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Gonna pop a cap in yo ass!
Gonna pop a cap in yo ass!
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Description: Well, that's what my PC told me. Five capacitors in total are damaged. The best is the exploded one on the GFX card (a GeForce 4 128mb). The other four in the background were around the CPU. I know these are PC related, but we have caps in our Amigas too. When last did you check yours? If they are bulged on top or have a brown residue then they are bad. Thanks to Piru, PaSha and Castellen for advice...
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Posted by: X-ray at June 12, 2009, 10:20:28 PM

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Comments (8)

October 11, 2007, 10:34:16 PM
Leakage from caps are not corrosive, but have a  worse side effect: it can loose the copper traces from the board itself!
January 20, 2006, 05:07:22 AM
Not sure about being corrosive, but the chemicles still may not be good for you.  Modern caps are a lot safer than older ones at least.

As far as gas venting is concerned: change the caps.  This shouldn't happen to properly functioning caps which are installed correctly.  I would say it's faulty manufacturing to blame.  For ordinary electrolitic caps, if you install them with reversed polarity, they can literally explode from gas build-up.  They can right through the casing of the equipment, and have caused injuries before.  I don't think this is the case here, but just wanted to let you know that gas production is a possibility.

I'm aware of these problem caps on some Acer computers at my uni.  However, they agreed to repair them under warranty, although I believe the warranty period had officially expired.  Individuals may not receive the same level of service, but may be worth a try.  These comps would make popping/clicking sounds prior to power cut or crash.

It's a good idea not to wait too long to repair caps, as they can become very difficult to read when highly degraded.
January 09, 2006, 04:17:28 AM
Update: still going strong here, despite the messy job. I may have saved myself the expense of a new mobo!
January 01, 2006, 01:20:07 AM
@ Matt_H

I can't find any reference to these things being corrosive on the specialist forum that deals with this. The gunge on my caps doesn't seem to be corrosive. I would say that the danger is failure. Have a look at BadCaps.net for examples of capacitor damage.
December 31, 2005, 11:47:45 PM
Are these things corrosive and damaging like the batteries, or do they just cause the machine to not work?
December 31, 2005, 01:22:50 PM
@ cv643d:

Well hold thumbs for me mate, because so far I sorted out that GeForce card with a similar capacitor (the new one is too big to replace the old one, so I have soldered it onto the reverse side.)

The PC has been more problematic. I could only find monster 4700uF capacitors at short notice and I made a really sloppy soldering job getting them onto the mobo. At first the system was very unstable, then I redid some of the soldering joints and now the system has been fine for more than 24 hours. It is ugly as hell inside, but it works  :-)
December 30, 2005, 11:39:14 PM
The problem is that manufacturers of PC motherboards and other hardware used bad caps a couple of years ago. Google the subject I'm sure you will find more info on this matter.

These caps broke really fast. Myself, I lost a motherboard and a GF4-4200 card. I threw the motherboard out and tried to fix the graphics card but it didnt work with a new cap so I threw 200 dollars worth of graphics board in the trash to.
December 30, 2005, 12:33:33 PM
Had one on a 3com hub... it would literally make sound as if air got out? (not much knowledge of electronics stuff). It would work though...

But, changed that in a bit and is fine now.

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