Operating System Specific Discussions => Amiga OS => Amiga OS -- Development => Topic started by: hnl_dk on May 01, 2003, 07:58:39 AM

Title: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: hnl_dk on May 01, 2003, 07:58:39 AM
To all the members, it has been released

Club Amiga Monthly (
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: Quixote on May 01, 2003, 09:00:56 AM
hnl_dk hinted:
To all the members, it has been released

Club Amiga Monthly (
;-) Looks good, so far.
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: HMetal on May 01, 2003, 09:29:34 AM

Quixote wrote:
;-) Looks good, so far.

Thanks Quixote! We appreciate the good review thus far. :-)

Oh, I just have to note that we received yet another new Club member today, contrary to what some have been saying. :lol:

All are welcome!
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: Bodie on May 01, 2003, 09:34:03 AM

HMetal wrote:

All are welcome!

Make it $50 Australian, and I'll do it  :-D .
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: Quixote on May 01, 2003, 09:47:19 AM
;-) Naturally, I cannot go into too much detail, but I believe that I can safely share that I thought the article on page 4 was educational, the information on page 9 has me looking at my bank balance, and as for page 6, all I can say is:

Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: JurassicCamper on May 01, 2003, 10:08:18 AM

Quixote wrote:
;-) Naturally, I cannot go into too much detail, but I believe that I can safely share that I thought the article on page 4 was educational, the information on page 9 has me looking at my bank balance, and as for page 6, all I can say is:


I find it amazing that the list of uncompleted stuff seems to be going up in stead of down every time ben hermans makes a statement about OS4.

One item mentioned in the april edition as being a few days away from completion is now 2-3 weeks away from completion in the may edition.
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: Bodie on May 01, 2003, 10:08:56 AM

Quixote wrote:
;-) Naturally, I cannot go into too much detail, but I believe that I can safely share that I thought the article on page 4 was educational, the information on page 9 has me looking at my bank balance, and as for page 6, all I can say is:


BAH! Don't bloody tease us  :-P .
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: Darth_X on May 01, 2003, 10:14:12 AM
HMetal: how about $50 Canadian?

Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: Agafaster on May 01, 2003, 11:42:28 AM

JurassicCamper wrote:

I find it amazing that the list of uncompleted stuff seems to be going up in stead of down every time ben hermans makes a statement about OS4.

One item mentioned in the april edition as being a few days away from completion is now 2-3 weeks away from completion in the may edition.

Hey, thats life in software ! I just spent a couple of weeks amending a CICS transaction written in IDEAL (pile of Sh1te) took me ages to get to the point where my work would compile, and then ages to get it to work. eventually, it all worked beautifully, and was finished soon after !

upshot: sometimes when you think you are near the end, something comes up that bites yer bum that you have to get done. either that or you leave it, and end up looking like one of the Gates's minions...  :-o
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: Lando on May 01, 2003, 12:07:33 PM
A question or three...  

In the magazine there is a fun competition to design a spoof business card using an art package.

This is obviously meant as a dig at Genesi, but it also sounds like an accusation that the "Garry Hare" business card they have was either a spoof, or faked.  Is this what was intended, or am I misinterpreting the message?  

And is the business card that Wayne has also faked? And, will Amiga Inc be taking legal action against Mr Hare for producing and distributing these fake business cards claiming himself to be Chairman and CEO of Amiga Inc.   And if not, why not?

Other than that, a nice magazine.  Hoped to see more than half a page on the progress of OS4, but I guess Hermans is pretty busy.
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: Bandaren on May 01, 2003, 02:30:40 PM
And you got another member today. :)

However how do I get the club magazine?
Is it mailed to me or can I download it?

Dan Andersson
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: odin on May 01, 2003, 02:38:39 PM

Couldn't you leave this (   backdoor open a bit longer? I've only managed to read 4 pages of the new CAM!  :-x

Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: zee4 on May 01, 2003, 02:58:03 PM
I do hope they start opening up previous issues to everybody soon.

There's some good news in there that might take a bit of the gloom off. Since everyone else is keeping quiet, I won't say what, but os4 is definately wrapping up.

Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: z5 on May 01, 2003, 04:03:41 PM

zee4 wrote:
I do hope they start opening up previous issues to everybody soon.

There's some good news in there that might take a bit of the gloom off. Since everyone else is keeping quiet, I won't say what, but os4 is definately wrapping up.



don't you find it a bit strange that good news isn't told to everyone? It's not as if everybody is full of optimism and cheering and confidence around amigasites...
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: Lando on May 01, 2003, 05:02:39 PM
I won't say what, but os4 is definately wrapping up

Well, I hope you're right, but the couple of paragraphs of OS4 info certainly don't give me the impression that OS4 is anywhere nearer completion than the last update did. Anyway,  I got sick of waiting months ago...
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: Herewegoagain on May 01, 2003, 06:21:30 PM
Wow, you and I got totally different ideas out of reading the same thing.  I got the impression it is closer than ever.  I base that on the last sentence of the second paragraph and the whole third paragraph, but especially the last sentence of the third paragraph.
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: The_Editor on May 01, 2003, 09:20:16 PM
Which was, basically,  revealed in the first sentence. !!

Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: Herewegoagain on May 01, 2003, 09:41:07 PM
Yeah,  that was sorta like a Hampster running in a wheel.   :-P
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: redfox on May 02, 2003, 04:55:23 AM
Yes, there was some interesting stuff, especially the article about ... :nervous:
:-o ---> chase scene ---> :smack: ---> muffle --->  :whack: ---> ouch ---> :cry:

--- edit ---   ;-)

Lando, I also found that contest quite interesting.  :-D

Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: greenboy on May 02, 2003, 08:02:51 AM
Lando, what's the prize on the FUD card contest? - a coupon for $50 off and a T-shirt?
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: HMetal on May 02, 2003, 08:57:33 AM

We will be releasing more and more articles from old CAM issues but I doubt that we will release them all.  In fact, we released another one today.  I just finished altering the CAM engine so that now, you will be able to see all the publically released CAM articles here (


Methinks your record is stuck.  Get a new one as the one you're playing now won't be a hit much longer.
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: greenboy on May 02, 2003, 09:36:13 AM
Here's another oldie ( that never made the newsletter hit parade.

Got to watch out for stuck records; it often indicates the stylus or tone arm is screwed up. Sometimes even the turntable itself.
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: Madgun68 on May 02, 2003, 09:39:28 AM
Whee! I think I've become jaded. What a farce this has become. :-(

(Edit: I'm expanding this to explain my unhappiness.)

I own two Amigas that are capable of running AmigaOS 4. (Both towered and both equipped with PPC accelerators. One is an A1200 and the other is an A4000.) MOST companies go out of their way to supply interested customers with information about their products and keep them informed of their progress. Not so with AOS4.

On the one hand, I'm being told that their more worried about what a troll's going to say than keeping me informed.

On the other hand, if I want to stay informed about the product, I'm expected to PAY MONEY FOR THAT KNOWLEDGE.

This tells me they really don't care about my business and in return I'm caring less about their product.
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: jaokim on May 02, 2003, 11:42:32 AM
This is not only aimed to whom I am responding to in person, just some things I like to say.

Well, hum.
I would just like to say that the 50$ coupon is a coupon for OS4 which I intend to buy when it comes out. The coupon gives me 50$ discount when I buy it.
I have actually given 50$ to Amiga Inc. to produce* this OS4, so I think I'm very entitled to some more in-depth information than someone who hasn't paid Amiga Inc to get OS4, since they have nothing to loose. I'm sure everbody will get to know when it's out.

This CAM was their way of giving me this information, which is nice. One could see it as an ordinary magazine aimed at members of a certain club. I mean: one wouldn't (I hope) moan when Total Amiga send out their magazines to their subscribers and didn't send you one, right? Just because it's digital doesn't mean it's free.

Now it might sound like I am paying for a magazine, which I'm not, I pre-paid for an OS. And then I get some info how this is proceeding in form of a magazine.

*Ok, so it's not Amiga Inc. who actually code it, but I am not intersted in who does it, I'm just interested in those who make sure it gets done.
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: Lando on May 02, 2003, 12:27:51 PM

greenboy wrote:
Lando, what's the prize on the FUD card contest? - a coupon for $50 off and a T-shirt?


I'm not at liberty to say, and I apparently said too much by mentioning the competition in the first place.
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: HMetal on May 02, 2003, 01:38:36 PM

It's not like companies haven't lost, laid-off or fired tire repairmen before.

A disguntled ex-employee is all this looks like, to me. But then I'm happy wth my job, so .

And my, how I do find it interesting that the moderators allow Genesi employees and supporters to trash Amiga news posts but give Amiga supporters and employees holy hell for doing the same to Genesi posts.  Quite hypocritical if you ask me.  But then again, it fits what many of us thought all along.
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: odin on May 02, 2003, 01:44:01 PM

Why not just ignore each other? I think that would work better than snapping at each other's heels...

Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: greenboy on May 02, 2003, 02:42:01 PM
Ah, yes, the disgruntled employee tap dance. Kinda like the Knight in Monty Python's Holy GRAIL, he should be happy: "Here, cut off another arm or something..."

Give me a break. Firing someone does not mean you do not owe them back pay. But this is no simple firing ... and then there is the bit about Bill McEwen under oath...

But you've got yours, so all is right in the world. I'm sure Bolton's wife and baby appreciate that. Hey, a tire guy too. No low class scum like a common working man deserves to be treated decently anyway.
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: on May 02, 2003, 06:25:56 PM
And my, how I do find it interesting that the moderators allow Genesi employees and supporters to trash Amiga news posts but give Amiga supporters and employees holy hell for doing the same to Genesi posts.

.... and you are surprised by what?  People don't like being lied to Ray.  They don't like it when they even *think* Bill Buck is lying.  What makes you feel that this community would even tolerate the idea that their "Gods" are false?  This could have been easily stopped days ago by any one of three simple VERY DIRECT, non-evasive statements from you or "Fleecy".

1) "The business card in question is not real"
2) "Dr Garry Hare was not handing them out and representing himself as CEO of Amiga Inc"
3) "Dr Garry Hare is not now has never been, nor will he ever be the CEO of Amiga Inc."

Now it's far too late because the truth is and will continue coming out.

Quite hypocritical if you ask me. But then again, it fits what many of us thought all along.

Now I know that you, of all people didn't just refer to me as a hypocrite.  When you can out and out tell someone the exact truth of the matter without adding your own flavor of linguistic twist, "At this moment" and such, THEN you can speak to me on the subject of hypocrisy.

However, since we know that's never going to happen, I digress.  

Once again we see a perfect example of an Amiga Inc employee (contractor actually) simply trying to divert the conversation away from the truth and towards someone else in an attempt to soil the reputation of an Amiga Webmaster who doesn't happen to cheer for them while simultaneously insulting the visitors on this site.

All I want is the truth.  Give me the truth and I will shut up and (if warranted) apologize.  Continue to lie and cover up the truth and you can rest assured that the quest for the truth will continue until it is uncovered.  

Welcome to "AmigaGate" my friends.  Playing the parts of Woodward and Bernstein will be the Amiga community.  In the role of President, will be Amiga Inc.
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: redrumloa on May 02, 2003, 06:35:35 PM

HMetal wrote:
And my, how I do find it interesting that the moderators allow Genesi employees and supporters to trash Amiga news posts but give Amiga supporters and employees holy hell for doing the same to Genesi posts.  Quite hypocritical if you ask me.  But then again, it fits what many of us thought all along.

You just can't help yourself can you? I find your comments pathetic. You want to insult the moderators here? Pffft!! And the official Amiga Inc fansite ( is unbiased right? I suppose I should start deleting your posts to make your delusional accusations true?
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: zacman on May 02, 2003, 06:41:57 PM
>A disguntled ex-employee is all this looks like, to
>me. But then I'm happy wth my job, so

So better make sure to sell your stock options so
that you never experience the same as Bolton?
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: redrumloa on May 02, 2003, 06:47:42 PM
It's not like companies haven't lost, laid-off or fired tire repairmen before.

I wonder why he is working that job? Oh yeah.

Take notice all you anti-Gensi people. You complain about BB saying things you think are innapropriate? What the hell do you think about that comment above by an Amiga Inc current employee? Any current or previous blue collar workers out there who find this offensive? Raise your hand.

/me raises his hand

That is ignoring the fact he took this job because his previous employeer AMIGA INC didnt pay him.
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: on May 02, 2003, 06:51:15 PM
>A disguntled ex-employee is all this looks like, to
>me. But then I'm happy wth my job, so

This is not a disgruntled ex-employee thing Ray. This is a "legal, court-awarded settlement to an ex-employee thing".

That being said, would someone who's had a court award him a five-figure settlement (which has not been paid) be considered disgruntled?  I know I would be.  I hope you don't get to find out.
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: Madgun68 on May 02, 2003, 07:49:15 PM
This CAM was their way of giving me this information, which is nice. One could see it as an ordinary magazine aimed at members of a certain club. I mean: one wouldn't (I hope) moan when Total Amiga send out their magazines to their subscribers and didn't send you one, right? Just because it's digital doesn't mean it's free.
That's not the point I was making.

I think it's fine that the club members are getting extras for the money they've put in to it.

Other than either the CAM or little one or two liners from the Hyperion folks, where is information coming out about AOS 4? No where else and that's my point.
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: amimonkey on May 02, 2003, 08:02:49 PM
"Here's another oldie that never made the newsletter hit parade."

And this is on-topic?

Not another deliberate attempt to start a flame war in a totally unrelated thread?!

And guess what... it worked! You even got the moderators involved this time! I think a round of applause is in order.

Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: on May 02, 2003, 08:16:38 PM
Quite hypocritical if you ask me. But then again, it fits what many of us thought all along.
I know it's been a couple of hours, but something about this statement still bothers the hell out of me...  I don't recall Amiga Inc making such claims of hypocrisy when I was cheerleading for them....  

Amazing to me that the definition of a word can change so much depending on one's viewpoint, isn't it Ray?
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: z5 on May 02, 2003, 08:21:30 PM
Instead of all the wild guessing going on, can anybody seek out the truth so we can move forward. I don't care about AmigaInc but i would like to see OS4 though.

Somebody out there should be able to find out, no?

I agree, better let the truth come out, and the whole truth. It isn't fun anymore...

Anyone contacted that Garry Hare dude?
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: on May 02, 2003, 08:45:12 PM

I have sent off numerous requests for an interview or even a clarification.  So far, none have been answered, though all have been received.

Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: z5 on May 02, 2003, 08:52:55 PM

ok, thanks for the effort. It all seems strange... I do hope you can get to the truth here so that we can for once and for ever put this behind.
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: Seehund on May 02, 2003, 11:37:33 PM

Lando wrote:
A question or three...  

In the magazine there is a fun competition to design a spoof business card using an art package.

Jebus frickin' hell! Is it one of those 3vil h4x0rz that has snuck this in there to discredit AInc, or are they really so fond of pissing against the wind while standing in a hurricane?

At first, it's warm and nice, but remember that it inevitably gets cold, wet and icky after a while.
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: Alkemyst on May 03, 2003, 12:23:18 AM
@Wayne this is way off topic i looked here to see what ppl had to say about the CAM & yet i see the same here that has happened to almost every other thread with a topic that i have intrest in.

Can you please at least try to keep threads on topic.
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: JoannaK on May 03, 2003, 12:41:25 AM

Alkemyst wrote:

Can you please at least try to keep threads on topic.

Ok.. I have to admit *THIS* is something i never expected to see..  Alkemyst asking others to stay on Topic   :-o
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: Alkemyst on May 03, 2003, 12:52:07 AM
I admit i've been off topic in the past but i've always been moderated so why not these guys?
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: HMetal on May 03, 2003, 01:34:15 AM

Better check with those sources of yours again. :lol:
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: Herewegoagain on May 03, 2003, 01:34:26 AM
ok, thanks for the effort. It all seems strange... I do hope you can get to the truth here so that we can for once and for ever put this behind.

Why bother????  Because just as soon as this is settled the same old crew will come around with a new twist to the "let's bash Amiga club".   It's a never ending soap with them and that's the way they like it.
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: HMetal on May 03, 2003, 01:35:00 AM

Hoping to get picked up by Genesi next?  :lol:
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: greenboy on May 03, 2003, 01:41:50 AM
I'd say it is pretty on topic. According to what I've heard, the Amiga Newsletter has a contest in it (I can only imagine what the prize must be to help perpetuate what is truly FUD). The contest of course does involve BUSINESS CARDs if what has been said about it is correct, and intimates certain attitudes about recent contentions of who has claims on the title of CEO at Amiga Inc.

So Bolton Peck's statement,

"...Yesterday, (april 30, 2003) Bill McEwen told my attorney under oath that he's no longer CEO of Amiga, Incorporated. 50 percent of the company is in fact owned by a Dutch consortium, or so Bill said under oath. That came out of HIS MOUTH..."

has direct relevance to the CEO "controversy" - and thus the business cards that have been mentioned - and thus the attempt at spin the CAM newsletter imparts with its business card contest.

Perhaps that little contest wasn't such a good idea after all. Putting such content next to the published work of others is bound to have effects - although in this case probably not the ones that were intended by the publisher...
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: Desmon on May 03, 2003, 08:40:36 AM

Here's another oldie ( that never made the newsletter hit parade.

Got to watch out for stuck records; it often indicates the stylus or tone arm is screwed up. Sometimes even the turntable itself.

Some years back I made a concious decision to ignore you completely, but this post I have to agree with 110%.
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: jeffimix on May 03, 2003, 04:40:09 PM
I'll sign up for 50 Japanese Yen anyday.
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: zacman on May 03, 2003, 04:48:24 PM
>Better check with those sources of yours again.

Hm, page 5 CAM May 2003:

"The recent upsurge of interest in business cards
has prompted CAM to organize its first competition,
for which we will award the valuable Pull-
the_other_one-itzer prize.

The Pull-the_other_one-itzer prize will take the form
of a framed version of the winning entry signed by
whoever happens to be CEO at the time."
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: jeffimix on May 03, 2003, 04:52:19 PM
Personally that card thing is just very funny to me. Its that sort of not being super-duper-serious-business-like-ness. That is something I miss from software companies from a while back... anyhow Amiga Incorporated are handling all of this probably the worst way I could think of, its true, all they need to say is a copuple of htings and all of these threads will be dust. But they don't ,why? Are they that stupid, or is this stuff true? If they're that stupid, well, Commodore was pretty good at marketing right? ARG AARGH ARGH
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: redrumloa on May 03, 2003, 04:53:45 PM

HMetal wrote:

Hoping to get picked up by Genesi next?  :lol:

Hoping you don't get sh*t-canned by A-Inc? :roflmao:
Title: Re: Club Amiga Monthly, May has been released
Post by: Kronos on May 03, 2003, 05:08:39 PM

jaokim wrote:

I have actually given 50$ to Amiga Inc. to produce* this OS4,

You do know that AInc aren't the ones developing OS4 ?

You also know that the money DID NOT go to Hyperion ?


so I think I'm very entitled to some more in-depth information than someone who hasn't paid Amiga Inc to get OS4, since they have nothing to loose. I'm sure everbody will get to know when it's out.

Sure, nice, just not very sensible.
Most of those who might be interested in buying OS4 have NOT
bought a coupon. Withholding (positive) information from those
is only helping the competition.