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A500 screenshot: maximum viewable on NTSC 1080 (16 colour)
A500 screenshot: maximum viewable on NTSC 1080 (16 colour)
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Description: Once again, 16-colour A500 Workbench 3.1 screenshot, NTSC highres interlaced. (...more of the same).

The point in posting this is to show the increased screen size - now 692x482 (previously maximum viewable was 660x436). I managed to get a lot more viewable space out of an NTSC 1080 monitor by opening it and adjusting the v-height and v-pos on the circuitboard (none of my 1084s or 1080 has external knobs for this).

The extra space really comes in handy - especially for browsing. It certainly beats the default NTSC 640x400. (...or the pathetic non-interlaced 640x200)

Has anybody gotten more viewable space out of an NTSC 1080/1084? (I mean useful viewable Workbench space - not useless blurry productivity mode or badly flickering experimental stuff)
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Views: 2865
Filesize: 47.21kB
Height: 768 Width: 1024
Posted by: mr_a500 at September 28, 2009, 09:33:54 PM

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Comments (9)

October 04, 2009, 07:09:43 PM
Well you won't get 2560x1600 on a 1080 monitor - that's for sure.
October 04, 2009, 12:44:13 PM
Quote from: cv643d
I wonder what you could do with an A1200 with Indivision? 2560x1600 maybe?

Well, an 8-bit frame buffer of that resolution needs 4000KB. If you had a 16-colour planar display, that's 2000KB, though I doubt any classic, once  booted has that much free chip ram. With 8 colours, you could get away with that area.

Anyway, I doubt such a resolution could be displayed with the indivision, unless it was an autoscrolling display at a lower resolution :)
October 03, 2009, 12:20:23 AM
Nice to see you back! :)

I wonder what you could do with an A1200 with Indivision? 2560x1600 maybe?
February 02, 2009, 06:37:37 PM
November 30, 2008, 08:51:39 PM
Nice to see screenshots from you again!
You do great job and I always amaze how cool can look 8-16 color desktop in good hands.
November 28, 2008, 04:06:49 PM
Ignore the available RAM you see in the screenshot. I was running a bunch of filemanagers and other stuff on other screens. After booting, I've got around 1.5Mb chip.

Hmm.. My 1084S has never been "adjusted" inside, and I run a 722x512x16color (PAL Hi-res/laced) screen on it. And its all viewable.

The 1084S tube must be different from 1080 & early 1084 (I don't know, I've never owned a 1084S). If I could get 722x512, I obviously wouldn't have opened the case and screwed around with it.

I'm sure I could get more height, but there's no h-width adjustment in the 1080 (or 1084). 692 is the maximum width I can get without it being cut off by the monitor casing.

NTSC vertical maximum is 482 anyway. On my A3000 with VGA monitor (no graphics card), I use NTSC 720x480. (PAL flickers too much)
November 28, 2008, 03:40:09 PM
Hmm.. My 1084S has never been "adjusted" inside, and I run a 722x512x16color (PAL Hi-res/laced) screen on it. And its all viewable.

With Fblit,Ftext,MUI3.8,Visualprefs,NewIcons4.6,Toolmanager, and WB3.1 running, my A500+ has about 1500k of chipram left on bootup.
November 28, 2008, 02:54:50 PM
looks great  :-D  how much chip ram do you have left after initial boot up :-?
November 28, 2008, 02:13:12 PM

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