Amiga computer related discussion => Amiga Software Issues and Discussion => Topic started by: FuZion on November 21, 2002, 04:02:23 PM

Title: Picasso96 & its "FakeNative" displays (Was WHDload & all things PAL(LY))
Post by: FuZion on November 21, 2002, 04:02:23 PM
Right then peeps,

My WHDLoad games have been forced into NTSC for a while now & its been driving me potty.

I e-mailed Wepl who asked if I have a screen promotion prog on the go, which I don't. However, thinking about it I kind of do. Picasso96 has its "FakeNative" modes doesn't it. Like your normal PAL & NTSC things only Picasso96 tries to promote them onto your Picasso96 screen. Nice you'd think.

All the modes that are 'fake' are coming up as a bit less than PAL resolutions eg. 320*240 instead of 320*256

The result of this is playing Cannon Fodder & not seeing the little buggers hiding off the bottom of my screen until it's too late :ak47::destroy:

I have tried putting all (PAL, NTSC & the Dbl versions of each) drivers into Devs:Monitors as well as individually but I'm still having no joy.

Does anyone know how I can fix this problem?
Title: Re: Picasso96 & its "FakeNative" displays (Was WHDload & all things PAL(LY)
Post by: trgse on November 21, 2002, 04:19:12 PM
have you disabled the fakenative modes in the
monitor icon

the tooltype:

Title: Re: Picasso96 & its "FakeNative" displays (Was WHDload & all things PAL(LY)
Post by: trgse on November 21, 2002, 04:20:59 PM
you might also want to disable the
BootVGA in the environment settings

setenv SAVE Picasso96/EnableBootVGA "0"

don't know if this will interfere with PAL/NTSC
at this level but...
Title: Re: Picasso96 & its "FakeNative" displays (Was WHDload & all things PAL(LY)
Post by: FuZion on November 21, 2002, 04:50:54 PM
You see, now THAT'S what I like about this place.

@ trgse

I turned off the FakeNatives & alls good now.

Thank you :-)
Title: Re: Picasso96 & its "FakeNative" displays (Was WHDload & all things PAL(LY)
Post by: Alkemyst on November 21, 2002, 05:06:08 PM
"All the modes that are 'fake' are coming up as a bit less than PAL resolutions eg. 320*240 instead of 320x256""
Are you saying that you got some games working through the gfx card at 320x200 ? cool.
but the reason you got 320x200 & not 320x256 is most likey that you dont have a  320x256mode setup in P96 & thus P96 will try to use the next nearest mode.
I will try this out now :)
Title: Re: Picasso96 & its "FakeNative" displays (Was WHDload & all things PAL(LY)
Post by: FuZion on November 21, 2002, 07:41:35 PM
@ Alkemyst

He He.. No such luck, although it would be kinda wicked.

Nar, the games aren't coming through the GFX card. But even though the 'Fakes' are coming through the AGA output (In this case, a scan doubler) they are affected by the Picasso96 settings.