Amiga computer related discussion => Amiga Tutorials => Topic started by: wholenutz on December 28, 2006, 09:01:03 PM

Title: winUAE
Post by: wholenutz on December 28, 2006, 09:01:03 PM
Hi, ive been trying for days to get winUAE to work, ive had about 20 different releases downloaded and just cant get the thing to work, can anyone please please please just write me a step by step guide from start to finish for getting "Brian the Lion" working it was my fave game ages ago, thanks in advance
Title: Re: winUAE
Post by: InTheSand on December 28, 2006, 09:04:50 PM

Welcome to A.Org!

It might help if you can give more detail than "just can't get the thing to work" !

What have you tried so far? WinUAE is generally easy enough to get going and a quick Google will provide several sites with "getting started" guides...

 - Ali
Title: Re: winUAE
Post by: hipoonios on December 28, 2006, 09:09:10 PM
Whats the problem? Do you have the required stuff?

Just downloaded the recent version of Winuae from Download a kickstart rom and put it in the same directory as the Winuae installation. You need kickstart 3.0 because Brian the Lion is a A1200 game. Now insert the disks (adf'd) and try to start the emulation with standard A1200 settings. (quick start in Winuae).

Good Luck
Title: Re: winUAE
Post by: InTheSand on December 28, 2006, 09:12:45 PM
hipoonios wrote:
...Download a kickstart rom...

Err... Shouldn't that be "either transfer a Kickstart ROM image from your real Amiga or purchase Amiga Forever" ?!

 - Ali
Title: Re: winUAE
Post by: wholenutz on December 28, 2006, 09:12:57 PM
it says i have no roms, but i have downloaded the kickstart 3.1, or at least i think i have, i also have a few amiga disks  , including workbench 3.0, is there anyway i can use this??
Title: Re: winUAE
Post by: InTheSand on December 28, 2006, 09:18:15 PM
Check out Amiga Forever ( - this provides a bootable Amiga environment that requires no configuration, as well as a set of legally licensed Kickstart ROMs for use with WinUAE/E-UAE. It'll be much less hassle for you in the long run.

 - Ali
Title: Re: winUAE
Post by: wholenutz on December 28, 2006, 09:22:45 PM
Ive just been to amiga forever, but im a bit short of cash at the moment and i cant really afford it.  :-(
Title: Re: winUAE
Post by: alx on December 28, 2006, 09:25:02 PM

Welcome to :-)

As InTheSand hinted, a good way to get going quickly with emulation would be to grab Amiga Forever (  It comes with a load of legal ROMs (unless you own an Amiga yourself you shouldn't really be downloading them) and everything's preconfigured to go (if for some reason it didn't then you'd be perfectly entitled to demand a refund, but I've never heard of it not working :-D )

If you've got real Amiga disks, there are a few ways to transfer them onto the PC.  If you're running WinXP then have a look at ADFRead (there's a news article about it on the front page here) - it requires you have two floppy drives though.  If you're using a DOS-based windows then there's a similar utility called "Disk2FDI".  There's also a PCI card called the "Catweasel" that can let you read Amiga disks, or you could convert the disks to ADFs on a real Amiga and send them across a network/CD-R etc.
Title: Re: winUAE
Post by: TheMagicM on December 28, 2006, 09:29:43 PM
assuming you have a rom file, go into the configuration and select the rom image from whatever directory its installed it.  read the docs that come with winUAE, its pretty straightforward.
Title: Re: winUAE
Post by: wholenutz on December 28, 2006, 09:35:58 PM
ok, i dont have 2 floppy drives, but does what was said about dos based windows mean i can use the command prompt to copy the files somehow?
Title: Re: winUAE
Post by: alx on December 28, 2006, 09:42:04 PM
Not entirely.  The problem is that while the Classic Amiga's floppy controller could read virtually every disk format known to man, the PC's is far more limited and cannot read Amiga disks.  There's a very cunning hack round this where you install two floppy drives and, by getting the machine to read one and then swap control to the other mid-read, get data off the Amiga disk.

The original program to manage this was "Disk2FDI".  It's a DOS program and requires certain hardware access that newer NT-based Windowses don't allow.  If you're running Windows 9x then this would be your best choice.

ADFRead does exactly the same thing but runs under WinNT and derivatives.  I'm guessing that you might be running Windows XP, in which case this is the program you'd want.  As far as I know, there's no such program for any other OS like Linux or MacOS (though if you've got a PC running Linux you could get a DOS startup disk and run Disk2FDI from there).

The two floppy drives is critical, however.  A standard PC with one floppy drive cannot read Amiga disks in any way.  You have to have either another drive, a catweasel or a Classic Amiga.
Title: Re: winUAE
Post by: hipoonios on December 28, 2006, 09:54:45 PM
Err... Shouldn't that be "either transfer a Kickstart ROM image from your real Amiga or purchase Amiga Forever" ?!

Yes, but I assume he dont own an real Amiga.

Purchase Amiga Forever only for play a game sounds stupid to me. Also buy Amiga Forever will not help the Amiga. This has been dissused at English Amiga Board >  thread (

There are better FREE choices. Amikit is probably the best choose if you want a nice pre-configured Workbench.

Note. I dont recommend anyone to use illegal kickstart roms :-)
Title: Re: winUAE
Post by: wholenutz on December 28, 2006, 09:56:58 PM
im running two different os because im using 2 different pcs, as the one im trying to run the emulator on doesnt have a floppy drive at all, the computer with the floppy drive is on windows 2000 and the other on xp.                            The easiest way round this whole problem would be to get a real amiga, but that would cost even more, i sold my A1200 a few years ago for £20, im really regretting that now.
Title: Re: winUAE
Post by: alx on December 28, 2006, 10:13:38 PM
>that would cost even more, i sold my A1200 a few years ago for £20, im really regretting that now

If you did want to get a real Amiga you might be able to find one cheaper than you imagine.  I bought my A1200 a few years ago for about £20 (apologies if by some co-incidence that happened to be you and I stole your remaining Classic Machine - you don't live in Stratford, do you? :-P )

As for the whole legality of downloading kickstart ROMs, I can completely agree with people who think buying AF isn't worth it for just one or two games; Apple released System 7 for free use, which is a lot newer than WB1.3.  That said, Amigans have a very good reason to be against piracy in any form; rampant copying of games and applications was one reason (among many others, of course) for the platform's almost total demise in the first place.
Title: Re: winUAE
Post by: wholenutz on December 28, 2006, 11:23:27 PM
hi, thankyou to everyone for all your help, i have got it working  :-D  and i live in sheffield so i dont think it was mine you bought, i sold mine to a couple of students, see it was such a mistake i can still picture the events perfectly, haha thanks again everyone
Title: Re: winUAE
Post by: Paradox on December 28, 2006, 11:33:10 PM
That the only thing about winuae you have to get kick.rom file and its illegal to just download of you havent got the same version chips yourself at home.

there is a program where you can download romfile of your amiga.

if you take the illegal route you can download it of any p2p sharing program.

its best to select aga a bit of extra ram an 020 +mmu..specify the rom file

select the adf file for brian the lion and put in floppy one

then goto misc and select onscreen leds

goto configurations type a name in and save it for loading again later.

also go on floppy emulation and put it faster as the games will load quicker

click on start and the game should run.

if you need to change a disk press f12  you can aslo run in windows mode by ctrl and f11 or alt f11

if the game dont work try loading the previously saved configuration dont put the disk in and start it should get a purple boot screen with a disk going in a drive animation if so..then the adf file may not work or you have bad display settings or the game doesnt run on 3.1 romfile and you need 1.3 rom.

the game brian the lion should work on both 1.3 and 3.1 roms a goos game  i liked it

you can talk to be on irc channel if you reall wanna get this game working ill go through it steo by step with you

I have winue here now and i can do it whilst i tell you


Title: Re: winUAE
Post by: amigadave on December 29, 2006, 01:49:53 AM

I read most of the threads on other sites about AF and the whining, cheap, immature PC users (people in those threads, not alx) that think just because the AmigaOS is over 20 years old now, it should be available for free.  I totally disagree with the statement that AF is not worth the price for the couple of games it includes.  It has a lot more to offer than that, specially for those that really appreciate the history of the Amiga and the few utilities, such as Amiga Explorer that make using a real Amiga with a PC, or emulated Amiga much easier.  I have no affiliation with Colanto, but greatly appreciate their work and products that they continue to support and offer.  They paid for their license and are entitled to make a profit off their investment.  I also don't know why they are blamed for AmigaOS not being released as freeware, as I am sure that can only be done by Amiga Inc.

If users don't think AF is worth the money, let them buy a real Amiga and transfer the ROM legally.

(Piracy very sore subject for me, can you tell?)
Title: Re: winUAE
Post by: InTheSand on December 29, 2006, 05:14:35 AM
It'd be nice if the Kickstart ROM and Workbench software was officially made "abandonware", and/or licensed for use in a similar way to how Amstrad has done it with the ZX Spectrum ROMs...  

However, even if this was the case, I'd still advocate buying Amiga Forever (I have!) - it's a decent and well put together package, and the additional video material alone is worth it for historical interest value.

 - Ali
Title: Re: winUAE
Post by: smoorke on January 07, 2007, 10:00:41 AM
anyone know where to get and what the latest version of the winuae.chm file is?

i currently use an older version wich doesn't haven all the new features described and also shows examples of the old gui layout
Title: Re: winUAE
Post by: pjhutch on January 07, 2007, 10:12:40 AM
Why not post your Winuae log file. It can be enabled on the Misc tab in Winuae. The log file should appear in the program directory or All users/Documents/Amiga Files folder: