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Opera for Amiga button
Opera for Amiga button
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Description: I found this on some site, it was linked to this url : ttp://www.operasoftware.com/alt_os.html
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Views: 2716
Filesize: 2.14kB
Height: 768 Width: 1024
Posted by: Ni72ous at August 10, 2003, 01:15:49 PM

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Comments (5)

December 27, 2006, 03:58:06 PM
Sad. Could do with a good modern browser :-(
April 13, 2006, 12:15:13 AM
@ NitrousB

August 14, 2003, 07:32:37 AM
@nitrousB: Probably lost and forgotten... that was back when Opera was in what, version 3? :-)

It would certainly have been interesting. However, I can't help feeling they could not have even hoped to have broke even on that project... but they seem interested in porting it to embedded systems for contract money, so it theoretically could be made to happen.

- Paul
August 14, 2003, 12:50:02 AM
according to what i have read there was some Amiga code written, i wonder where it is now.
August 10, 2003, 02:48:33 PM
I use Opera on Windows all the time, I'd be very interested in getting it for Amiga :-D

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