Coffee House => Coffee House Boards => CH / General => Topic started by: Karlos on January 22, 2005, 03:25:52 PM

Title: Oversized amiga shirts, Buckingham Palace, sheep - that sort of thing...
Post by: Karlos on January 22, 2005, 03:25:52 PM
Believe it, folks!

We caught up with Kenny in George Square, Glasgow where he was seen sporting his new shirt during a night out. We obtained this exclusive pose :-D


Go'aaan yer'sel, big man!
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: todi on January 22, 2005, 03:41:35 PM
:-o :lol: :-D
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: KennyR on January 22, 2005, 03:43:02 PM

I'd never actually wear it though. XXL is just too big for me. One gust of wind in my nice sunny country and I'd be on my way to Sweden. It's more a relic of Amiga history, a sort of grim memento morte. ;-)
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 22, 2005, 03:51:54 PM

I'd never actually wear it though. XXL is just too big for me. One gust of wind in my nice sunny country and I'd be on my way to Sweden.

gasp! your'e not suggesting that image is in any way doctored, are you? :-o

Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: GadgetMaster on January 22, 2005, 03:54:57 PM
:lol:  :roflmao:

Naah! That pic can't be fake..surely !
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: mikeymike on January 22, 2005, 04:51:21 PM
I think I'll be using mine as a sleeping bag.
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: cecilia on January 22, 2005, 05:15:34 PM
gasp! your'e not suggesting that image is in any way doctored, are you?
oh, no!!! those edges don't show up at ALL!!!!
 :-o  :-o  :-o

thanks for the wake up! :roflmao:
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 22, 2005, 05:18:24 PM
the ones on the right hand side are deliberate - its supposed to be the backlighting :lol:

Then again, its been pointed out to me that it's the wrong colour. Probably true, but as I'm colour-blind, what can I do?
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: cecilia on January 22, 2005, 07:54:45 PM
this is what happens when amatures monkey with color correction!

Oh, the Horror! Oh, the Humanity!

Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 22, 2005, 08:12:40 PM
Give me a break, I can only see one primary colour :-)

You try RGB manipulation in glorious monochromatovision :-P
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: cecilia on January 22, 2005, 08:17:16 PM
i'm pulling your leg!

don't you guys like that????
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 22, 2005, 08:18:32 PM
Depends which one :lol:



I knew from the start the colours wouldnt be right :-) You know, I actually sampled colour for the right edge highlight from the brighter areas of the background, thinking it would look more realistic... Shows you where logic gets you :-)

As for the skin tones and everything.... nightmare. Even I could see kenny's picture from the faces site was chromatically challenged :lol:
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Turambar on January 22, 2005, 08:20:02 PM
Fear not. Due to my glorious colour blindness the colours look fine to me. This is why i tend to do college assignments in black and white...
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: cecilia on January 22, 2005, 08:22:56 PM
what are you guys drinking that makes you all color blind?
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 22, 2005, 08:24:26 PM
I dunno - I think it was something Mum was drinking. I hear it's passed on that way :lol:
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: that_punk_guy on January 22, 2005, 08:26:54 PM
Karlos wrote:
I knew from the start the colours wouldnt be right :-) You know, I actually sampled colour for the right edge highlight from the brighter areas of the background, thinking it would look more realistic... Shows you where logic gets you :-)

I think "logically" it just wouldn't be as bright reflecting off Kenny's back. That's why it looks odd :-)

Nice work though. Is it me or does that boing ball look kinda like a breast?
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: cecilia on January 22, 2005, 08:28:38 PM
Depends which one
well, I'll go looking and you tell me when I found it. ok?

Even I could see kenny's picture from the faces site was chromatically challenged
ah, don't sweat it. I spent years learning how to do this image processing cr.ap


my first impulse was to see the humor in your efforts and enjoy it just as it is and then my professional brain takes over and starts analysing what's "wrong" with it.

actually, there's nothing wrong. it's supposed to be funny, rediculous and not quite right.
i just saved a copy because I want to chuckle when i get offline.
good job! :insane:

now, back to the leg...... :lol:
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: cecilia on January 22, 2005, 08:30:02 PM
Is it me or does that boing ball look kinda like a breast?
it's you....I tend to see penis's all over the place.
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 22, 2005, 08:33:56 PM

Don't worry, I was just joking along too. I'm not about to take the slightest offence from a professional commenting technically on something I spent all of 15 minutes on ;-)

now, back to the leg......

oo err missus :-)
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 22, 2005, 08:35:28 PM

cecilia wrote:

I tend to see penis's all over the place.

Funny, I have thought that in my old job once or twice. Must just have been something about the people I was working with :lol:
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: cecilia on January 22, 2005, 08:37:35 PM

that_punk_guy wrote:
Karlos wrote:
I knew from the start the colours wouldnt be right :-) You know, I actually sampled colour for the right edge highlight from the brighter areas of the background, thinking it would look more realistic... Shows you where logic gets you :-)

I think "logically" it just wouldn't be as bright reflecting off Kenny's back. That's why it looks odd :-)
it's more complex than that.
the figure is too bright to be in that dark background. even with a light directly on him. his back edges would be melding into the background shadows.
plus, the background is more redish and the figure is more bluish. that would have to balanced out with color curves.

you don't really what to know any of this, right? :lol:
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Turambar on January 22, 2005, 08:40:29 PM
ah, don't sweat it. I spent years learning how to do this image processing cr.ap

Imagine the fun im having learning it now :D
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 22, 2005, 08:41:13 PM

cecilia wrote:
you don't really what to know any of this, right? :lol:

Sure. It will help me make better lampoons in future :-)

I still have the original (it's a fireworks .png file though) with all the layers and what not in it if you like - feel free to fix it :-D
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: cecilia on January 22, 2005, 08:46:10 PM
feel free to fix it
I could...but would it be funnier?
I doubt it.
now, if you came up with a situation where you really needed a picture to look "real" to be really funny, well, THEN it would be worth it.
and, i'd be happy to help out. :-D

btw, a few months ago I made this ( as a goof for anyone who wanted to put words in the mouths of certain people.
I had some idea for a cartoon, but recent events seem to have made comedy redundant. :-P
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: that_punk_guy on January 22, 2005, 08:55:24 PM
cecilia wrote:
you don't really what to know any of this, right? :lol:

Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 22, 2005, 08:55:47 PM
In the words of my optician...

Better or worse?


[ image removed by me ]

Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: cecilia on January 22, 2005, 09:05:05 PM
oh, Snap! now I'm holding a class! :lol:

well, you went a bit too far, but that was a good effort.

The thing is that you made ALL his edges like this and the bottom of the shirt wouldn't have a shadow. (Yes, I know you just did a quick and dirty effect).

I would make mattes around various parts so I could control how dark certain edges get. I use AfterEffects for this sort of work. I'm used to it and I like it.

Also, in AE I can control the feathering of all edges and that helps to "marry" pieces of a comp togther.

plus, the color hasn't been corrected yet and that helps alot to create the illusion that peices belong in the same space.
but then, we already know you are color-challenged. So, i won't bug you about that. :-P
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 22, 2005, 09:07:23 PM
Well, I did make the foreground layers redder but I can't really tell by how much - that's the problem...

I was going to crop the bottom off, but I couldn't be fagged :-)


This old dog ain't too old to learn new tricks :-D
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: cecilia on January 22, 2005, 09:23:44 PM
well, he just looks pinker, rather than redder.
I swear, I'm not being unreasonable. (this is mostly for people just finding this thread and not quite realizing what's happening here)

I my past jobs, I have to think like this all day long. I have to alter effects sometimes by one number. sometimes alter a feathering by half a pixel. just to get it RIGHT.
I find this kind of fiddling quite interesting.

But then, i AM odd  :-P

One of the most interesting shots I had to do was one for "From the Earth to the Moon". There was this 16 mm footage from Gus Grissom's funeral (LBJ and other famous people were in it) Including Wally Shirah. I had to substitute the original Wally with the actor who was portarying him in this shot.
What I spent alot of time doing before I even started putting anything together was examining the colors and textures of this digitized 16mm film. It's different than stuff shot today.
and my job was to match that with the footage I had of the actor who was shot very crisply against blue screen.

man, what a job that was!

you can see a frame of a before and after here (
Title: Re: Image Processing 101
Post by: Karlos on January 22, 2005, 09:34:11 PM
Wow, the apollo stuff is something else, eh?

/me decides not to give up day job :-D

well, he just looks pinker, rather than redder

Well, my arms and Kenny's face don't seem to go together...


Last attempt :-D

image removed by me
Title: Re: Image Processing 101
Post by: cecilia on January 22, 2005, 10:13:39 PM
my arms and Kenny's face don't seem to go together...
they need to be done separately - ergo the usefulness of mattes.
on some shots I've had as many as two dozen mattes. (maybe more. my memory on this is fuzzy).

anyway, as I think about this, the "trick" is to see this scene as 3 dimensional. you have to imagine not only what you see but what is behind and around the scene. like where is this light that "seems" to be on "Kenny"? what kind of light? where is it pointed? what color is it? and so on. i know there isn't a REAL light. but to make a composite work, you have to imagine these sorts of things. that affects how you have to alter things to fit inside this imagined place.

If I had to do this for a real job - and not a comedy moment - i would have fixed Kenny's face first thing. as it is now, all the information has been removed from it. whenever you lighten or overlighten an image you remove information.

a real job would hopefully have better source pic. altho, now always :-)
Title: Re: Image Processing 101
Post by: Karlos on January 22, 2005, 10:27:04 PM
I'm starting to like that last one. It has a sort of still from a Monty Python animation quality to it....

Damn, that gives me ideas :lol:
Title: Re: Image Processing 101
Post by: Karlos on January 22, 2005, 10:35:23 PM

cecilia wrote:

...i would have fixed Kenny's face first thing.

Gee, you say all the right things :-D
Title: Re: Image Processing 101
Post by: nicomen on January 22, 2005, 10:37:07 PM
How about this?

Title: Re: Image Processing 101
Post by: Karlos on January 22, 2005, 10:41:02 PM
Blimey. You'd need to sink a few bottles of Buckfast before tangling with him :lol:
Title: Re: Image Processing 101
Post by: cecilia on January 22, 2005, 10:47:57 PM
this just gets funnier and funnier!
Title: Re: Image Processing 101
Post by: nicomen on January 22, 2005, 10:55:48 PM
Me no comprende, anyway, added some small modifictaions now, should be pretty ok, of course the arms have too much light compared to the face, but it is starting to look like something.
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: nicomen on January 22, 2005, 11:03:35 PM
btw, a few months ago I made this as a goof for anyone who wanted to put words in the mouths of certain people. I had some idea for a cartoon, but recent events seem to have made comedy redundant.

Seen this (
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 22, 2005, 11:09:56 PM


You missed something out of that last image edit. Thankfully I realised where you were headed with it :-D

[ image removed by me ]

Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: cecilia on January 22, 2005, 11:29:33 PM

nicomen wrote:
btw, a few months ago I made this as a goof for anyone who wanted to put words in the mouths of certain people. I had some idea for a cartoon, but recent events seem to have made comedy redundant.

Seen this (
no, i haven't !
if anything it needs to be more vicious :-P

I made my little effort because after telling a friend of mine (who has nothing to do with amigas in any way) what the situation was he said they sounded like Boris and Natascia (Of the Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons).
I think it's actually a perfect characterization.

and a cartoon would be great. I mean, the lines have already been written!!! Just look at any of those animations and it looks like another adventure of Boris and Natascia trying to outwit "moose an' squirr-el" and falling down every time!

it's just TOO funny!:roflmao:
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: cecilia on January 22, 2005, 11:33:18 PM

Karlos wrote:


You missed something out of that last image edit. Thankfully I realised where you were headed with it :-D
ah, yes!
you have captured the natural "thug-like" qualities of our very own beloved, Kenny!  :love:

(yes, nicomen, you improved kenny's face - although the edges have been brought out, but as this is an exercise in sillyness, it's not a problem). really, it makes him look like he's about to blow a gasket!
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 22, 2005, 11:37:50 PM

cecilia wrote:
really, it makes him look like he's about to blow a gasket!

"It's ma shirt. Y' hear me big maan? Ma shirt! Ah did'ne wait three feckin' years so ye could have it! Ye' cannie have it, it's ma shirt! Ah'll rip y' feckin' heed off!"
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: x56h34 on January 22, 2005, 11:48:15 PM
And the Oscar goes to...

KennyR, for "A night in the city".

You're making a celebrity out of this guy, I think. :-)
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 22, 2005, 11:52:02 PM

KennyR : Himself

KennyR's Body Double : Karlos

KennyR's Wardrobe : Amiga Inc

Makeup : Nicomen

Lighting Director : Cecilia

Filmed entirely on location...
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: cecilia on January 23, 2005, 01:03:30 AM
you forgot:

Written and Directed by : Karlos

and my credit should be-

Special Effects Supervisor : cecilia
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 23, 2005, 01:06:27 AM
Ah I do apologise. It's my first day :lol:
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: on January 23, 2005, 01:40:29 AM
Absolutely undeniable proof positive that KennyR is the thug we all knew he could be..

I'll be looking for him floating over this area soon.  On the bright side kenny, wearing the overly-large shirt should save you considerably on air fare on a windy day.

Title: Re: Image Processing 101
Post by: on January 23, 2005, 01:45:00 AM
Great, now he's wearing clown-face makeup..  

Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 23, 2005, 01:57:00 AM

Wayne wrote:
Absolutely undeniable proof positive that KennyR is the thug we all knew he could be..

Och, that's no thuggishness. That's enthrallment with the latest article of clothing :-)
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Bobsonsirjonny on January 23, 2005, 02:01:19 AM

Wayne wrote:
Absolutely undeniable proof positive that KennyR is the thug we all knew he could be..

I'll be looking for him floating over this area soon.  On the bright side kenny, wearing the overly-large shirt should save you considerably on air fare on a windy day.


KennyR floating above us wearing an Amiga T-shirt? So its true that Pigs really might fly? :-P

- If you get crapped on by a bird (the kind with feathers) its meant to be good luck...
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 23, 2005, 02:49:51 AM
Now, now gents. No need to get personal - this is supposed to be a bit of light hearted jocularity...
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: on January 23, 2005, 02:54:44 AM
Nothing personal intended at all.  Really...  I think it's simply been an interestingly developing thread.

Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 23, 2005, 03:19:30 AM

Certianly Cecilia's feedback has been pretty useful to a triple-primary-colour-seeing-wanabee like me :-)

Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Bobsonsirjonny on January 23, 2005, 03:20:15 AM
On a lighter note I slashed my hand washing Jo's dishes.. Im going to have a very cool scar and will need to invent a better story as to how it came to pass as a broken glass in the sink sounds a bit dull..

It stings, and its oozing crap in spite of the stiches.
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 23, 2005, 03:23:11 AM

....yes, er thats... a much lighter note :-o

That sounds nasty :-(
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Bobsonsirjonny on January 23, 2005, 03:29:08 AM
Yeah - its not pleasant. But um...  you should see the other guy :-D
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 23, 2005, 03:45:21 AM
Yeah, I bet he's real bust up :-D
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: cecilia on January 23, 2005, 04:08:20 AM
Bobson! what ARE you doing hijacking this thread???

it's supposed to be some weird amalgam of having fun with Kenny and Special Effects 101

not about your street fight with a dish.

unless, of course, you can find some strange connection.

Ball's in your court.....

Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: the_leander on January 23, 2005, 04:45:07 AM
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: lempkee on January 23, 2005, 07:00:27 AM
funny stuff, and when that Yo YO YO! came onto the picture , my coffea went on they keyboard...

who will pay for my keyboard? :-D

Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Bodie_CI5 on January 23, 2005, 07:22:21 AM
@Karlos, Cecilia & Nicomen, but especially to the star of the show Kenny:

This is

GOLD! :lol:
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: T_Bone on January 23, 2005, 08:08:25 AM

nicomen wrote:
btw, a few months ago I made this as a goof for anyone who wanted to put words in the mouths of certain people. I had some idea for a cartoon, but recent events seem to have made comedy redundant.

Seen this (

 :lol:  :lol:
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Bobsonsirjonny on January 23, 2005, 09:19:58 AM

cecilia wrote:
Bobson! what ARE you doing hijacking this thread???

it's supposed to be some weird amalgam of having fun with Kenny and Special Effects 101

not about your street fight with a dish.

unless, of course, you can find some strange connection.

Ball's in your court.....


Well its pretty straight forward isn't it - in order to look like a real thug - (a real stereotypical Scottish miserable bugger who thinks the world owes him everything cos some English toff 1500 years ago stole a sheep from his great great aunt's, uncles, cousin's friend McDuff and buggered it on the lawn at Buckinham Palace...)Kenny is lacking a Scar ;-) :-D
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 23, 2005, 01:03:38 PM

lempkee wrote:
funny stuff, and when that Yo YO YO! came onto the picture , my coffea went on they keyboard...

who will pay for my keyboard? :-D

I was going to put this...

(Warning: contains comedy weegie language, not suitable for those drinking at the keyboard)

[ image removed by me ]
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: x56h34 on January 23, 2005, 04:15:45 PM
Hehe, this thread is so funny. Karlos, keep them coming. :-)
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: cecilia on January 23, 2005, 05:26:28 PM

Bobsonsirjonny wrote:

cecilia wrote:
Bobson! what ARE you doing hijacking this thread???

it's supposed to be some weird amalgam of having fun with Kenny and Special Effects 101

not about your street fight with a dish.

unless, of course, you can find some strange connection.

Ball's in your court.....


Well its pretty straight forward isn't it - in order to look like a real thug - (a real stereotypical Scottish miserable bugger who thinks the world owes him everything cos some English toff 1500 years ago stole a sheep from his great great aunt's, uncles, cousin's friend McDuff and buggered it on the lawn at Buckinham Palace...) Kenny is lacking a Scar ;-) :-D

see! I Knew there was a reasonable explaination!!!

Which reminds me....I've got pics of sheep somewhere.....hee hee......the saga continues......

Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: on January 23, 2005, 06:27:02 PM
Oh My God..  I'm literally laughing my arse off.  Thank you.

Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 23, 2005, 07:04:40 PM

cecilia wrote:

Bobsonsirjonny wrote:

cecilia wrote:
Bobson! what ARE you doing hijacking this thread???

it's supposed to be some weird amalgam of having fun with Kenny and Special Effects 101

not about your street fight with a dish.

unless, of course, you can find some strange connection.

Ball's in your court.....


Well its pretty straight forward isn't it - in order to look like a real thug - (a real stereotypical Scottish miserable bugger who thinks the world owes him everything cos some English toff 1500 years ago stole a sheep from his great great aunt's, uncles, cousin's friend McDuff and buggered it on the lawn at Buckinham Palace...) Kenny is lacking a Scar ;-) :-D

see! I Knew there was a reasonable explaination!!!

Which reminds me....I've got pics of sheep somewhere.....hee hee......the saga continues......


/me looks for a backdrop of Buck Palace and a closeup of a sheeps face from the front....
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: mikeymike on January 23, 2005, 07:19:45 PM

Well its pretty straight forward isn't it - in order to look like a real thug - (a real stereotypical Scottish miserable bugger who thinks the world owes him everything cos some English toff 1500 years ago stole a sheep from his great great aunt's, uncles, cousin's friend McDuff and buggered it on the lawn at Buckinham Palace...) Kenny is lacking a Scar ;-) :-D

I assume cecilia wrote this as I can't find it anywhere, but that is absolutely class  :lol:

Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: cecilia on January 23, 2005, 07:35:00 PM
assume cecilia wrote this as I can't find it anywhere
it's bobson's masterpiece!
I just added the BOLD type in selected areas because i thought it would make it even funnier! :angel:

I would have gotten on the sheep pic, but I have just been outside shoveling some snow. it's beautiful out there!
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 23, 2005, 07:45:18 PM
First of all, sincere apologies to Kenny for the ongoing slanderous defamation of character. It's nothing personal, it's just that your image is too funny... :-D

So, in light of the recent script change, how about this?


[ image removed by me ]


/runs and hides
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: mikeymike on January 23, 2005, 07:47:14 PM

cecilia wrote:
assume cecilia wrote this as I can't find it anywhere
it's bobson's masterpiece!
I just added the BOLD type in selected areas because i thought it would make it even funnier! :angel:

I would have gotten on the sheep pic, but I have just been outside shoveling some snow. it's beautiful out there!

Ah.  Oh yeah.  /me makes note to track down the apparent bug in Firefox's "find in this page" :-)

- edit - testing it, edited by moderator : language Mikey, language! now it works!
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Bodie_CI5 on January 23, 2005, 08:01:21 PM
 :lol: Please stop it! stop it! this sheep one is making me laugh so much, my damn stomach is killin me!  :hammer:  :lol:
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 23, 2005, 08:10:32 PM

I think I overstepped the mark a bit with that last one. Consequently I have removed all the images I had posted in this thread after the first.
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: X-ray on January 23, 2005, 08:56:05 PM
@ Bobson

Go back to the hospital NOW and have that hand checked. Especially if the cut is on the palmar aspect, you could develop a nasty contracture or a tracking infection alongside the tendons. It's not worth taking chances with your dexterity.

@ Thread: sorry for off topic intrusion.

Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: cecilia on January 23, 2005, 08:56:17 PM
Consequently I have removed the images I had posted.
without me seeing it first??!!!!

Darn you! :pissed:
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 23, 2005, 09:03:03 PM

cecilia wrote:
Consequently I have removed the images I had posted.
without me seeing it first??!!!!

Darn you! :pissed:

Trust me. It was for the best...
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: cecilia on January 23, 2005, 09:40:06 PM
pixelate Kenny's face and put it back up.

that way it's still funny - maybe even funnier?
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 23, 2005, 09:41:34 PM
I should find a picture of Mel Gibson as Braveheart...


Better still, nobody at all :-D


Feel free to insert celebrity of your own choice :lol:
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Bodie_CI5 on January 23, 2005, 10:13:16 PM

Karlos wrote:

I think I overstepped the mark a bit with that last one. Consequently I have removed the images I had posted.

Fair enough, but it was funny nonetheless. Hope Kenny hasn't been offended. :-(
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: bloodline on January 23, 2005, 10:22:55 PM

Karlos wrote:
I should find a picture of Meg Gibson as Braveheart...


Better still, nobody at all :-D


Feel free to insert celebrity of your own choice :lol:

You're welcome to wap my mug in there, check out faces of for more info :-)
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: odin on January 23, 2005, 10:27:25 PM
Socks I can imagine, but sheep?! My dear bloodline, tell me it's not true!
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 23, 2005, 10:28:18 PM

Yeah, but where would we put the sheep?
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 23, 2005, 10:30:59 PM

odin wrote:
Socks I can imagine, but sheep?! My dear bloodline, tell me it's not true!

You do know the sock was woolen, don't you?
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: cecilia on January 23, 2005, 10:32:09 PM
"Keeeennny, Oohhhhhh, Keeeeeennnnnnyy, Baaaaaaa!"

Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: odin on January 23, 2005, 10:34:22 PM
It wasn't about the sock after all then? Just the fabric? It might just aswell have been a woolen vest?
Title: Mystery man wearing amiga shirt p0wnz sheep in full view of the Queen!
Post by: Karlos on January 23, 2005, 10:35:54 PM

Come now, leave Kenny out of it, I think we had a wee bit too much fun at his personal expense, eh?

Besides, the sock has been mentioned; taste-wise It's all downhill from here :lol:


Any chance of moving this into the coffee house? I think it's ventured so far off topic it's hardly amiga related anymore :-D
Title: Re: Mystery man wearing amiga shirt p0wnz sheep in full view of the Queen!
Post by: cecilia on January 23, 2005, 10:41:51 PM
Come now, leave Kenny out of it, I think we had a wee bit too much fun at his personal expense, eh?
that was the sheep - i was just reporting.

anyway, Kenny knows I think he's just too adorable. We all love his mad Scottish ways!

I think I'll work on a picture of him running down a hill painted blue, holding a clamore, nakid, screaming.

ohhh, sexy!
Title: Re: Mystery man wearing amiga shirt p0wnz sheep in full view of the Queen!
Post by: odin on January 23, 2005, 10:43:09 PM
OMFG, you just broke the banana! Seriously, it's not moving anymore :nervous:.
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: bloodline on January 23, 2005, 10:44:15 PM

odin wrote:
Socks I can imagine, but sheep?! My dear bloodline, tell me it's not true!

It's all true, all of it!!! Every damn lie!!! ;-)
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Vincent on January 23, 2005, 10:47:24 PM
:lol: :roflmao: :lol:
:lol: :roflmao: :lol:

Trust cecilia to be in yet another dirty thread :-P

This thread is absolutely hilarious :lol:
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 23, 2005, 10:48:24 PM

bloodline wrote:

odin wrote:
Socks I can imagine, but sheep?! My dear bloodline, tell me it's not true!

It's all true, all of it!!! Every damn lie!!! ;-)

Even the rediculously bad scottish accent attempt?
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Bobsonsirjonny on January 23, 2005, 11:58:04 PM
But did the sheep like it? :-D
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Argo on January 24, 2005, 12:02:57 AM
some weird amalgam of having fun with Kenny and Special Effects 101

Oh, dear lord. I'm getting images of old Japanese monster movies.
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Argo on January 24, 2005, 12:07:45 AM
I've got pics of sheep somewhere.....hee hee......the saga continues......

I get the feeling this is going to involde Flash at some point...

Nothing good can come from this, that's why it's so fun!
Title: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: Karlos on January 24, 2005, 12:16:01 AM
Oh dear...


All your flock are belong to us...

Coming Summer 2005
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: Bobsonsirjonny on January 24, 2005, 12:33:36 AM
@ Xray

Thanks dude. My girlfriend works in a school so she called the school nurse over (who is a friend of hers). She examined my finger, checked its movement. It was a clean wound - no glass left in it (she was able to put the glass back together). She dissinfected and stiched it up for me, and told me to get a tetanus injection (she said it wasnt essential but as Ive not had one since I was 5, its best to lean on the side of caution).

It was better than sitting in a Casualty department for several hours. The weekend those places are full due to drunks, and people fighting.
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: Doobrey on January 24, 2005, 12:36:38 AM
Nice pix...

I always wondered what happened to Fleecy since KMOS came along..
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: Speelgoedmannetje on January 24, 2005, 12:49:49 AM
That boing ball on that shirt....

....and Janet Jackson (y'know, the 'atrocity')
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: Karlos on January 24, 2005, 12:52:59 AM

What atrotitty?
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: Speelgoedmannetje on January 24, 2005, 01:02:22 AM
Now this made me think of the BITTIE thing from Little Britain - I already thought Justin Timberlake had a babyface
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: on January 24, 2005, 01:30:21 AM

Karlos wrote:
Oh dear...


All your flock are belong to us...

Coming Summer 2005


I cannnot begin to say how much this made me laugh!!!

More Please! :-D
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: cecilia on January 24, 2005, 01:38:25 AM
I cannnot begin to say how much this made me laugh!!!
i basically lost it with

"Who's y' feckin' daddy?!"

almost peed my pants right there! :lol:
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: Karlos on January 24, 2005, 01:40:05 AM
Perhaps the ASCII fiend can become a webcomic of sorts :lol:


Your turn...
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: on January 24, 2005, 01:52:38 AM

Karlos wrote:
Perhaps the ASCII fiend can become a webcomic of sorts :lol:


Your turn...

Yes Cecilia, please use your wondrous special fx talents to make him move! ;-)
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: cecilia on January 24, 2005, 03:57:03 AM
hmm, well, i have to go to sleep soon, but tomorrow, i'll see what I can come up with.

in the meantime, if you can see flash, here's  Crispin Gover's ( eh, new, eh, film. :-?
like him, it's odd, and it may not seem related to t-shirts, but i didn't want to leave anyone empty-handed over nite.
anyway, see ya later.....Baaaaaaa!
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: whabang on January 24, 2005, 06:49:01 AM
You try RGB manipulation in glorious monochromatovision

Do it one channel at the time! :-D
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: PMC on January 24, 2005, 09:24:16 AM
Thanks Karlos, Cecilia, Bobson and of course KennyR...

I haven't laughed so much since Bloodline came out of the laundry closet.

KennyR - you're a great sport dude.  

Karlos - That's a warped imagination you've got there sir, the last pic with Buc palace and the sheep had me in tears of laughter

Bobson - Well thought out caption!

Cecilia - Lowering the tone successfully once more...  Keep up the good work
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: whabang on January 24, 2005, 09:46:45 AM
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 24, 2005, 02:51:08 PM

:lol: - I think that should have been a younger, more stern Cleese. Or possibly him as Tim the Enchanter from The Holy Grail :-D
Title: Re: Mystery man wearing amiga shirt p0wnz sheep in full view of the Queen!
Post by: graffias79 on January 24, 2005, 03:17:05 PM

odin wrote:
OMFG, you just broke the banana! Seriously, it's not moving anymore :nervous:.

See! I'm not the only one who suffers from dead banana syndrome lol!  I wonder why it just stops bouncing around like that
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: cecilia on January 24, 2005, 07:48:48 PM
Cecilia - Lowering the tone successfully once more... Keep up the good work

how's this ( for low?
(possibly X rated so don't open near feighting women, skitish horses or conservatives) :lol:
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Speelgoedmannetje on January 24, 2005, 07:52:02 PM
oh dear, :roflmao:, CECILIA!!! YUCK!
I'm modern, but not THAT modern!
Plus, I like Kebab with garlic sauce, but now I think I lost my appetite for that :nervous:

btw. it'd be funny if you made it move on a rap-beat...
Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: Karlos on January 24, 2005, 07:52:43 PM
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: Karlos on January 24, 2005, 08:33:52 PM
With all the recent activity, ASCII fiend would just like to bring to people's attention the issue of responsibility.

Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: Speelgoedmannetje on January 24, 2005, 08:36:21 PM
oh my :lol: :roflmao:
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: PMC on January 24, 2005, 08:46:12 PM
@Karlos & Cecilia,

That's one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my entire life.  Thanks to both of you for making me laugh my ass off.

This thread has been a masterpiece of meandering posts and some truly comedic artwork.  

Title: Re: An exclusive first photo of our very own KennyR and his new shirt!
Post by: on January 24, 2005, 10:03:34 PM

cecilia wrote:
Cecilia - Lowering the tone successfully once more... Keep up the good work

how's this ( for low?
(possibly X rated so don't open near feighting women, skitish horses or conservatives) :lol:

Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: on January 24, 2005, 10:09:50 PM
I'd honestly like to thank KennyR for his major sense of humor and good sport during all of this..

Three cheers!

Safe Sox!  Safe Sox!  Safe Sox!
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: whabang on February 24, 2005, 07:00:32 PM
This thread deserves a :bump:
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: Karlos on February 24, 2005, 07:27:55 PM
Just what ASCII would say to a passing sheep, bull, Rumsfeld, whatever...
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: PMC on February 25, 2005, 05:19:52 PM
Like all good threads here, this one stubbornly refuses to die.

Thanks once again for bringing a smile to my jaded face.

"who's yer fecking daddy" :lol:
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: graffias79 on March 05, 2005, 04:46:42 PM

Karlos wrote:
Just what ASCII would say to a passing sheep, bull, Rumsfeld, whatever...

Rumsfeld?! Ewwwwwww Now I must go throw up lol - At least you didn't say {Ashcroft}!
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: Karlos on March 05, 2005, 04:50:56 PM

I take it you must have missed the picture Cecilia posted of Rumsfeld bending over the podium with a rather butch gentleman standing behind him, seemingly naked except for a fire helmet...
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: graffias79 on March 05, 2005, 11:51:23 PM

Karlos wrote:

I take it you must have missed the picture Cecilia posted of Rumsfeld bending over the podium with a rather butch gentleman standing behind him, seemingly naked except for a fire helmet...

Thankfully I did hehe!

[morbid curiosity]
Actually now I am curious.  Where is it?
[/morbid curiosity]
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: Karlos on March 06, 2005, 01:02:31 AM

See here... (

Finding the thread was only made possible by searching the forums for the keywords "Rummy", "three", "feckin" and "hoors" :lol:
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: graffias79 on March 06, 2005, 07:42:07 AM
Hmm that guy in the back.. givin' me the vapors!


anyway nice work to whoever came up with that pic LMAO
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: Karlos on March 09, 2005, 12:40:53 PM

graffias79 wrote:
Hmm that guy in the back.. givin' me the vapors!

I never heard that expression before :lol:
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: cecilia on March 09, 2005, 01:32:38 PM

Karlos wrote:

graffias79 wrote:
Hmm that guy in the back.. givin' me the vapors!

I never heard that expression before :lol:
it's the sort of thing Victorian ladies used to say. in those days, women weren't supposed to have strong emotions - it might lead to, eh "situations". so they would have hot flashes or "vapors", to vent. :lol:
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: Karlos on March 09, 2005, 02:18:12 PM

cecilia wrote:

it's the sort of thing Victorian ladies used to say. in those days, women weren't supposed to have strong emotions - it might lead to, eh "situations". so they would have hot flashes or "vapors", to vent. :lol:

No kidding?

You learn something new every day :-)
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: cecilia on March 09, 2005, 07:29:19 PM
well, it was thought that when women were unwell that they were having a "hysterical" reaction. and they went off to see the doctor. rich ladies especially went off to see Freud and others like him because, as we all know, womens' illnesses are All In Their Minds.

even when my mother was pregnant with me she was told her upset stomach or post nasel drip was all in her head.

ok, i'm saying some of this with a bit of sarcasim, but basically, there was a point during those days (and many days after) when women were thought of as quaint creatures with unknown and unknowable illnesses.

it's one of the reasons I don't trust doctors (or lots of others snobs).
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: whabang on March 10, 2005, 07:41:52 AM
TBH, I thought you were the type who liked to play doctor! ;-)
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: Karlos on June 02, 2009, 12:33:35 AM
/me casts raise

(and believe it or not, I have a legitimate reason)
Title: Re: Oversized amiga shirts, Buckingham Palace, sheep - that sort of thing...
Post by: adz on June 03, 2009, 11:01:45 AM
Ahh, that takes me back :lol:

Shame Kenny isn't around these parts anymore :(
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: Karlos on June 08, 2009, 12:23:01 AM
Quote from: Karlos;508665
/me casts raise

(and believe it or not, I have a legitimate reason)

I can now reveal the reason for this necromancy: old link synchronisation complete ( :)
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: adz on June 08, 2009, 01:50:21 AM
Quote from: Karlos;509885
I can now reveal the reason for this necromancy: old link synchronisation complete ( :)

So it wasn't just a random act of thread necrophilia? :lol:
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: Karlos on June 08, 2009, 09:33:09 PM
Quote from: adz;509899
So it wasn't just a random act of thread necrophilia? :lol:

Nope, not at all. The thing about updating all the old links is that in order to see if it has worked as expected, you need to look at an old thread that had plenty of links and images and whatnot in it.

This one seemed appropriate. Probably the only time it has ever been called that, eh?
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: adz on June 08, 2009, 11:11:42 PM
Quote from: Karlos;510031
This one seemed appropriate. Probably the only time it has ever been called that, eh?

I don't think any thread you, I or any of the Order of the Sock members post in can be considered appropriate :lol:

Seriously though, nice job :)
Title: Re: Who is that ASCII fiend?
Post by: Karlos on June 17, 2009, 11:14:28 PM
Quote from: adz;510044
I don't think any thread you, I or any of the Order of the Sock members post in can be considered appropriate :lol:

Seriously though, nice job :)

Thanks. The idea of having all the old threads and images imported but no longer properly cross referenced seemed a bit poor and would be a perpetual reminder that the old content was somehow not part of the current site.