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A4000T's new home
A4000T's new home
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Description: The short version of why I moved the Amiga is that I bought a monitor that wasn't suitable for it.  

The longer version is that I made a kickass gaming PC for the first time since the PII 300 was a "kickass" gaming PC (Netmech flew), and I upgraded the monitor to a 21" widescreen LCD that the Amiga didn't seem to like very much in that I couldn't get it to work at 1680x1050 no matter what I did.  Some might recall the thread I posted.  So I stopped using the Amiga and I missed it.

Next I got this bright idea, hey, it works fine on those Samsung displays.  And I have that old 21" CRT.  Hmmm.  So I moved it into the computer room, taking along the PS/2 KVM.  I removed the USB KVM, and installed the PS/2 one -- the fileserver has hot-swap SATA and all this crap, but you have to reboot it to plug in a damn PS/2 trackball! -- and hooked everything up.  The result is what you see here.  I've only had it like this for a couple hours and I'm wondering why I didn't do this in the first place!

Linux normally uses both displays; the Amiga steals one when it's switched to on the KVM, and the CRT is dedicated to the Picasso IV.  Workbench is visible on the far right, and TBL's "Ocean Dream" demo is playing on the CRT.  Windowmaker in the center :-)  Another big reason for the move is I needed a decent monitor for MorphOS (I could only fit a lousy 14" one on my desk for the Picasso IV).

The two A3000s I plan to add when I get a 4-port KVM.  The A3000UX works fine without keyboard and mouse, when it boots I can telnet in (runs AMIX).
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Posted by: Failure at April 22, 2006, 03:05:15 AM

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Comments (2)

February 27, 2009, 12:32:01 AM
2 A3000s, thats just greedy.
April 27, 2006, 02:27:32 PM
Hey, impressive setup.  I had meant to do something like that with my music studio, but never got around to it.  These days, I hardly use my Amiga for music (or much else), so can't be bothered.  Looks good though.

btw, do you have a sun workstation as well?

edit- love the Newtype posters.  I used to try to read the Japanese magazines, before there was an American version.  They had some great material.

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