Coffee House => Coffee House Boards => CH / Entertainment => Topic started by: Linchpin on January 12, 2005, 02:26:43 PM

Title: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Linchpin on January 12, 2005, 02:26:43 PM

WoooHoo! Those of you that know who busted are will join me in raising a glass!


Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Vincent on January 12, 2005, 02:39:06 PM
I thought you liked them :-P

Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Linchpin on January 12, 2005, 02:51:28 PM
No, thats you vinCe!
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: whabang on January 12, 2005, 03:00:09 PM
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: CU_AMiGA on January 12, 2005, 03:12:52 PM
What a brilliant way to start the year! :pint:
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Linchpin on January 12, 2005, 03:48:48 PM
How did i know this thread would get good replies?

Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: PMC on January 12, 2005, 03:58:18 PM
Yes indeed it's most excellent news.  I myself an so ecstatic about the demise of one more patronising pre-teen targeted boy band that I am on the verge of tears of joy.

However, there is one thing which would make my day perfect.

That would be to see the those responsible for pedalling the current deluge of boy/girl/annoying "acts" to publically apologise on the six o'clock news for the misery they've brought before commiting ritual Hari Kari in front of the world's press out of shame.

Their final act of remorse, while they're writhing in agony begging to be decapitated to ease the suffering would be to invite Westlife/So Solid Crew/Dizzy Rascal/Missy Elliott (own personal pet hate) to join them.

I hate to sound so vitriolic, but are there any rational adults out there who disagree with me?
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: that_punk_guy on January 12, 2005, 05:52:40 PM
One suspects this was planned from the outset and that expensive farewell releases and merchandise will be readily available...
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: cecilia on January 12, 2005, 06:57:49 PM
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Vincent on January 12, 2005, 07:03:31 PM

cecilia wrote:
who the "F" are busted?

I'm so jealous of you!! :-P

their crappy flash vomit inducing website ( for the unprivelidged.  It's not even up to date with the announcement they've split.

Now if you'll excuse me I've to go wash my eyes...
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: cecilia on January 12, 2005, 07:18:25 PM
ok, i just spent about 2 seconds over there on that site.

the LEAST they can do is get great Eye Candy if they want to sell some untalented boy band down people's throats. those guys are NOT all that.

just so you know...
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Speelgoedmannetje on January 12, 2005, 07:23:39 PM
"boy band"

one would begin to think firing squads being usefull for that kind of ultracommercial crap.
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Vincent on January 12, 2005, 07:40:17 PM
As long as you shoot them in the feet first and very, very slowly make your way upwards :insertevilsmileyhere:
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Speelgoedmannetje on January 12, 2005, 08:00:27 PM
No I want to get rid of them ASAP.
every second they're on earth is one too many.
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: PMC on January 12, 2005, 08:08:29 PM

PMC wrote:

I hate to sound so vitriolic, but are there any rational adults out there who disagree with me?

Clearly then, no rational adults do disagree with me.  Messrs Fuller, Waterman, Cowell et al the public awaits your apology and subesquent suicide with barely contained anticipation.
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Wilse on January 12, 2005, 08:48:21 PM

Waterman does actually earn a *teency* bit of respect for the way he fooled everybody with that 'Jack your Body' track.

IIRC, it only got radio airplay because none of the DJs had a clue it was those b*stards behind it.

And yes, Busted are dreadful.
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Doobrey on January 13, 2005, 12:20:53 AM
Now if only we could convince The Darkness to do the same..

Maybe we could setup a Paypal donation site, and hire Fat Tony to persuade them?
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: PMC on January 13, 2005, 08:44:14 AM

Yeah, I see your point but I have two words for you:

Rick Astley

Not forgetting that although everyone coos over Kylie now like she's the be all and end all, it was Pete Waterman who got her belting out "I should be so lucky" wearing some truly atrocious bubble perms.

Plus he's partly responsible for this God awful Pap Idol etc phenomena where ordinary people humiliate themselves on TV for the voyeuristic gratification of others.
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: bloodline on January 13, 2005, 01:05:13 PM
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Vincent on January 13, 2005, 02:01:05 PM
Maybe not ( :pissed:

If anything at least we won't be hearing them for a while :-)
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: zudobug on January 13, 2005, 06:15:01 PM
I don't think I've heard anything by this group. I find never listening to Radio 1 or any of the Capital FM clones helps.

However, I am exposed to this sort of rubbish when I go shopping - which is where online shopping helps :-)

Anyway, if they are on a break, I guess that is better than a split for this reason: one or more of the band members could and probably will go solo.

Pop generally sux. Try to avoid it and your life will be better :-)

Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: PMC on January 13, 2005, 07:50:50 PM
Zudo, you're so right...

It's 08:05am and I get into my car for the drive to work. Radio on...  Press "1" for Radio 1:

And I get Chris Moyles being funny by taking the p#ss out of someone else (but better than Sara Cox making willy/poo/boobies jokes the whole time) followed by Blue or some "Urban" guy trying to sound all "West Coast" even though his name's Gavin and he's from Chalfont St Giles innit?  It's like having diahorrea without the exciting bits.

Okay, press "2".  Dream FM, a local station...  Oh no.

"She's an easy-y lo-ver.." Agh!  They might as well name it Phil Collins FM.  And why the f@@@ have they just followed that up with Rick Astley?

Press 3, SGR FM

"...And you too can visit Tortoise World for your choice in lumbering lettuce loving reptile.  Fun for all the family..." This is then followed by Westlife, which Mavis of Elmstead Market has requested because she thinks they're "great".  But she's nine.  And this is then followed by Dizzy Rascal.

Press 4, Vibe FM

"...I'm still Jenny from the block" Agh!  J-Lo! I cannot stand J Lo.  I'd rather eat my own hand than have to listen to her.  It doesn't get much better when Girls Aloud start up...  God, I'd kill to hear something original.

Press 5, Radio 2

Now were talking...  Some semblance of wit and satire on the radio rather than some inane idiot getting a laugh from "the thing about double decker buses is that they're crap".  However, they've gone and ruined it by playing Country and Western!

My window is down and everyone's looking at me like I'm a freak.  Indeed I must be for I loathe C&W almost as much as I loathe J Lo.  There's GOT to be something more listenable...

Press 6

"Get the freak on....." Aaaaaggggghhhhhhh!  NO!

The one person more annoying than J Lo (well, currently being played anyway ex Spice Girls don't count).

So I switch on the CD player and make do with The Best of the Doors, Dirty Vegas, my varied collection of early 90s house and Moby once again instead.
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Speelgoedmannetje on January 13, 2005, 07:59:06 PM

PMC wrote:
So I switch on the CD player and make do with The Best of the Doors, Dirty Vegas, my varied collection of early 90s house and Moby once again instead.
Hm, here in nl there are at least two classic rock radio stations... and there are a couple of other stations with bearable music.
anyhoo I hardly listen to radio, except from certain internet radio stations (lounge radio, for instance)
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Doobrey on January 13, 2005, 11:50:31 PM

PMC wrote:
It's like having diahorrea without the exciting bits.

I think that`s the best description of UK radio I`ve ever heard..
 Sometimes I wonder if there is only 3 or 4 real stations, and they just play different jingles between tracks.

BTW, if you think SGR and Vibe are bad, try tuning into BBC Radio Suffolk.. it`s so mind numbingly bad , you`re in danger of falling asleep at the wheel.
 Mind you, the callers they have on are great, totally reinforcing the local stereotypes.
 The DJ asked if anyone knew what those solar panels that litter the roadside do.
 "Now we have Dave from Newmarket.."
 "I fink they`s for charging sommat up.."
 "Any idea what they charge up Dave?"
 "er...dunno, batreeees for sommat"
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Karlos on January 14, 2005, 01:17:40 AM

PMC wrote:

Yeah, I see your point but I have two words for you:

Rick Astley

Not forgetting that although everyone coos over Kylie now like she's the be all and end all, it was Pete Waterman who got her belting out "I should be so lucky" wearing some truly atrocious bubble perms.

Plus he's partly responsible for this God awful Pap Idol etc phenomena where ordinary people humiliate themselves on TV for the voyeuristic gratification of others.

If you slow down any of Kylies stuff from the Waterman era, it sounds freakishly like Rick Astley.

Coincidence? I think not.... ;-)


Oh yeah, good riddance to busted :-)
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: PMC on January 14, 2005, 09:12:38 AM


Yeah, I've listened to BBC Radio Suffolk a few times and got scared.

Problem is that with the exception of Radio 2, Vibe FM and Dream FM all the other stations do that annoying Pepsi chart thing, playing the same chart songs on a Sunday for three hours, or playing the rest during the week.  

Vibe now do their Urban chart on a Sunday, and Urban is a music genre which I even file below Country and Western in my list of pet hates.

Dream FM do a Country slot on a Sunday eve and Radio 2 is barely listenable either.  

Sunday evenings are great for listening to CDs as there's naff all on television either.


You have a point...  A conspiracy methinks?  I've never seen Rick Astley and Kylie in the same photo.  Maybe they're the same person...  Could be worth digging the Rickster out of retirement to duet with Ms Minogue
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: CU_AMiGA on January 14, 2005, 09:50:16 AM

I think there is a conference today about the whole Busted situation. As for as my sources go, Charlie boy wants to continue with his new "hardcore" band "Fightstar". He has lost interest in Busted.

Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: that_punk_guy on January 14, 2005, 03:42:49 PM
Hardcore? :lol:

Actually, I've seen pictures of those guys in Thursday t-shirts. Expect faux-emo bandwagoneering in the near future. F**king evil scumbags will try to sanitise and resell anything. It's so depressing...
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: PMC on January 14, 2005, 03:51:48 PM
Reminds me of a conversation "back in the day" (circa 1989) with several friends, all "ravers" (ie dressed in baggy Pepe jeans, paisley hooded tops etc).

"I only ever listen to real, hardcore rave"

"What's in your walkman then?"

"Black Box".

Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Wilse on January 14, 2005, 08:15:18 PM

Back in my Uni days (around '93 or so), a mate and I were in arecord shop in Paisley, doing our, at the time, daily record shop.

There was a nice dubby house track on the shop's hi-fi.
A wee ned walked up to the counter and said to the shopkeeper:
"Hol mate, that's music's pish. Huv ye goat any a' that bleepy stuff?
Know whit ah mean, some real f*ckin' hardcore?"

The shopkeeper, without looking up from his muso-magazine said:
"We don't sell hardcore mate but if you go down to Travis Perkins, at the bottom of the road, they've got tons of the stuff."

"Izzat right big man? Magic, cheers." And he trooped out.

Cue hilarity from everyone else in the shop.
(Travis Perkins are builder's merchants.)
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: cecilia on January 14, 2005, 08:22:05 PM
these children don't know what Hardcore is!
in my day people could get Hurt at those shows!

(I got smart very quickly, I figured out where to stand. just to the side of the front of the stage) :-D
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Linchpin on January 14, 2005, 08:48:02 PM
WoW! I never figured so many people HATED busted? (Ok Ok so i did, but ...)

Yeah, I agree down this way radio also sux. My in - car radio is set to

1. Radio One <- Constant Babble, Crap music and Crap hosts
2. Radio Two <- Sometimes interesting discussions, normally crap
3. Vibe FM <- Dancy crap. Thank god i live too far away to recieve it and never bother
4. Radio Wales <- Sometimes interesting (Late nite)
5. The Wave <- Local "Chav" radio
6. Real Radio <- Oldie's crap.

We have no rock radio, nothing. Hence my wallet of 60 CD's in the car rainging from Slayer, to Alanis Morisette, Popping off at the Doors, and back through to Fear Factory.

One thing is for certain, dont be too chuffed busted split. Cos now they are starting 3 different bands... That never dawned on me till i read the site.


 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Doobrey on January 15, 2005, 02:19:00 AM

cecilia wrote:
(I got smart very quickly, I figured out where to stand. just to the side of the front of the stage) :-D

Reminds me of a gig many years ago, some great big fat bloke got up and did a stage dive..I`ve never seen so many people move so quickly, this poor guy just went splat on the empty  floor!

Looking at the charts right now, I bet Radio 1 et all don`t play the song at #3 on the Sunday charts...
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Vincent on January 15, 2005, 02:03:02 PM

Doobrey wrote:
Looking at the charts right now, I bet Radio 1 et all don`t play the song at #3 on the Sunday charts...

They'll -play it on the Sunday in it's chart position.  If you're lucky the Rock Show (Tues/Weds 2am?) might play it, and Jo Whiley might play it too.  Other than that you'll be very lucky to hear it.

Damn shame too, it's my 3rd favourite track :-)

Pity Elvis is number one tho - the bugger is stopping Maiden from being number 2 :-P
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Doobrey on January 16, 2005, 12:02:14 AM
Really? I thought Radio 1 had blacklisted Maiden cos it didn`t fit the stations image (along with Status Quo!).

Doesn`t anyone else think it`s wierd that a song that gets bugger all airplay can outsell all those manufactured wannabees that get shoved down your throat at every opportunity? (Only Elvis and BandAid 20 outselling it)
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: on January 16, 2005, 01:08:21 AM
here in nl there are at least two classic rock radio stations


In the UK on TV and Radio, "Classic Rock" is Status Quo type shyte.

Cue Smashie and Nicey

In at 3, up five places from last weeks position of 2, it's the brand new number 1 "Backman Turner Overdrive - You ain't seen nothing yet! LET'S ROCK!!!!!1
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Cyberus on January 16, 2005, 04:26:26 AM
I liked Eyso's firing squad idea...  :-)
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: CU_AMiGA on January 17, 2005, 03:25:44 PM
The girlfriends of the 2 remaining "Busted" have now split up with them (one even tried it on with Charlie boy). That says a lot doesn't it?
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Doobrey on January 17, 2005, 11:56:48 PM

Cyberus wrote:
I liked Eyso's firing squad idea...  :-)

Nah, that`s far too quick and painless.
Maybe we should tie them to a chair and force them to watch Pop Idol. :evilgrin:
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Vincent on January 18, 2005, 01:30:58 PM

CU_AMiGA wrote:
The girlfriends of the 2 remaining "Busted" have now split up with them (one even tried it on with Charlie boy). That says a lot doesn't it?

Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Speelgoedmannetje on January 20, 2005, 12:33:21 PM

Doobrey wrote:

Cyberus wrote:
I liked Eyso's firing squad idea...  :-)

Nah, that`s far too quick and painless.
painless for me, yes, since it costs hardly any effort to get rid of this rubbish, plus, I don't have to look at it any second longer.
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: CU_AMiGA on February 19, 2005, 01:55:53 PM

Has anyone heard anything from this "hardcore" band yet?!

Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Doobrey on February 19, 2005, 10:40:56 PM

CU_AMiGA wrote:
Has anyone heard anything from this "hardcore" band yet?!

Leave £50,000 in used, non-sequential bank notes by the park bench, and I`ll see to it that no one ever will :evilgrin:  
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: CU_AMiGA on February 22, 2005, 02:57:23 PM

Doobrey wrote:

CU_AMiGA wrote:
Has anyone heard anything from this "hardcore" band yet?!

Leave £50,000 in used, non-sequential bank notes by the park bench, and I`ll see to it that no one ever will :evilgrin:  

Such a high price for such a small job! :-D
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: sir_inferno on June 16, 2005, 04:00:12 PM

LinchpiN wrote:

WoooHoo! Those of you that know who busted are will join me in raising a glass!


not that anybody cares of course  :lol:
but i wanted to ressurect an old thread  :-)

we threw m&m's at busted in barcelona's airports w00t
Title: Re: YES!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Vincent on June 16, 2005, 04:30:14 PM

sir_inferno wrote:
we threw m&m's at busted in barcelona's airports w00t

what a waste of good chocolate :-P