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Amiga Skull biting MIcrosoft
Amiga Skull biting MIcrosoft
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Description: Got really bored, and daydreamed about putting my 1200 in a tower case one day, then wondered what I would airbrush onto it if/when I get one. I used Ibrowse and google image search to grab the skull, along with the Amiga and Microsoft logos/banners. Then used ArtPro to resize the logo images and convert everything to IFF, and finally went into Deluxe Paint IV, and colored everything in. The Circuit board that is supposed to be covering the skull actually came from the documentation included on a cd-rom for a video game. (Star Craft, I believe) It didn't turn out very well at this res, so it just looks green. After saving the final IFF file, I loaded it into Ppaint, and exported it to a .png file, where I then uploaded it here with Ibrowse.  :-D Might make a good tattoo for the incredibly geeky.  :lol:
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Views: 7368
Filesize: 19.66kB
Height: 768 Width: 1024
Posted by: kvasir at July 21, 2008, 01:29:22 AM

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Comments (3)

July 21, 2008, 11:02:52 PM
Was it! Thanks a lot, m8.
July 21, 2008, 07:32:26 AM
The original skull pic was at this url, the original IFF out of DPIV (Assuming my ISP doesn't keep too close an eye on how much space my website occupies, as its already about 2mb over) is @ here. This what you were looking for?
July 21, 2008, 04:12:49 AM
Can you put a link to the original image? DBLPAL resolution will be more than enough, if I'm not asking too much.

 Thanks in advance.

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