lots of reasons...but the main one is.. 'why not?" ...

we have three forums dedicated to AmigaDE, why cant we have a couple other forums added for MorphOS/Aros?
Title: Re: new section addition?
Post by: Kees on August 25, 2003, 12:16:18 AM
Good idea ... we wil *consider* this ...   :-D
Title: Re: new section addition?
Post by: Wolfe on August 25, 2003, 05:50:31 AM
Does AROS actually run Amiga software now?  Or does it just look like an Amiga?   :-D
Title: Re: new section addition?
Post by: jeffimix on August 25, 2003, 06:04:50 AM
Well AROS is source compatible, so no reason it isn;t running all the amiga freeware. I know it has a Deluxe Paint clone...
Title: Re: new section addition?
Post by: Lando on August 25, 2003, 06:10:51 AM
There should be specific sections.

There should be a section for unexpanded classic Amigas, a section for classic Amigas which have been upgraded with PPC, PCI, and graphics cards etc, a section for Amithlon / UAE, a section for Classic Amigas running Linux (68k or APUS), a section for A1 running Linux, a section for Pegasos running MorphOS, a section for Pegasos running Linux, a section for AROS, and probably some other sections too.  

And you should have to prove that you own / use one of the systems before you are allowed to post in a particular section (maybe take a picture, and send it along with the output from whichamiga,  to one of the moderators for verification).  

This would stop all the bickering and flaming as only AROS people would post to the AROS section, ony MorphOS people would post to the MorphOS section, etc. so there would be no "My PPC Amiga is better than your UAE" or "My Pegasos is better than your A1" etc as the only people posting in the same sections as you have the same computer.
Title: Re: new section addition?
Post by: Lando on August 25, 2003, 06:12:47 AM

Wolfe wrote:
Does AROS actually run Amiga software now?  Or does it just look like an Amiga?   :-D

It runs Amiga software if you get the sourcecode and recompile it but it wont run the original 68k exe's as there's no 68k emulation.
Title: Re: new forum sections for compatibles???
Post by: Targhan on August 25, 2003, 06:34:34 AM

I honestly think that making too many extra forums is a bad thing for now.  I think it may become a good idea in the future, but not just yet.  Like I said, it's just my opinion, but I don't think there is enough demand to warrent seperating the forums just yet.
Title: Re: new section addition?
Post by: jeffimix on August 25, 2003, 06:41:19 AM

My WinUAE SUCKS crashes without explanation (no it's not guruing, the program randomly quits on me, dang windows xp, dang Windows ME being so bad I had to get Xp, dang Windows 85 for the himem.sys error I was glad to lose, dang windows 98 for being bug ridden and crashy, dang my Vaio for ocming with the even worse Me /rant)

but extra forums would be nice, the fact is, the hardware/software/et al forums are one of my favorite 'features' over and