The "Not Quite Amiga but still computer related category" => Alternative Operating Systems => Topic started by: WarPiper on August 15, 2003, 06:18:11 PM

Title: RAM DISK?
Post by: WarPiper on August 15, 2003, 06:18:11 PM

I was just wondering if anyone knows if there is a way to create a ram disk for Windows 2000 pro that runs and acts the same as on the Amiga?
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: mikeymike on August 15, 2003, 06:26:08 PM
I have a ramdisk set up on my PC, running win2k. sell the piece of software I use.

You can also configure it to be recoverable, I did have it configured like that and it works fine.  Just that saving a 256MB image to disk on shutdown takes a while :-)

Btw, the picture on that company's home page is another product they sell, that's not what I'm using.
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: amigamad on August 15, 2003, 08:49:20 PM
Quote sell the piece of software I use.

what do you mean sell we want free software. :-D

Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: mikeymike on August 15, 2003, 09:43:58 PM
This piece of software cost a whopping 35 dollars when I bought it.  I think the price has gone up a little since then, but if that is going to break any computer user's bank balance, they need to seriously check their priorities :-)
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: Im>bE on August 15, 2003, 10:09:17 PM
I just wanted to say how sick I get from pc questions in this forum.

why are there pc forums I say...

'you guys.. uhm.. I have a pc now.. and I wondered about .. uhm.. how can I make it... ehhh.. make it work like an amiga?...'

Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: Desolator on August 15, 2003, 10:14:09 PM
OR... create a folder on your harddrive named "RamDisk".

Create a shortcut to the folder and place it on your desktop, rename it to "Ram Disk" and change the icon to something that looks like the Ram Chip.

Open up a texteditor and create a batch file. Like this:
c:\ramdisk\ (or wherever you place the folder)
delete *.*

Put that batch file into the Startup/autostart folder in the startmenu.

voila. Sort-of Ram Disk. Everytime you restart windows, the directory will be emptied. Ofcourse this solution has its limits but it's a good way of temporary use files on the computer.

Easy and free solution. :)
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: seer on August 15, 2003, 10:30:18 PM
I just wanted to say how sick I get from pc questions in this forum.

Yeah, like a PC forum is going to offer much help here...

I was just wondering if anyone knows if there is a way to create a ram disk for Windows 2000 pro that runs and acts the same as on the Amiga?


What's an Amoga ?

Why you wanna have something stupid as an amiga thingie ?


And here I was few days ago saying in the "time to say goodbey" thread how helpful/tolerantl people were when concerning PC related questions  :-D
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: seer on August 15, 2003, 10:34:20 PM
This piece of software cost a whopping 35 dollars when I bought it. I think the price has gone up a little since then, but if that is going to break any computer user's bank balance, they need to seriously check their priorities

Well, $35 to use a feature the OS should have integrated in the first place..  :-o , IMHO...

Still, I think a somebody at works uses this as well (Or something similar), he thinks it was worth his money as well..
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: mikeymike on August 15, 2003, 10:51:23 PM
Well, $35 to use a feature the OS should have integrated in the first place

But it's not.  "Oh, I don't want it then!".  It's not a standard OS feature either.

The software has been stable.  People new to it might experience some discomfort initially configuring it, because of expanded/excluded memory is a bit of a PITA, but after that it's cool.

Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: amigamad on August 16, 2003, 01:57:03 AM
Is a ram disk much use on a pc and i know there are free ram disks for the pc .

this site has info and a free ram disk (
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: WarPiper on August 16, 2003, 02:26:41 AM
@ Im>bE

I just wanted to say how sick I get from pc questions in this forum.

do you really think that 98% of the pc users even know what an amiga is?  NO, and I can say that I have never known one that even knows what a ram disk is.

Just to mention, though this is an Amiga forum, it is not an Amiga ONLY forum, or I have not taken it as such for the past couple of years, I was an Amiga user, I had a total of five Amiga's at one time, but due to lack of software development, hardware development i.e. new systems (it should not take over 10 years just to make a compatible), stable parent company, and the fact the pc has out paced the Amiga in everything yea, I did sell off my Amigas, but that does not mean that I don’t have fond memories of the system.  The fact is that if the Amiga market was to become a feasible platform for me to support once more, I would, but until then I will continue to reminisce and converse with my fellow Amiga/PC users here in this Amiga forum

[color=FF0000]SO IF YOU DONT LIKE IT, LEAVE![/color][/b]

Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: WarPiper on August 16, 2003, 02:36:56 AM
@ amigamad

thanks, thats a very informative site
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: jeffimix on August 16, 2003, 02:42:04 AM
Shyte mon if you use Windows 98, 98SE, 95, 3.1 (or lesser) you can do it easy! Windows will complain but works dandy. You go into DOS and in the err umm... been a while... umm config.sys you partition off some RAM and assign it a dirve name...  :crazy:  :crazy:  Ok my memory is hsoddy but it's very much in there... Windows Xp otoh does not support it so easy...

ED:(now repeat 50 times)  I will read the whole post before posting, I will read the whoel post beofre posting

didn't realize ya only cared for Win2000
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: WarPiper on August 16, 2003, 03:29:39 AM
@ jeffmix

thanks, its good to know how to do it for all the windows systems, thanks
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: mikeymike on August 16, 2003, 09:30:05 AM
Win9x had a ramdisk driver but it's 4MB max storage.
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: WarPiper on August 16, 2003, 10:40:44 AM
@ amigamad

thanks for the link, I have loaded the one called AR Ram disk, so far its ok, I gotta get use to it.

Is a ram disk much use on a pc and i know there are free ram disks for the pc .

well, like what I used to use the amiga's ram disk for, unlha-ing (unzipping) I used to use the ram disk alot with dpaint and anything I needed a quick place to put something befor I made up my mind to keep it, but with the PC, I really want to have all my internet cach and cookies and temp files put there this way I dont have to worry about it being on the hard disk and havint to have to delete all that stuff.

I just wonder if its possable to do that using the ram drive.

with my system having 768Mb of ram, I alotted 127Mb for the ram drive.

now to find a cool amiga glow icon for the ram drive  :-)
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: jeffimix on August 18, 2003, 01:04:13 AM
The DOS setting had no limit IIRc I had 8/16MB for a while set on it in Windows 3.1... of course, you have to be able to do some math since it isn't in megabytes ;)
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: AmigaHeretic on August 18, 2003, 02:11:24 AM

and the fact the pc has out paced the Amiga in everything

Everything except for quick and easy Ram Disk support  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: WarPiper on August 18, 2003, 05:58:55 AM
 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: iamaboringperson on August 18, 2003, 06:16:00 AM
When windows can get a decent amiga like ram disk, amgiaos and morphos are really dead :-P
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: Lando on August 18, 2003, 06:18:49 AM

amigaguy wrote:

and the fact the pc has out paced the Amiga in everything

Everything except for quick and easy Ram Disk support  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

And boot times... and shutdown times.. and the ability to create custom screenmodes of any resolution / colour depth... and being able to mount / read different media or media from other from other platforms simply by installing a filesystem and / or writing a mountlist... and response to user input... and being able to run without using loads of system resources or thrashing the hard drive for minutes at a time... and multitasking... and configurability... and application launch times... and making the user feel like they're in control of the computer rather than the other way round... and a bunch of other stuff that I can't remember right now as I've been at work for almost 24h and am tired as f*** and want to go home to bed but I cant cos I still have 4 bugs left to fix... :-(
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: DaBest on August 18, 2003, 06:32:33 AM
Ram Disk  ??????? thanks for the link to the free one. I might not use it yet. I'll read a little more on how to use it. It is installed and I allocated 13 megs to it. :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: AmigaHeretic on August 18, 2003, 06:52:23 AM
And boot times... and shutdown times.. and the ability to create custom screenmodes of any resolution / colour depth... and being able to mount / read different media or media from other from other platforms simply by installing a filesystem and / or writing a mountlist...

Don't forget double click to front :)


The ability to leave a window behind other windows, but still have the focus on that window in back (i.e. being able to type in a window without having it automatically pop to the front when you click on it).  What I wouldn't give to have this ability on Win2000 at work.

Just a couple of my favorite little Amiga features.
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: Im>bE on August 19, 2003, 01:01:13 AM

like a marriage then...
You still love girls,
just not the one you do everything on.


pc users are so aggressive...

probably because of the suppressed frustration
that builds up
when they -try- to use their 'computer'.
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: JoannaK on August 19, 2003, 01:13:14 AM
warpiper: For me biggest problem on Windowses is that they seem to
need more ram than there is.. so there is no room for any ram disk on
that machine. Perhaos If I had 2GB of ram win2k might leave some of it
empty but with 512Meg there is no point. :-(
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: jeffimix on August 19, 2003, 01:26:57 AM
I have 128 Megabytes on my system... running on the desktop Windows claims about 40 Megabytes are left 'free'. I may not like windows but some people are really annoying about what they act like Xp needs.  :-x   :-x   :-x
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: Ferry on August 19, 2003, 01:38:08 AM

None of both Ram Disks mentioned here for PC have the most important feature of the Amiga's Ram Disk: they are not dynamic, you have to assign how much memory you want to use, while in Amiga it assigns or frees automatically the memory it uses or doesn't use.


Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: Im>bE on August 19, 2003, 03:48:56 PM

I got -alot- of new spam on my email
after my previous post.

so its true that some ppl sign other ppl
they don't like, up for spam...

Thats very lame in my opinion,
but I guess I cannot do anything about it.

spam is an everyday pain in the ass anyway so...
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: DanDude on August 19, 2003, 04:59:30 PM
Still, I --really-- don't want to see any pc posting myself.  In fact our moderators should've stepped in and remove this entire thread, IMO.  It really is off topic and most likely should be placed in "Talk-About".  Windows and Apple sole tech-help have no purpose on this site unless you're installing them on your Amiga.
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: amigamad on August 19, 2003, 05:05:21 PM
Still, I --really-- don't want to see any pc posting myself. In fact our moderators should've stepped in and remove this entire thread, IMO. It really is off topic and most likely should be placed in "Talk-About". Windows and Apple sole tech-help have no purpose on this site unless you're installing them on your Amiga.

But most users are using pc,s so it is still relevant to ask pc and  Apple  questions .
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: mikeymike on August 19, 2003, 05:31:21 PM
pc users are so aggressive...

No, that's just people in general.

And coming from an Amiga-related forum, that is a tad hypocritical :-)
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: mikeymike on August 19, 2003, 05:32:58 PM
None of both Ram Disks mentioned here for PC have the most important feature of the Amiga's Ram Disk: they are not dynamic, you have to assign how much memory you want to use, while in Amiga it assigns or frees automatically the memory it uses or doesn't use.

Correct, but that's WIndows for you.  Actually, probably most memory-protected operating systems as well, but I can't come up with a decent explanation why that might be the case.
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: vortexau on August 24, 2003, 06:54:39 PM
Just remember: a Winbox uses RAM
like an Irishman drinks whisky!


(Note- this posting configuired using the RAM Disk on an A2000)
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: vortexau on August 24, 2003, 06:58:55 PM
-Edited! Double post-


(This double-posting can result when posting on AmigaOrg on an Amiga)
Maybe they are TOO fast?
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: DoomMaster on August 29, 2003, 08:31:49 AM
Why don't you just buy yourself an Amiga?  Then you will have a REAL Amiga Ram Disk!     :-D
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: Atheist on September 06, 2003, 06:44:52 AM

amigaguy wrote:
The ability to leave a window behind other windows, but still have the focus on that window in back (i.e. being able to type in a window without having it automatically pop to the front when you click on it).  What I wouldn't give to have this ability on Win2000 at work.

I thought I was overlooking some clever place they hid that setting, for me to change (win xp).


amigaguy wrote:

Just a couple of my favorite little Amiga features.

1 of 101+ !!!

AmigaOne! AOS4.0, and 1000 pieces of shareware, what more does one need? :-D  :-D
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: Cyberus on September 06, 2003, 10:53:54 AM
like an Irishman drinks whisky!

Only the Scots make whisky  :-P
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: Dagon on September 06, 2003, 11:48:56 AM
The Amiga Ram disk is dynamic, that is when you throw a 200k file in it, it allocates only 200k the other memory remains to the system/ when you delete it the memory is released.
In windows I believe is static, that is that if you allocate 100mb of ram disk then you loose it until you decide to unmount it.

That is the main difference I believe of the Amiga Ram disk and the other systems ram disk.

So you can`t "create a ram disk for Windows 2000 pro that runs and acts the same as on the Amiga?"
(correct me if I`m wrong)

(I didn`t see that there was a second page in this topic :-) Ferry said already about dynamic Ram Disk)
Title: Re: RAM DISK?
Post by: mikeymike on September 06, 2003, 12:16:49 PM
@ DanDude
Still, I --really-- don't want to see any pc posting myself. In fact our moderators should've stepped in and remove this entire thread, IMO. It really is off topic and most likely should be placed in "Talk-About". Windows and Apple sole tech-help have no purpose on this site unless you're installing them on your Amiga.

I think you'll find most of the visitors to (looking at the last browser stats, I'd say 60 - 70%) use PCs.  The fact that the ramdisk is one of the advantages that Amiga users have enjoyed without jumping through obscure configuration loops, people want those advantages, if possible with the OSs they use currently.  I've moved the thread to 'Alternative Operating Systems', merely as a point of accuracy.